This is information on how to use the library. For docs on working on the library itself see
This library requires go 1.11 or later.
API reference:
This library is in beta state. All the basic functionality works and passes extensive test suite, but the API for more esoteric features might change.
If you encounter bugs, have suggestions or feature requests, please open an issue.
To learn basics of RavenDB, read RavenDB Documentation or Dive into RavenDB.
Full source code of those examples is in examples
To run a a specific example, e.g. crudStore
, you can run:
.\scripts\run_example.ps1 crudStore
: works on mac / linux if you have powershell installedgo run examples\log.go examples\main.go crudStore
: on mac / linux change paths toexamples/log.go
- Import the package
import (
ravendb ""
- Initialize document store (you should have one DocumentStore instance per application)
func getDocumentStore(databaseName string) (*ravendb.DocumentStore, error) {
serverNodes := []string{""}
store := ravendb.NewDocumentStore(serverNodes, databaseName)
if err := store.Initialize(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return store, nil
To setup an document store with security, you'll need to provide the client certificate for authentication. Here is how to setup a document store with a certificate:
func getDocumentStore(databaseName string) (*ravendb.DocumentStore, error) {
cerPath := "/path/to/certificate.crt"
keyPath := "/path/to/certificate.key"
serverNodes := []string{"",
"", ""}
cer, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(cerPath, keyPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
store := ravendb.NewDocumentStore(serverNodes, databaseName)
store.Certificate = &cer
x509cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(cer.Certificate[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
store.TrustStore = x509cert
if err := store.Initialize(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return store, nil
If you are using an encrypted certificate, see the sample code on how to translate that to tls.Certificate
- Open a session and close it when done
session, err = store.OpenSession()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("store.OpenSession() failed with %s", err)
// ... use session
- Call
to persist changes in a session:
var e *northwind.Employee
err = session.Load(&e, "employees/7-A")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.Load() failed with %s\n", err)
origName := e.FirstName
e.FirstName = e.FirstName + "Changed"
err = session.Store(e)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.Store() failed with %s\n", err)
err = session.SaveChanges()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.SaveChanges() failed with %s\n", err)
var e2 *northwind.Employee
err = session.Load(&e2, "employees/7-A")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.Load() failed with %s\n", err)
fmt.Printf("Updated Employee.FirstName from '%s' to '%s'\n", origName, e2.FirstName)
See loadUpdateSave()
in examples/main.go for full example.
product := &northwind.Product{
Name: "iPhone X",
PricePerUnit: 999.99,
Category: "electronis",
ReorderLevel: 15,
err = session.Store(product)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.Store() failed with %s\n", err)
See crudStore()
in examples/main.go for full example.
var e *northwind.Employee
err = session.Load(&e, "employees/7-A")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.Load() failed with %s\n", err)
fmt.Printf("employee: %#v\n", e)
See crudLoad()
in examples/main.go for full example.
Some entities point to other entities via id. For example Employee
has ReportsTo
field which is an id of Employee
that it reports to.
To improve performance by minimizing number of server requests, we can use includes functionality to load such linked entities.
// load employee with id "employees/7-A" and entity whose id is ReportsTo
var e *northwind.Employee
err = session.Include("ReportsTo").Load(&e, "employees/5-A")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.Load() failed with %s\n", err)
if e.ReportsTo == "" {
fmt.Printf("Employee with id employees/5-A doesn't report to anyone\n")
numRequests := session.GetNumberOfRequests()
var reportsTo *northwind.Employee
err = session.Load(&reportsTo, e.ReportsTo)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.Load() failed with %s\n", err)
if numRequests != session.GetNumberOfRequests() {
fmt.Printf("Something's wrong, this shouldn't send a request to the server\n")
} else {
fmt.Printf("Loading e.ReportsTo employee didn't require a new request to the server because we've loaded it in original requests thanks to using Include functionality\n")
See crudLoadWithInclude()
in examples/main.go for full example.
// load entity from the server
var p *northwind.Product
err = session.Load(&p, productID)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.Load() failed with %s\n", err)
// update price
origPrice = p.PricePerUnit
newPrice = origPrice + 10
p.PricePerUnit = newPrice
err = session.Store(p)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.Store() failed with %s\n", err)
// persist changes on the server
err = session.SaveChanges()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.SaveChanges() failed with %s\n", err)
See crudUpdate()
in examples/main.go for full example.
