Releases: projectestac/odissea
Releases · projectestac/odissea
Released version 16.02.01
- Moodle upgraded to from 2.8.10
- Updated LangPacks
- isEOI is not defined anymore in general Àgora config
- Marsupial: Change context module retrieve only if course is not SITEID
- Agora mailer: Reviewed allowed_environments to put the correct CMO values for DES and INT
- Agora mailer: Change some address errors to warnings
- Updated Local Mobile
- Updated Hotpotatoes module
- Odissea GTAF Sync: Change cron to task, added copy and delete feature and some log
- Added a script to clean temporary tables
Released version 15.12.14
- Settings: Enable html5 audio and video
- Do not block cache if cacheconfig is not writable
- Marsupial: Solve problem opening activities in a popup from my_books
- Updated LangPacks
- Local Agora:
- Scripts: Repair undefined variable in filesystem cleanup
- Scripts: Add script to disable intranet login
- Updated Local Mobile
- Jclic: Changed version numbering method, now the first two numbers are the minimum Moodle required version
- QV: Changed version numbering method, now the first two numbers are the minimum Moodle required version
- Configurable reports: Updated
- Added fist version of Monitor
- Odissea GTAF sync: Solved warnings and deprecations
- Deleted warnings on memcache
Released version 15.11.16
- Moodle upgraded to from 2.8.9
- Updated LangPacks
- AuthIW: auth db is automatically configured if is agora and a intranet is enabled
- Marsupial Rcontent: Solve problem solving reports
- Auth/googleoauth2: Solve password lost problem
- Local Bigdata: Add log of 2.7 to the default profile
- Local Agora:
- File Cleeaning stripts Add not matching table file deleting
- Scripts: Add categories to scripts
- Scripts: Add error message when a suboperation is not found
- Scripts: Add success message
- Geogebra:
- Add useBrowserForJS attribute
- Solve reset errors
- Remove fixed protocol in JavaScript file.
- Jclic:
- Solve reset errors
- Remove fixed protocol in JavaScript file.
- QV:
- Solve reset errors
- Remove fixed protocol in JavaScript file.
- Report CourseQuotas:
- Recount filesize, one file at a time
- Add diff info
- Add user files
- Update chart library
- Repair repository files
- 3rd party updated modules:
- Local Mobile
- Mod and qformat Hotpot
- Mod Questionnaire
Released version 15.10.09
- Moodle upgraded to from 2.8.8
- Delete eoicampus_wsdl_path setting
- Add more information to parse_query error (TO REPORT)
- Updated langpacks on 2015.09.22
- GoogleOauth2: Solve password lost problem
- Local Àgora:
- Update mailer to save log
- Change mailsender log folder from the databse
- Delete filename from mailsender log
- Remove temp cleaning, core task is now doing it
- Move cron to lib.php
- New script to cleanup files, WIP
- Now the main Moodle admin has to be the first of the list
- Add FMO migration script to help changes in Moodle
- Mailer changes:
- Limit retries of sending mails
- Reduce the log and add .invalid exception
- Local Bigdata:
- Move cron to lib.php
- Local Oauth:
- Move cron to lib.php
- Geogebra:
- Remove fixed protocol in JavaScript file.
