Awesome React Native: Native Modules
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A curated list of Awesome React Native: Native Modules Guidelines/Components/News/Tools/Learning Materials. For general React Native libraries please have a look at awesome-react-native.
Creating Native Modules
Native Modules
- UI Libraries
- Loaders & Animation Libraries
- Alert, Prompt, Action & Dialog Libraries
- Image, Audio, Video & Docs Libraries
- Network Libraries
- Motion Sensor Libraries
- Widget Libraries
- OS, System & File Manager Libraries
- Security & Auth Libraries
- Charts & Graph Libraries
- Utility, Build & Publish Libraries
react-native-linear-gradient β 1710: A component for react-native.
react-native-tableview β 921: Native iOS UITableView for React Native with JSON support and more.
react-native-overlay β 588: A component that brings content inside to the front of the view regardless of its current position in the component tree.
react-native-search-bar β 582: The high-quality iOS native search bar for react native.
react-native-bottom-sheet-behavior β 554: React Native wrapper for Android BottomSheetBehavior.
react-native-sketch β 363: A React Native component for touch-based drawing.
react-native-signature-capture β 343: A simple modular component for react native (iOS) to capture a signature as an image.
react-native-effects-view β 275: Use iOS8 UIVisualEffectViews's blur and vibrancy with ReactNative.
react-native-text-input-mask β 188: Text input mask for React Native, Android and iOS.
react-native-cardview β 153: CardView for react-native (All Android version and iOS).
RCTAutoComplete β 148: React Native Component for MLPAutoCompleteTextField.
react-native-shimmer β 137: Simple shimmering effect for any view in React Native.
react-native-collapsing-toolbar β 130: React Native wrapper for Android CollapsingToolbarLayout.
react-native-custom-segmented-control β 102: Custom version of the IOS SegmentedControl component.
react-native-android-kit β 94: Android Native Kit for React Native
react-native-material-palette β 74: Bringing Material Palette API to React Native.
react-native-ios-drag-drop β 63: Support for the iOS 11+ inter-app drag and drop.
react-native-android-activity β 37: A React Native component for android view pager with tabs.
react-native-full-screen β 31: Full screen functionality for Android.
react-native-tabbed-view-pager-android β 21: A React Native component for android view pager with tabs.
react-native-material-shadows β 19: React Native: Native Material Shadows.
react-native-gradient-blur-view β 10: React Native: Native Gradient with Blur Effect.
react-native-android-bottom-navigation β 10: Native UI Component of Android's BottomNavigation for react-native.
react-native-radio-button-android β 4: A React Native Radio using the stock android widget.
react-native-android-slidingtabstrip β 3: React Native sliding tab strip implementation for Android.
react-native-spinkit β 1230: A collection of animated loading indicators for React Native.
react-native-spruce β 215: React Native Bridge for Native Spruce Animation Library.
react-native-shine-button β 87: React Native: Native Shine Button - Effects like shining.
react-native-taptargetview β 66: React Native Bridge for Android KeepSafe/TapTargetView.
react-native-iconic β 58: React Native - Native Animated Icons with different states.
react-native-material-showcase-ios β 50: React Native Bridge for aromajoin/material-showcase-ios.
react-native-download-button β 35: React Native: Native Download Button: with pretty cool animation.
react-native-progresshub β 11: An implement of ProgressHUD for React-Native, similar to MBProgressHUD for iOS and KProgressHUD for Android.
react-native-siri-wave-view β 8: React Native: Native Siri Wave View.
react-native-dialog-progress β 1: A dialog showing a progress indicator for React Native.
react-native-picker β 870: A Native Picker with high performance.
react-native-activity-view β 387: iOS share and action sheets for React Native.
react-native-dialogs β 382: React Native wrappers for material-dialogs.
react-native-tooltip β 176: A react-native wrapper for showing tooltips.
react-native-snackbar β 172: Material-design "Snackbar" component for Android and iOS.
react-native-bottom-action-sheet β 90: React Native: Native Bottom Action Sheet.
react-native-popover-menu β 68: React Native: Native Popover Menu.
react-native-action-sheet β 66: React native simple action sheet with native android (using the built-in AlertDialog).
react-native-prompt-android β 53: A polyfill library for Alert.prompt on Android platform, working both on Android and iOS platform.
react-native-custom-actsheet β 39: A custom ActionSheet for React Native.
react-native-bem-check-box β 28: React Native bridge for awesome BEMCheckBox.
react-native-nmrangeslider-ios β 24: React Native Slider component with two markers based on NMRangeSlider.
react-native-tooltips β 18: React Native: Native Tooltip View.
react-native-android-location-enabler β 11: Display a GoogleMap like android popup to ask for user to enable location services if disabled.
react-native-camera β 4725: A Camera component for React Native. Also supports barcode scanning!.
react-native-image-picker β 3446: A React Native module that allows you to use native UI to select media from the device library or directly from the camera.
