- 👨💻 Visit my personal portfolio to see my work.
- 📱 Check out my mobile apps:
- 📱 Check out my desktop apps:
- 📄 PDFKit - PDF Manager
- Building a Simple Morse Code Translation API with GoFr
- Build a Two-Wheeler Traffic Rule Violation Detector — No ML/DL!
- Create Your Own Local AI Chatbot with Ollama and LangChain
- 8 Interesting Free Must-Try APIs for Your Next Project
- Personal Portfolio
- Anifuri - Anime Streaming App (Android)
- Xpenzie - Expense Tracker App (Android)
- Legal AI - AI Chatbot for Indian Legal Issues
- PokéTrivia - Pokémon based trivia games
- SharePad - A collaborative text editor
- Light It Up - Soundtrack
- Ascend - 2D Game
- Radiant Rush - 2D Game
- Classic Asteroids - 2D Game
- Classic Snake - 2D Game
- Gravity Glide - 2D Demo Game
Check out these great services and support my work by using the referral links below!
I would greatly appreciate any donations to help keep my hosting running and support new projects. Your contributions will provide the resources I need to continue creating and developing. Thank you :)