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Top‐Level Global Mode

Quinton Ashley edited this page Feb 7, 2025 · 9 revisions

In p5, functions like rect can't be used on the file level. They must be called from within p5 functions like setup and draw.

q5 Canvas2D : Top-Level Global Mode

In q5, existing p5 sketches that use setup and draw don't require modification. But if you initialize Q5 at the top of your sketch, the preload and setup functions become optional.

new Q5();
createCanvas(200, 200);

fill(0, 126, 255, 102);
rect(50, 50, 100, 100);

This is great because you don't have to declare variables on the file level and then define them in preload or setup. You can declare and define them at the same time!

new Q5();
createCanvas(200, 200);

let cow = loadImage('cow.png');

function setup() {
  image(cow, 0, 0);

Note that if you use loadImage on the file level, q5 will wait to run setup and draw until the image loads.

Optionally if you forgo defining preload, you can run it to signify that the sketch can start once loading is complete. Otherwise q5 will auto-start the sketch after 32ms of delay, this ensures code after new Q5() is run before the sketch starts.

q5 WebGPU : Top-Level Global Mode

See the "Module Usage" section: