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Simple nodejs command that combine vagrant and git to fetch projects and related vagrant boxes for development.

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A very thiny nodejs script that perform a git sync (means perform git clone or git pull depends if the project folder exists on the local machine) on the main project and depends on the file vagrant.yml it also perform git sync on the related vagrant git project and after all is fetched from git than it perform vagrant up or provision.


  • installed npm
  • installed git command
  • installed vagrant command
  • installed vm provider depends on the vagrant box (for example virtualbox)
  • symlink support on shared folders discussion otherwise npm install for example will fail with an error message like npm ERR! Error: ENOENT, lstat '/vagrant/node-modules/grunt/node_modules/glob/examples/usr-local.js' if it is performed on the project folder inside the shared folder. In other words symlink could not be created in vagrant`s shared folder.
    • solved on Windows 7 Host
      • run command line as administrator
      • or change npm install behavoir with npm install --no-bin-links described here
      • or copy the project out of the shared folder but than you lose the automatic git pull o


  • vbguest vagrant plugin to automaticly install virtualbox guest extension

Install it in vagrant with vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest no configuration needed will install the actual virtualbox guest extension if they not already installed in the vm image.

How it works

First run do git clone if the project exist locally than git pull is performed instead.

  1. first look into the project .vagrant.yml file to resolve the vagrant github repo to clone
  2. clone the vagrant github repo
  3. than clone the specified --repo (owner/repo) on the command line into the vagrant github repo /project/(project repo name)
  4. Display content of the vagrant github repo file .vgit.yml
  5. perform vagrant up or provision depends on the command options


Operating Systems

Tested on

  • Windows 7


  • link the fetched github project to the vagrant box by perform git clone in the vagrant project folder that is automaticly shared by vagrant
  • the project could specify more than one vagrant repo so that the user can decide which one he wants two scenarios
    • complete vm image so no provisioner to run. Pros: faster to start Cons: bigger vm image to download
    • small vm image all dependencies or most are installed with a provisioner Pros: slower to start Cons: smaller vm image to download
  • support project based provisioning as esay as possible example but has to be implemented in the vagrant shell provision script example project base provisioning commit


  • add integration tests that can be performed by travis ci
  • add command line option to specify repo to use when project defines more than one to deactivate user input prompt
  • easy creation of .vagrant.yml files for an easy setup of vagrant-git managed projects (can be achieved with packer and bento repo)
  • added support of github branches


npm install -g vagrant-git


vgit [options]
Usage options 
--g (https or git protocol git is default)
--o (for differennt output folder than working dir optional)  
--repo (owner/repo for example pussinboots/vagrant-git mandatory) 
--up (to perform vagrant up default command optional) 
--prov (to perform vagrant provision optional)

For example to check out softcover fork and start a virtual box for it perform.

vgit --g https --repo pussinboots/softcover --up

The --up option is optional the default vagrant command is up if no other is specified. The --g option is optional default is git and other value is https set the git protocol to use for git clone


  • 0.0.7 added support for https protocol to perform git clone so you can avoid the requirement of an public key. Very helpful for windows operating systems.
  • 0.0.6 clean up.
  • 0.0.5 support configuration of multiple vagrant runtime repos per project. For an example [see] (
  • 0.0.4 perform git clone of the project repo into the cloned vagrant runtime repo folder
  • 0.0.3 added debug log message display in the console
  • 0.0.2 3 hours of development and some error handling is missing also tests

Project Configuration

Vagrant Repo

The main software project should contain the .vagrant.yml file on the project root like softcover-nonstop fork.

repo: pussinboots/vagrant-devel

or now it supports multiple repo defintion the user can choose one of them.

    - pussinboots/vagrant-devel-full
    - pussinboots/vagrant-devel

The confiuration above points to the vagrant-devel and vagrant-devel-full repos. This repos contains the vagrant specific configuration but not the base box. It is hosted by dropbox, tried with google drive but failed because it is not possible to get a working permalink to the base box files. The base boxes are registered by vagrantcloud vagrant-devel vagrantcloud vagrant-devel-full this service offer the possibility to use this registered base boxes directly in the Vagrantfile with just a short name for vagrant-devel base box the Vagrantfile will look like this = "pussinboots/ubuntu-truly".