react-native-svg β 2157: SVG library for React Native.
react-native-image-crop-picker β 1790: iOS/Android image picker with support for camera, configurable compression, multiple images and cropping.
react-native-sound β 1114: React Native module for playing sound clips.
react-native-view-shot β 555: Snapshot a React Native view and save it to an image.
react-native-youtube β 514: A component for React Native.
react-native-image-resizer β 470: π» Resize local images with React Native.
react-native-photo-view β 464: Pinch-to-zoom view for React Native (both iOS and Android).
react-native-camera-kit β 422: Advanced native camera and gallery controls and device photos API.
react-native-video-processing β 353: Native Video editing/trimming/compressing π₯ library for React-Native.
react-native-pdf-view β 282: React Native PDF View.
react-native-pdf β 216: A React Native PDF view module.
react-native-voice β 195: React Native Voice Recognition library for iOS and Android (Online and Offline Support).
react-native-doc-viewer β 176: React Native Doc Viewer (Supports file formats: xls,ppt,doc,xlsx,pptx,csv,docx,png,jpg,pdf,xml,binary ...).
react-native-media-kit β 171: Video(and audio) component for react-native apps, supporting both iOS and Android. A unified and elegant player controller is provided by default. The API is similar with HTML video.
react-native-html-to-pdf β 122: Convert html strings to PDF documents using React Native.
react-native-document-picker β 119: Document Picker for React Native using Document Providers.
react-native-image-tools β 109: Image editing software powered by Abode Creative SDK for iOS and Android.
react-native-vlc-player β 60: VLC Player for React Native.
ReactNativeBarcodeScanner β 58: Implemented a barcode scanner with support of react native technology.
react-native-image-intent β 41: π¬ Image intent receiver for React Native android.
react-native-image-sequence β 38: Native implementation for creating frame based image animations.
react-native-multiple-image-picker β 32: React Native Multiple Image Picker.
react-native-quick-look β 30: React Native Component for iOS QuickLook Framework.
react-native-thumbnail β 30: Get thumbnail from local media. Currently, it only supports for video.
react-native-palette β 30: A library wrapping the Android Palette class to extract colors from an image.
react-native-photoeditorsdk β 26: React Native module for PhotoEditor SDK.
react-native-videoeditorsdk β 21: React Native module for VideoEditor SDK.
react-native-compress β 15: Compress video for react native. Only for iOS, Android will be coming.
react-native-pdf-lib β 11: Library for creating and editing PDFs in React Native.
- β 648: React Native Google Admob.
- β 318: React Native In App Purchase.
react-native-push-notification β 2509: React Native Local and Remote Notifications.
react-native-fetch-blob β 1940: A project committed to making file access and data transfer easier, efficient for React Native developers.
react-native-webrtc β 1321: A WebRTC module for React Native.
react-native-mapbox-gl β 1278: A Mapbox GL react native module for creating custom maps.
react-native-ble-plx β 586: React Native BLE library.
react-native-payments β 552: Accept Payments with Apple Pay and Android Pay using the Payment Request API.
react-native-ble-manager β 456: React Native BLE communication module.
react-native-cookies β 442: Cookie manager for React Native.
react-native-ibeacon β 310: π‘ iBeacon support for React Native.
react-native-mail β 266: A wrapper on top of MFMailComposeViewController from iOS and Mail Intent on android.
react-native-bluetooth-serial β 204: Port of BluetoothSerial for React Native.
react-native-speech β 199: A text-to-speech library for React Native.
react-native-gcm-android β 170: GCM for React Native Android.
react-native-background-upload β 168: Cross platform http post file uploader with android and iOS background support.
react-native-network-info β 153: React Native library for getting information about the devices network.
react-native-ble β 151: Central role BLE for react native noble api surface.
react-native-android-sms-listener β 136: Allows you to listen for incoming SMS messages using React Native.
react-native-browser β 87: Full-featured web browser module for React Native apps, based on TOWebViewController.
react-native-print β 84: Print documents using React Native.
react-native-geo-fencing β 74: Native modules to determine if a location is within defined geographical boundaries using Google Geometry library.
react-native-link-preview β 61: Javascript module that allows to extract URL information from text.
react-native-callkit β 60: iOS 10 new CallKit framework for React Native.
react-native-android-speech β 45: This simple React Native module for Android Text To Speech functionality.
react-native-fused-location β 43: Finest location for react-native on Android using the new Fused API.
react-native-kontaktio β 35: React Native (iOS and Android) library for beacons (and all other beacons).
react-native-nfc-ios β 32: Easy to use CoreNFC for React Native.
react-native-carrier-info β 25: React Native module bridge to obtain information about the userβs home cellular service provider.
react-native-media-meta β 18: Get media file metadata in your React Native app.
react-native-android-geolocation β 18: React Native Module to use Android Geolocation via Google Play API.
