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Notes for this qwickshifts port to ReasonML

This was done using these dependnecies:

  "devDependencies": {
    "bs-platform": "^8.2.0",
    "husky": "^4.0.0",
    "lint-staged": "^10.0.0",
    "npmpub": "^5.0.0",
    "prettier": "^2.0.0",
    "reason-react": "^0.9.1",
    "reason-react-native": "^0.64.0"

The reason for these older/deprecated deps is this port is being done for compatibility with an older project, and also because it's not currently possible to do this easily with bs-platform combined with the newer version of reason-react, which is built with dune.

There is also not a newer version of reason-react-native - the newer version of this is now in rescript.

Usage notes

  1. Use npm install --legacy-peer-deps to avoid an incompatibility issue with bs-platform/reason-react/reason-react-native
  2. Need to set up an ocaml 4.06.1 environment (can be done with opam switch create 4.06.1)
  3. LSP tools should work with opam install ocaml-lsp-server dot-merlin-reader - not sure what else needs to be done, as mine didn't require additional setup
  4. Use these commands for building/etc.:
    • npm run clean
    • npm run build
    • npm run watch

Port Status

The code is ported and compiling, and there is an example that appears to be working.

There are a couple interesting things going on with the Interop module and some module unpacking in a few of the modules.


The example/ directory was based on this version of an old reason-react-native template:

The generator tool didn't work with this version, so I just copied the files from the template by hand.

The files from src/ need to be copied into the example/src/vendor folder for this example project to work.

> cd example && yarn reset-vendor

There is also a problem you have to manually fix with the older version of react-native Yoga dependency and newer Xcode:

> cd example/node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/yoga/yoga/
> $EDITOR Yoga.cpp
# Change line 2283 single pipe `|` to `||`

Running the example

> cd example
> yarn install
> yarn react-native start --reset-cache # In one terminal
> yarn run ios # In one terminal
# :pray:

Below are the original README contents from rescript-react-navigation

Build Status Version ReScript Forum

ReScript bindings for react-navigation.

Exposed as ReactNavigation module.

rescript-react-navigation X.y.* means it's compatible with react-navigation X.y.*


⚠️ Work in progress. These bindings are used successfully in several apps, but are not complete yet and still subject to change.


When react-navigation is properly installed & configured by following their installation instructions, you can install the bindings:

npm install rescript-react-navigation
# or
yarn add rescript-react-navigation

rescript-react-navigation should be added to bs-dependencies in your bsconfig.json:

  "bs-dependencies": [
    // ...
+    "rescript-react-navigation"


See <./src/>


Check the changelog for more informations about recent releases.


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