Delete using entity:
// ... store a product and remember its id in productID
var p *northwind.Product
err = session.Load(&p, productID)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.Load() failed with %s\n", err)
err = session.Delete(p)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.Delete() failed with %s\n", err)
err = session.SaveChanges()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.SaveChanges() failed with %s\n", err)
See crudDeleteUsingEntity()
in examples/main.go for full example.
Entity must be a value that we either stored in the database in the current session via Store()
or loaded from database using Load()
, LoadMulti()
, query etc.
Delete using id:
// ... store a product and remember its id in productID
err = session.DeleteByID(productID, "")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.Delete() failed with %s\n", err)
err = session.SaveChanges()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.SaveChanges() failed with %s\n", err)
Second argument to DeleteByID
is optional changeVector
, for fine-grain concurrency control.
See crudDeleteUsingID()
in examples/main.go for full example.
First you need to decide what to query.
RavenDB stores documents in collections. By default each type (struct) is stored in its own collection e.g. all Employee
structs are stored in employees
You can query by collection name:
q := session.QueryCollection("employees")
See queryCollectionByName()
in examples/main.go for full example.
To get a collection name for a given type use ravendb.GetCollectionNameDefault(&MyStruct{})
You can query a collection for a given type:
tp := reflect.TypeOf(&northwind.Employee{})
q := session.QueryCollectionForType(tp)
See queryCollectionByType()
in examples/main.go for full example.
You can query an index:
q := session.QueryIndex("Orders/ByCompany")
See queryIndex()
in examples/main.go for full example.
tp := reflect.TypeOf(&northwind.Product{})
q := session.QueryCollectionForType(tp)
q = q.WaitForNonStaleResults(0)
q = q.WhereEquals("Name", "iPhone X")
q = q.OrderBy("PricePerUnit")
q = q.Take(2) // limit to 2 results
See queryComplex()
in examples/main.go for full example.
You can get all matching results:
var products []*northwind.Product
err = q.GetResults(&products)
See queryComplex()
in examples/main.go for full example.
You can get just first one:
var first *northwind.Employee
err = q.First(&first)
See queryFirst()
in examples/main.go for full example.
Overview of DocumentQuery methods
// RQL equivalent: from employees select FirstName
q = q.SelectFields(reflect.TypeOf(""), "FirstName")
var names []string
err = q.GetResults(&names)
See querySelectSingleField()
in examples/main.go for full example.
type employeeNameTitle struct {
FirstName string
Title string
// RQL equivalent: from employees select FirstName, Title
tp := reflect.TypeOf(&northwind.Employee{})
q := session.QueryCollectionForType(tp)
q = q.SelectFields(reflect.TypeOf(&employeeNameTitle{}), "FirstName", "Title")
See querySelectFields()
in examples/main.go for full example.
// RQL equivalent: from employees select distinct Title
tp := reflect.TypeOf(&northwind.Employee{})
q := session.QueryCollectionForType(tp)
q = q.SelectFields(reflect.TypeOf(""), "Title")
q = q.Distinct()
See queryDistinct()
in examples/main.go for full example.
// RQL equivalent: from employees where Title = 'Sales Representative'
tp := reflect.TypeOf(&northwind.Employee{})
q := session.QueryCollectionForType(tp)
q = q.WhereEquals("Title", "Sales Representative")
See queryEquals()
in examples/main.go for full example.
// RQL equivalent: from employees where Title in ['Sales Representative', 'Sales Manager']
tp := reflect.TypeOf(&northwind.Employee{})
q := session.QueryCollectionForType(tp)
q = q.WhereIn("Title", []interface{}{"Sales Representative", "Sales Manager"})
See queryIn()
in examples/main.go for full example.
// RQL equivalent:
// from employees where startsWith('Ro')
tp := reflect.TypeOf(&northwind.Employee{})
q := session.QueryCollectionForType(tp)
q = q.WhereStartsWith("FirstName", "Ro")
See queryStartsWith()
and queryEndsWith
in examples/main.go for full example.
// RQL equivalent:
// from orders where Freight between 11 and 13
tp := reflect.TypeOf(&northwind.Order{})
q := session.QueryCollectionForType(tp)
q = q.WhereBetween("Freight", 11, 13)
See queryBetween()
in examples/main.go for full example.