Project Runtime or Development Dependencies

If the referenced vagrant box project support dynamic shell script provision like vagrant-devel does than you can specify what packages the shell provisioner should install. The defined deps here will be passed to vagrant as projectDependency environment variable as one string with delimiter ';'

    - java8
    - sbt
    - rpm
    - createrepo

The configuration above will passed as projectDependencies='java8;sbt;rpm;createrepo' so that is all what this tools does how to resolve and install this packages has to be down by the vagrant provision shell script or maybe other provisioner. I've a working example in my sbt-rpm project. At the moment the vagrant-devel vagrant setup supports only this four dependencies but will be more in the future for a list look in the .vgit.yml file section packages.

Vagrant Box Configuration

At the root path of the vagrant project there should exists a file called .vgit.yml.

description: Ubuntu 14.04 Desktop version that install all development tools with an provisioner shell script.
provision: shell
hint: The first run of the provioner script with vagrant up will fail because oracle 8 jdk installation needs user interaction so if the virtualbox is started login and perform sudo apt-get -f install than wait until this installation is finished and start provision again with vgit --repo (project repo) --prov. To use npm perform su -l vagrant on the terminal.
username: vagrant
password: vagrant

The content of this file will be display before vagrant command is performed so it should contains little description about the vagrant box maybe a hint that descripe steps they has to performed manual or given some advices. All fields are optionla but the file has to be exists at the moment. The field username and password should contains the used value for the vagrant box. That file will produce the following output at the command line. The different process outputs are separeted with a long line of # signs and the above values are display in the #################vagrant project info################ section to give the user some needful information. The below output is an example output on my Windows 7 machine.

Z:\somewhere>node bin/vgit.js --g https --repo pussinboots/herok
options:  { _: [], g: 'https', repo: 'pussinboots/heroku-softcover' }
repo mode
owner pussinboots repo heroku-softcover
default command vagrant up
####################### git output ##########################
repo: pussinboots/vagrant-devel-full

git pull on /vagrant-devel-full vagrant project
 * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.

git pull on vagrant-devel-full/project/heroku-softcover project

##################### vagrant project info ##################
description: Ubuntu 14.04 Desktop version contains all development tools needed
for play 2.2.3, sbt 0.13.5 and nodejs ready to use.

hint: The oracle jdk 8 installation is full automated and accept the license aut
omated. To use npm perform su -l vagrant on the terminal. Maybe restart needed b
ecause new profile.d scripts will be added they take effect after restart.

username: vagrant

password: vagrant

start vagrant up in folder heroku-softcover
################ vagrant process output #####################
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> default: Clearing any previously set forwarded ports...
==> default: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> default: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
    default: Adapter 1: nat
==> default: Forwarding ports...
    default: 22 => 2222 (adapter 1)
==> default: Running 'pre-boot' VM customizations...
==> default: Booting VM...
==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
    default: SSH address:
    default: SSH username: vagrant
    default: SSH auth method: private key
    default: Warning: Connection timeout. Retrying...
==> default: Machine booted and ready!
GuestAdditions 4.3.12 running --- OK.
==> default: Checking for guest additions in VM...
==> default: Mounting shared folders...
    default: /vagrant => F:/fit/workspace/vagrant-git/vagrant-devel-full
==> default: Machine already provisioned. Run `vagrant provision` or use the `--
==> default: to force provisioning. Provisioners marked to run always will still
closing code: 0

Is not the complete output here it should give you a example output.

Development and Contribution

At the moment there is no Travis Build and no Test, i will plan to implements some integration tests and after that i will enable travis build but feel free to contribute now. Also you can share your ideas about vagrant and the this tool with me of course. It is a very simple nodejs command line tool with a little bit more than 100 lines of code but you can feel possibilities right now by using it.

Contributors are welcomed this project starts as a little script to get some automation to speedup project development by fetching related vagrant development environments to get all what is need to rund and develop this project with just one command. Its just a side project of my and to be honest i have not so much time but i will see how i could arrange this. I start to use it for my daily work. For the vagrant and provision related part look at the vagrant-devel project.


  • nodejs 0.10.x

If you want to perform a test run than also the runtime dependencies are needed

  • installed git command
  • installed vagrant command
  • installed vm provider (like virtualbox)


vagrant-git is released under the MIT License.


Simple nodejs command that combine vagrant and git to fetch projects and related vagrant boxes for development.






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