Released version 15.10.09
Moodle upgraded to from 2.8.8
Delete eoicampus_wsdl_path setting
Add more information to parse_query error (TO REPORT)
Updated langpacks on 2015.09.22
GoogleOauth2: Solve password lost problem
Local Àgora:
Update mailer to save log
Change mailsender log folder from the databse
Delete filename from mailsender log
Remove temp cleaning, core task is now doing it
Move cron to lib.php
New script to cleanup files, WIP
Now the main Moodle admin has to be the first of the list
Add FMO migration script to help changes in Moodle
Mailer changes:
Limit retries of sending mails
Reduce the log and add .invalid exception
Local Bigdata:
Local Oauth:
Remove fixed protocol in JavaScript file.
Theme XTEC2:
Delete MDL-42634 solved in 2.8.8
Solved warning on embedded
Thirdparty changes:
Rgrade: Add Units without activities to the unit selector
Wiris modules updated to 3.54.1 2015.08.25
Wiris Quizzes question types updated to 3.35.0 2015.08.25
Updated Local Mobile module, Hotpot
Updated OU quetion type modules
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