- Theme XTEC2:
- Delete MDL-42634 solved in 2.8.8
- Solved warning on embedded
- Thirdparty changes:
- Rgrade: Add Units without activities to the unit selector
- Wiris modules updated to 3.54.1 2015.08.25
- Wiris Quizzes question types updated to 3.35.0 2015.08.25
- Updated Local Mobile module, Hotpot
- Updated OU quetion type modules
Released version 15.08.10
- Disabled marsupial as an independent service
- Updated Mailer WSDL's
- Adapt mobile css for the 2nd version of the app
Released version 15.07.20
- Moodle upgraded to from 2.8.7
- Avoid using global variable section to solve a bug on week format
- MARSUPIAL: Add new permission to allow users to change their own credentials only
- Only enabled modules has to be backup
- Reduce from 1 week to 1 the waiting time to purge temp files
- Set empty SMTP hosts to avoid overhead in sending mails
- Change locking from NFS to DB
- Add loglifetime setting for backup logs
- GEOGEBRA: Restore executing JS embedded in Geogebra files
Released version 15.06.18
- Added testapp
- Moodle upgraded to from 2.8.6
- Hide some settings to non xtecadmins
- Set stasharguments by default in config.php
- Deleted participants as default course block
- Configured new Logging system
- Deleted patch to let teachers configure system cohorts
- Changed TinyMCE to Atto
- Deleted EOICampus
- Updated theme XTEC2 with new features:
- Solved advices cache
- Added nodes color scheme
- Added new user menu
- Style maintenance page and popup layout
- Upgraded fontawesome to 4.3.0
- Toggle block view by clicking on each header
- Increased block icon size
- Deleted supercollapse on the grader
- Added footer whatsapp and skype icons
- Added some extra atto modules:
- Font family
- Font size
- Wiris (added for Atto and deleted for tinyMCE)
- Updated modules:
- Marsupial to with code and settings cleaning
- Jclic, Geogebra i QV to version v0.2.7 with events, code and settings cleaning
- Geogebra now admits HTML5
- GoogleOauth, Choicegroup, Wiris, OpenUniversity question modules, Hotpotatoes, Journal, Questionnaire
- Language packs
- Applied patches:
- MDL-49440 lib: Date picker duplicated week day names repaired
- MDL-49742 lib: Removed additional names on tables for sorting. (solved in 2.8.7)
Released version 15.05.19
- Moodle upgraded to from 2.6.10 to 2.6.11
- Added new activity choicegroup that allow group enrolling over a choice activity
- Allow tracking of activities in frontpage to users without role
- Update Mailer library to reduce log and improve stability
- Remove warnings in admin page
- Move sessioncookie to settings
- Update Marsupial to be enabled by default
- Added proxy settings
- Updated modules:
- Marsupial rcontent now has reports
- Hotpot, Moodle mobile, DD question types..
Released version 15.03.20
- Moodle upgraded to from 2.6.7 to 2.6.10
- Added airnotifier module in order to enable push notifications
- Enable Mobile additional features when enabling mobile webservices
- Xtec2 Theme: Created new advices pseudo-block
- Xtec2 Theme: Spelling revision
- Change translation of upload courses tool title
- Local Agora: Renewed mailer library to not depend on Moodle
- Local Agora: Enable service script is not autoregistering Moodle anymore
- Local Agora: Added script to edit advices pseudo-block
- Local Agora: Added script to delete orphaned assignments
- Mailer: Add debugging function to emmancipate from Moodle
- Question type ddimageortext: Solve error when showing more than one question in the same page
- Updated modules:
- All Language packs included
- Mobile
- Hot Potatoes
- Questionnaire
- Wiris Quizzes
- Jclic 0.2.5
- Add protocol recognision through wwwroot url for the applet
- Set JClic default settings to https
- Solved problem showing url on mod edit form
Released version 15.02.20
- MDL-49234 oracle: Remove variables passed by reference error
- Forum: Solved courseoverview patch on mymoodle page
- Now Agora is instalable if environment is LOCAL
- MDL-48980 Security: Always clean the result from min_get_slash_argument
- Simplify site-config
- Added function to save in the parent admin folder of moodle2
- Site config add suport to check id_moodle2 from db
- MARSUPIAL: Added one required library that can crash the import method
- LOCAL AGORA: Add new adware string to search
- LOCAL AGORA: Export bigdata profiles by name
- LOCAL AGORA: Scripts: Notificacion styles and debug
- LOCAL AGORA: Added function to save in the parent admin folder of moodle2
- LOCAL AGORA: Autocalculate mail log path
- LOCAL BIGDATA: Add weekday restriction, save on folder setting and hour restriction
- LOCAL BIGDATA: Solved problem calculating next cron date
- LOCAL BIGDATA: Solved bug on unexistant contexts
- LOCAL BIGDATA: Export bigdata profiles by name
- LOCAL OAUTH: Updated catalan and spanish strings
- LOCAL OAUTH: Some changes in the Client ID and Redirect help.
- LOCAL OAUTH: Added default values when creating provider and improved user interface to include help
- Updated Third party modules:
- Mobile
- Hot Potatoes
- JClic
- DDImageOrText
- DDMarker
- DDWtos
- XTEC2: Solved problem moving blocks
- XTEC2: Repaired a color in external link icon
- XTEC2: Change horizontal padding of #page from 20px to 30px
- XTEC2: Adding icons to notification status