// RQL equivalent:
// from orders where Freight Freight > 11
tp := reflect.TypeOf(&northwind.Order{})
q := session.QueryCollectionForType(tp)
// can also be WhereGreaterThanOrEqual(), WhereLessThan(), WhereLessThanOrEqual()
q = q.WhereGreaterThan("Freight", 11)
See queryGreater()
in examples/main.go for full example.
Checks if the field exists.
// RQL equivalent:
// from employees where exists ("ReportsTo")
tp := reflect.TypeOf(&northwind.Employee{})
q := session.QueryCollectionForType(tp)
q = q.WhereExists("ReportsTo")
See queryExists()
in examples/main.go for full example.
// RQL equivalent:
// from employees where FirstName in ("Anne", "Nancy")
tp := reflect.TypeOf(&northwind.Employee{})
q := session.QueryCollectionForType(tp)
q = q.ContainsAny("FirstName", []interface{}{"Anne", "Nancy"})
See queryContainsAny()
in examples/main.go for full example.
Performs full-text search:
// RQL equivalent:
// from employees where search(FirstName, 'Anne Nancy')
tp := reflect.TypeOf(&northwind.Employee{})
q := session.QueryCollectionForType(tp)
q = q.Search("FirstName", "Anne Nancy")
See querySearch()
in examples/main.go for full example.
// RQL equivalent:
// from employees where (FirstName = 'Steven') or (Title = 'Sales Representative' and LastName = 'Davolio')
tp := reflect.TypeOf(&northwind.Employee{})
q := session.QueryCollectionForType(tp)
q = q.WhereEquals("FirstName", "Steven")
q = q.OrElse()
q = q.OpenSubclause()
q = q.WhereEquals("Title", "Sales Representative")
q = q.WhereEquals("LastName", "Davolio")
q = q.CloseSubclause()
See querySubclause()
in examples/main.go for full example.
// RQL equivalent:
// from employees where not FirstName = 'Steven'
tp := reflect.TypeOf(&northwind.Employee{})
q := session.QueryCollectionForType(tp)
q = q.Not()
q = q.WhereEquals("FirstName", "Steven")
See queryNot()
in examples/main.go for full example.
// RQL equivalent:
// from employees where FirstName = 'Steven' or FirstName = 'Nancy'
tp := reflect.TypeOf(&northwind.Employee{})
q := session.QueryCollectionForType(tp)
q = q.WhereEquals("FirstName", "Steven")
// can also be AndElse()
q = q.OrElse()
q = q.WhereEquals("FirstName", "Nancy")
See queryOrElse()
in examples/main.go for full example.
Sets default operator (which will be used if no AndAlso()
/ OrElse()
was called. Just after query instantiation, OR is used as default operator. Default operator can be changed only adding any conditions.
// RQL equivalent:
// from employees order by FirstName
tp := reflect.TypeOf(&northwind.Employee{})
q := session.QueryCollectionForType(tp)
// can also be RandomOrdering()
q = q.OrderBy("FirstName")
See queryOrderBy()
in examples/main.go for full example.
// RQL equivalent:
// from employees order by FirstName desc
tp := reflect.TypeOf(&northwind.Employee{})
q := session.QueryCollectionForType(tp)
q = q.OrderByDescending("FirstName")
q = q.Take(2)
See queryTake()
in examples/main.go for full example.
// RQL equivalent:
// from employees order by FirstName desc
tp := reflect.TypeOf(&northwind.Employee{})
q := session.QueryCollectionForType(tp)
q = q.OrderByDescending("FirstName")
q = q.Take(2)
q = q.Skip(1)
See querySkip()
in examples/main.go for full example.
To obtain query statistics use Statistics()
var stats *ravendb.QueryStatistics
tp := reflect.TypeOf(&northwind.Employee{})
q := session.QueryCollectionForType(tp)
q = q.WhereGreaterThan("FirstName", "Bernard")
q = q.OrderByDescending("FirstName")
{IsStale: false,
DurationInMs: 0,
TotalResults: 7,
SkippedResults: 0,
Timestamp: 2019-02-13 02:57:31.5226409 +0000 UTC,
IndexName: "Auto/employees/ByLastNameAndReportsToAndSearch(FirstName)AndTitle",
IndexTimestamp: 2019-02-13 02:57:31.5226409 +0000 UTC,
LastQueryTime: 2019-02-13 03:50:25.7602429 +0000 UTC,
TimingsInMs: {},
ResultEtag: 7591488513381790088,
ResultSize: 0,
ScoreExplanations: {}}
See queryStatistics()
in examples/main.go for full example.
