Spree is a complete open source commerce solution for Ruby on Rails. It was originally developed by Sean Schofield and is now maintained by a dedicated core team. You can find out more about by visiting the Spree e-commerce project page.
Spree actually consists of several different gems, each of which are maintained in a single repository and documented in a single set of online documentation. By requiring the Spree gem you automatically require all of the necessary dependency gems. Those gems are as follows:
spree_api spree_auth spree_core spree_dash spree_promo spree_sample
All of the gems are designed to work together to provide a fully functional e-commerce platform. It is also possible, however, to use only the pieces you are interested in. So for example, you could use just the barebones spree_core gem and perhaps combine it with your own custom authorization scheme instead of using spree_auth.
Clone the git repo
git clone -b 0-60-stable git://github.com/spree/spree.git
cd spree
Install the gem dependencies
bundle install
Create a sandbox rails application for testing purposes (and automatically perform all necessary database setup)
bundle exec rake sandbox
cd sandbox
Install the gem dependencies supported for sandbox
bundle install
Now you just need to create new database
bundle exec rake db:create
Then use the install generator to do the basic setup (Copies all migrations and assets)
bundle exec rake spree:install
Now you just need to run the new migrations, and setup some basic data
bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake db:seed
Now just loads sample data into the store
bundle exec rake db:sample
Crux is the extension of spree CMS. It is mandatory that Spree has to be installed in the system. Crux enables separate On-Line store will be created for paid registered users. Three kind of users with roles named as Super-Admin, Admin, and Normal User. Super Admin is the one who has ability to manage the domain. Store owners can register And start their own store. Each store will operate as a unique business and will have a custom domain name and branding. Store owner can act as admin for his domain and he can set his Personalised configurations for his shop.
Add to the following gem dependency in sandbox/Gemfile
gem "crux",:git => "git://github.com/railsfactory/crux.git"
gem 'subdomain-fu', '1.0.0.beta2', :git => "git://github.com/nhowell/subdomain-fu.git"
gem 'dynamic_form'
gem 'geokit'
cd sandbox
bundle install
bundle exec rake spree_core:install
bundle exec rake crux:install
bundle exec rake db:migrate
Add the settings.yml file in sandbox/config
domain_url: http://yourdomain.com (eg:http://shop.storefront.com)
secure_domain_url: https://yourdomain.com (eg:https://shop.storefront.com)
sub_domain: yoursubdomain (eg:shop)
separate_url: yourdomain (eg:shop.storefront)
Super-Admin:spree sample user.
Before register any store, the store registration payment method should be updated in admin/configuration panel by super admin. Then only the store can be registered.
DNS Subdomain Configuration
At intial, update your store's Mail method.