react-native-region-monitor β 6: A simple and easy to use geographical region monitoring API for React Native. This works for iOS, and Android is there but needs testing.
react-native-google-pay: Accept Payments with Google Pay for React Native apps.
react-native-apay: Accept Payments with Apple Pay for React Native apps.
react-native-gesture-handler β 484: New declarative API for gesture handling in react-native.
react-native-motion-manager β 203: CMMotionManager wrapper for react-native.
react-native-sensor-manager β 146: Native sensors access for react-native.
react-native-proximity β 128:π± A React Native wrapper that provides access to the proximity sensor on iOS and Android.
react-native-android-widget-poc β 70: React Native Android widgets bridged to JS, a proof of concept.
react-native-device-info β 2101: Device Information for React Native iOS and Android.
react-native-fs β 1795: Native filesystem access for react-native.
react-native-i18n β 1249: React Native + i18n.js.
react-native-config β 1177: Bring some 12 factor love to your mobile apps.
react-native-share β 960: Share Social , Sending Simple Data to Other Apps.
react-native-notifications β 882: React Native Notifications.
react-native-contacts β 635: React Native Contacts.
react-native-keychain β 593: Keychain Access for React Native.
react-native-quick-actions β 508: A react-native interface for 3D Touch home screen quick actions.
react-native-background-timer β 349: Emit event periodically (even when app is in the background).
react-native-background-job β 322: Schedule background jobs in React Native that run your JavaScript when your app is in the background/killed.
react-native-social-share β 306: Use the iOS and Android native Twitter and Facebook share popup with React Native.
react-native-share-extension β 286: React Native as an engine to drive share extension.
react-native-google-cast β 217: A library that unifies both android and iOS chromecast sdk.
react-native-branch-deep-linking β 215: NPM module for integrating Branch deep linking with React Native apps.
react-native-keep-awake β 210: Keep the screen from going to sleep. iOS and Android.
react-native-keyboard-manager β 165: Library that allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover on React-Native iOS projects.
react-native-zip-archive β 115: Zip archive utility for react-native.
react-native-unified-contacts β 104: Your best friend when working with the latest and greatest Contacts Framework in iOS 9+ in React Native.
react-native-discovery β 75: Discover nearby devices using BLE.
react-native-share-menu β 74: A module for React Native that adds your app to the share menu of the device.
React-Native-Calendar-Reminders β 59: React Native Module for IOS Calendar Reminders.
react-native-phone-picker β 52: React Native component for select phone number from address book.
react-native-exit-app β 40: Exit,close,kill,shutdown app completely for React Native on iOS and Android.
react-native-app-info β 39: Get app version from NSBundle.
react-native-search-api β 23: The SearchApi module gives you a general React Native interface to interact with the iOS Search API, Core Spotlight.
react-native-battery β 20: Plugin for react native that adds an listener for the battery status of a device.
react-native-get-music-files β 14: React Native package to get music files from local and sd for iOS and Android.
react-native-android-packagemanager β 12: Call some PackageManager APIs from React Native.
react-native-dimmer β 4: A plugin that allows you to enable (eventually lock the device) and disable the screen dim in your React Native app. Works in both iOS and Android.
react-native-sms-retriever: SMS Retriever API for Android.
react-native-google-signin β 768: Google Signin for your react native applications.
react-native-permissions β 670: Check and request user permissions in ReactNative (iOS and Android).
react-native-touch-id β 601: React Native authentication with the native Touch ID popup.
react-native-oauth β 447: A react-native wrapper for social authentication login for both Android and iOS.
react-native-fingerprint-scanner β 172: Provide Touch ID Fingerprint Scanner for React Native (Compatible with both Android and iOS).
react-native-auth0 β 128: React Native toolkit for Auth0 API.
react-native-privacy-snapshot β 102: Obscure passwords and other sensitive personal information when a react-native app transitions to the background.
react-native-charts-wrapper β 648: A React Native charts wrapper (support android & ios).
react-native-svg-charts β 154: π One library to rule all charts for React Native π.
react-native-code-push β 4150: React Native module for CodePush.
react-native-exception-handler β 246: A react native module that lets you to register a global error handler that can capture fatal/non fatal uncaught exceptions.
react-native-awesome-card-io β 235: A complete and cross-platform component for React Native (iOS and Android).
react-native-hockeyapp β 105: HockeyApp integration for React Native with Android and iOS support.
rn-apple-healthkit β 95: A React Native package for interacting with Apple HealthKit.
react-native-cordova β 35: A cordova plugin bridge for react-native.
- All the contributors of above listed Native Module libraries.
- Icons used by aha-soft
Have an idea? Found a bug? Please raise to ISSUES. Contributions are welcome and are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given.
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This library is provided under the Apache License.
AwesomeReactNativeNativeModules @ prscX
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Thanks! β€οΈ
</ Pranav >