- returns all results
- first result
- first result, returns error if there's more entries
- returns the number of the results (not affected by take())
See queryFirst()
, querySingle()
and queryCount()
in examples/main.go for full example.
fileStream, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("os.Open() failed with '%s'\n", err)
defer fileStream.Close()
fmt.Printf("new employee id: %s\n", e.ID)
err = session.Advanced().Attachments().Store(e, "photo.png", fileStream, "image/png")
// could also be done using document id
// err = session.Advanced().Attachments().Store(e.ID, "photo.png", fileStream, "image/png")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.Advanced().Attachments().Store() failed with '%s'\n", err)
err = session.SaveChanges()
See storeAttachments()
in examples/main.go for full example.
attachment, err := session.Advanced().Attachments().Get(docID, "photo.png")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.Advanced().Attachments().Get() failed with '%s'\n", err)
defer attachment.Close()
fmt.Print("Attachment details:\n")
// read attachment data
// attachment.Data is io.Reader
var attachmentData bytes.Buffer
n, err := io.Copy(&attachmentData, attachment.Data)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("io.Copy() failed with '%s'\n", err)
fmt.Printf("Attachment size: %d bytes\n", n)
Attachment details:
{AttachmentName: {Name: "photo.png",
Hash: "MvUEcrFHSVDts5ZQv2bQ3r9RwtynqnyJzIbNYzu1ZXk=",
ContentType: "image/png",
Size: 4579},
ChangeVector: "A:4905-dMAeI9ANZ06DOxCRLnSmNw",
DocumentID: "employees/44-A"}
Attachment size: 4579 bytes
See getAttachments()
in examples/main.go for full example.
name := "photo.png"
exists, err := session.Advanced().Attachments().Exists(docID, name)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.Advanced().Attachments().Exists() failed with '%s'\n", err)
See checkAttachmentExists()
in examples/main.go for full example.
names, err := session.Advanced().Attachments().GetNames(doc)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.Advanced().Attachments().GetNames() failed with '%s'\n", err)
Attachment names:
[{Name: "photo.png",
Hash: "MvUEcrFHSVDts5ZQv2bQ3r9RwtynqnyJzIbNYzu1ZXk=",
ContentType: "image/png",
Size: 4579}]
See getAttachmentNames()
in examples/main.go for full example.
When storing multiple documents, use bulk insertion.
bulkInsert := store.BulkInsert("")
names := []string{"Anna", "Maria", "Miguel", "Emanuel", "Dayanara", "Aleida"}
for _, name := range names {
e := &northwind.Employee{
FirstName: name,
id, err := bulkInsert.Store(e, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("bulkInsert.Store() failed with '%s'\n", err)
// flush data and finish
err = bulkInsert.Close()
See bulkInsert()
in examples/main.go for full example.
Listen for database changes e.g. document changes.
changes := store.Changes("")
err = changes.EnsureConnectedNow()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("changes.EnsureConnectedNow() failed with '%s'\n", err)
cb := func(change *ravendb.DocumentChange) {
docChangesCancel, err := changes.ForAllDocuments(cb)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("changes.ForAllDocuments() failed with '%s'\n", err)
defer docChangesCancel()
e := &northwind.Employee{
FirstName: "Jon",
LastName: "Snow",
err = session.Store(e)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.Store() failed with '%s'\n", err)
err = session.SaveChanges()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.SaveChanges() failed with '%s'\n", err)
// cb should now be called notifying there's a new document
Example change:
{Type: "Put",
ID: "Raven/Hilo/employees",
CollectionName: "@hilo",
ChangeVector: "A:4892-bJERJNLunE+4xQ/yDEuk1Q"}
See changes()
in examples/main.go for full example.
Streaming allows interating over documents matching certain criteria.
