King Arthur The Terrible is the DevOps helper bot for Python Discord.
These environment variables are required to start the bot
Environment | Description | Required/Default |
KING_ARTHUR_TOKEN | The bot token to authorize with Discord | Required |
KING_ARTHUR_PREFIXES | The list of prefixes to listen to commands | ("arthur ", "M-x ") |
KING_ARTHUR_DEVOPS_ROLE | The Discord role that is allowed to run King Arthur commands | 409416496733880320 |
KING_ARTHUR_GUILD_ID | The guild the bot should interact with | 267624335836053506 |
KING_ARTHUR_DEVOPS_CHANNEL_ID | The devops Discord channel | 675756741417369640 |
KING_ARTHUR_SENTRY_DSN | Where to send sentry alerts | "" |
These environment variables are required to work on the relevant cog.
Environment | Relevant cog | Description | Required/Default |
KING_ARTHUR_CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN | Zones | A token for the Cloudflare API used for the Cloudflare commands in Arthur | Required |
KING_ARTHUR_GITHUB_ORG | GrafanaGitHubTeamSync | The github organisation to fetch teams from | python-discord |
KING_ARTHUR_GITHUB_TOKEN | GrafanaGitHubTeamSync | The github token used to fetch teams to populate grafana | Required |
KING_ARTHUR_GRAFANA_URL | GrafanaGitHubTeamSync | The URL to the grafana instance to manage teams | |
KING_ARTHUR_GRAFANA_TOKEN | GrafanaGitHubTeamSync | The grafana token used to sync teams with github | Required |
KING_ARTHUR_YOUTUBE_API_KEY | Motivation | The YouTube API key to fetch missions with | Required |
The environment variables are required to work with the LDAP/FreeIPA system.
Environment | Description | Required/Default |
KING_ARTHUR_ENABLE_LDAP | Whether the LDAP cog should be started | False |
KING_ARTHUR_LDAP_BOOTSTRAP_CHANNEL_ID | Channel to send the LDAP account reset message | 1266358923875586160 |
KING_ARTHUR_LDAP_HOST | The FQDN of the host running LDAP | Required |
KING_ARTHUR_LDAP_BIND_USER | The LDAP user to use when making requests | uid=kingarthur,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=box,dc=pydis,dc=wtf |
KING_ARTHUR_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD | The password for the above user | Required |
KING_ARTHUR_LDAP_BASE_DN | The base distinguished name to use for requests to LDAP | dc=box,dc=pydis,dc=wtf |
KING_ARTHUR_LDAP_CERTIFICATE_LOCATION | The location of the self signed cert to send with requests | Required |
KING_ARTHUR_KEYCLOAK_ADDRESS | The URL to the keycloak address to make requests to | Required |
KING_ARTHUR_KEYCLOAK_USERNAME | The username of the keycloak user to make requests with | kingarthur |
KING_ARTHUR_KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD | The password of the keycloak user to make requests with | Required |
KING_ARTHUR_KEYCLOAK_USER_REALM | The keycloak realm to make requests to | pydis |
KING_ARTHUR_EMAIL_HOST | The e-mail relay to send e-mails via | |
KING_ARTHUR_EMAIL_FROM | The "From:" address to set in e-mails sent by King Arthur | |
KING_ARTHUR_EMAIL_USERNAME | The username to authenticate to the mail relay with | |
KING_ARTHUR_EMAIL_PASSWORD | The password to authenticate to the mail relay with |
By default, we install bonsai
, which requires native modules to be installed
such as OpenLDAP.
The LDAP cog will not load in development unless the
environment variable is set
to true, to avoid developers having to attempt to set
up local emulations of the LDAP directory.
This section is not applicable if running in Docker.
Ensure you have the prerequisites for your host OS listed here.
Once you have met these requirements, use the following to install all project dependencies as well as the LDAP dependencies.
$ poetry install --with ldap