It's useful when there's a large number of results as it limits memory use by reading documents in batches (as opposed to all at once).
Here we iterate over all documents in products
args := &ravendb.StartsWithArgs{
StartsWith: "products/",
iterator, err := session.Advanced().Stream(args)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.Advanced().Stream() failed with '%s'\n", err)
for {
var p *northwind.Product
streamResult, err := iterator.Next(&p)
if err != nil {
// io.EOF means there are no more results
if err == io.EOF {
err = nil
} else {
log.Fatalf("iterator.Next() failed with '%s'\n", err)
// handle p
See streamWithIDPrefix()
in examples/main.go for full example.
This returns:
{ID: "products/1-A",
ChangeVector: "A:96-bJERJNLunE+4xQ/yDEuk1Q",
Metadata: {},
Document: ... same as product but as map[string]interface{} ...
{ID: "products/1-A",
Name: "Chai",
Supplier: "suppliers/1-A",
Category: "categories/1-A",
QuantityPerUnit: "10 boxes x 20 bags",
PricePerUnit: 18,
UnitsInStock: 1,
UnistsOnOrder: 0,
Discontinued: false,
ReorderLevel: 10}
tp := reflect.TypeOf(&northwind.Product{})
q := session.QueryCollectionForType(tp)
q = q.WhereGreaterThan("PricePerUnit", 15)
q = q.OrderByDescending("PricePerUnit")
iterator, err := session.Advanced().StreamQuery(q, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.Advanced().StreamQuery() failed with '%s'\n", err)
// rest of processing as above
See streamQueryResults()
in examples/main.go for full example.
Note: make sure to enable revisions in a given store using NewConfigureRevisionsOperation
e := &northwind.Employee{
FirstName: "Jon",
LastName: "Snow",
err = session.Store(e)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.Store() failed with '%s'\n", err)
err = session.SaveChanges()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.SaveChanges() failed with '%s'\n", err)
// modify document to create a new revision
e.FirstName = "Jhonny"
err = session.SaveChanges()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.SaveChanges() failed with '%s'\n", err)
var revisions []*northwind.Employee
err = session.Advanced().Revisions().GetFor(&revisions, e.ID)
See revisions()
in examples/main.go for full example.
[{ID: "employees/43-A",
LastName: "Snow",
FirstName: "Jhonny",
Title: "",
Address: nil,
HiredAt: {},
Birthday: {},
HomePhone: "",
Extension: "",
ReportsTo: "",
Notes: [],
Territories: []},
{ID: "employees/43-A",
LastName: "Snow",
FirstName: "Jon",
Title: "",
Address: nil,
HiredAt: {},
Birthday: {},
HomePhone: "",
Extension: "",
ReportsTo: "",
Notes: [],
Territories: []}]
Suggestions provides similarity queries. Here we're asking for FirstName
values similar to Micael
and the database suggests Michael
index := ravendb.NewIndexCreationTask("EmployeeIndex")
index.Map = "from doc in docs.Employees select new { doc.FirstName }"
err = store.ExecuteIndex(index, "")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("store.ExecuteIndex() failed with '%s'\n", err)
tp := reflect.TypeOf(&northwind.Employee{})
q := session.QueryCollectionForType(tp)
su := ravendb.NewSuggestionWithTerm("FirstName")
su.Term = "Micael"
suggestionQuery := q.SuggestUsing(su)
results, err := suggestionQuery.Execute()
See suggestions()
in examples/main.go for full example.
{FirstName: {Name: "FirstName",
Suggestions: ["michael"]}}
To update documents more efficiently than sending the whole document, you can patch just a given field or atomically add/substract values of numeric fields.
err = session.Advanced().IncrementByID(product.ID, "PricePerUnit", 15)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.Advanced().IncrementByID() failed with %s\n", err)
err = session.Advanced().Patch(product, "Category", "expensive products")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.Advanced().PatchEntity() failed with %s\n", err)
err = session.SaveChanges()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("session.SaveChanges() failed with %s\n", err)
See advancedPatching()
in examples/main.go for full example.
opts := ravendb.SubscriptionCreationOptions{
Query: "from Products where PricePerUnit > 17 and PricePerUnit < 19",
subscriptionName, err := store.Subscriptions().Create(&opts, "")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("store.Subscriptions().Create() failed with %s\n", err)
wopts := ravendb.NewSubscriptionWorkerOptions(subscriptionName)
worker, err := store.Subscriptions().GetSubscriptionWorker(tp, wopts, "")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("store.Subscriptions().GetSubscriptionWorker() failed with %s\n", err)
results := make(chan *ravendb.SubscriptionBatch, 16)
cb := func(batch *ravendb.SubscriptionBatch) error {
results <- batch
return nil
err = worker.Run(cb)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("worker.Run() failed with %s\n", err)
// wait for first batch result
select {
case batch := <-results:
fmt.Print("Batch of subscription results:\n")
case <-time.After(time.Second * 5):
fmt.Printf("Timed out waiting for first subscription batch\n")
_ = worker.Close()
See subscriptions()
in examples/main.go for full example.
To set session transaction as cluster wide you've to set TransactionMode
in SessionOptions
as TransactionMode_ClusterWide
session, err := store.OpenSessionWithOptions(&ravendb.SessionOptions{
Database: "",
RequestExecutor: nil,
TransactionMode: ravendb.TransactionMode_ClusterWide,
DisableAtomicDocumentWritesInClusterWideTransaction: nil,
In order to create cluster transactions you have to get cluster transaction object from your session or you can use it as fluent API.
clusterTransaction := session.Advanced().ClusterTransaction()
In case of wrong session configuration clusterTransaction
object will be nil.
objectToInsert := &YourStruct{[...]}
key := "exampleKeyOfItem"
value, error := session.Advanced().ClusterTransaction().CreateCompareExchangeValue(key, objectToInsert)
You can retrieve your value using various methods.
dataType := reflect.TypeOf(&YourStruct{}) // identifies your data-struct type
key := "exampleKeyOfItem"
value, error := session.Advanced().ClusterTransaction().GetCompareExchangeValue(dataType, key)
dataType := reflect.TypeOf(&YourStruct{}) // identifies your data-struct type
keys := []string{"item/1", "item/2"}
value, error := session.Advanced().ClusterTransaction().GetCompareExchangeValuesWithKeys(dataType, keys)
Returns map where keys are identifiers.
dataType := reflect.TypeOf(&YourStruct{}) // identifies your data-struct type
startsWith := "item/"
start := 0
pageSize := 25
values, error := session.Advanced().ClusterTransaction().GetCompareExchangeValues(dataType, startsWith, start, pageSize)
Returns map where keys are identifiers.
key := "item/1"
index := 5
err := session.Advanced().ClusterTransaction().DeleteCompareExchangeValueByKey(key, index)
var compareExchangeValue *ravendb.CompareExchangeValue
//Load by API
compareExchangeValue , error := session.Advanced().ClusterTransaction().GetCompareExchangeValue[...]
err := session.Advanced().ClusterTransaction().DeleteCompareExchangeValue(compareExchangeValue)
type ExpirationConfiguration struct {
Disabled bool `json:"Disabled"`
DeleteFrequencyInSec *int64 `json:"DeleteFrequencyInSec"`
MaxItemsToProcess *int64 `json:"MaxItemsToProcess"`
Operation creation is available by passing the ExpirationConfiguration
configureExpiration := ravendb.ExpirationConfiguration{
Disabled: false,
//Method: NewConfigureExpirationOperationWithConfiguration(expirationConfiguration *ExpirationConfiguration) (*ConfigureExpirationOperation, error)
operation, err := ravendb.NewConfigureExpirationOperationWithConfiguration(&configureExpiration)
Or directly by passing parameters:
var deleteFrequency int64 = 60
//Method: func NewConfigureExpirationOperation(disabled bool, deleteFrequencyInSec *int64, maxItemsToProcess *int64) (*ConfigureExpirationOperation, error)
opExpiration, err = ravendb.NewConfigureExpirationOperation(false, &deleteFrequency, nil)
Operation returns object:
type ExpirationConfigurationResult struct {
RaftCommandIndex *int64 `json:"RaftCommandIndex"`
Example of usage:
var deleteFrequency int64 = 60
opExpiration, err = ravendb.NewConfigureExpirationOperation(false, &deleteFrequency, nil)
assert.NoError(t, err)
err = store.Maintenance().Send(opExpiration)
assert.NoError(t, err)