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Intuitive and versatile Menu Manager for your frontends built with FilamentPHP


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Simple Menu Manager for Filament

PHP Version License

This plugin provides an intuitive and versatile menu manager for your frontends built with FilamentPHP. Leveraging saade/filament-adjacency-list, it supports tree hierarchies for a clean and organized menu structure. It’s designed to let you easily add and customize any type of menu item you need.

A special thanks to awcodes for inspiring this plugin with their experimental project, awcodes/sparky. Your work served as a great starting point for creating this flexible menu manager.

Included Menu Item Types

  • Link: a simple customizable link.
  • Page: automatically generates a link by selecting a page created with z3d0x/filament-fabricator.
  • Placeholder: a placeholder, perfect for organizing submenus.


The plugin is highly extensible. You can quickly and easily create new menu item types using the included dedicated command. This makes it an ideal solution for projects requiring a scalable and customizable menu system.


  • PHP >= 8.1
  • Laravel >= 11.x
  • FilamentPHP >= 3.x


You can install the package via composer:

composer require postare/filament-simple-menu-manager

You can publish and run the migrations with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="simple-menu-manager-migrations"
php artisan migrate

Add the plugin to your list in your AdminPanelProvider


You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="simple-menu-manager-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

use Postare\SimpleMenuManager\Filament\Resources\MenuResource\MenuTypeHandlers;

return [
    // Resource configuration
    'navigation_group' => 'CMS',
    'navigation_sort' => 1,
    'model_label' => 'Menu',
    'plural_model_label' => 'Menu',

    // Menu Model
    'model' => Postare\SimpleMenuManager\Models\Menu::class,

     * Menu Type Handlers
     * Add your custom menu type handlers here.
     * */
    'handlers' => [
        'link' => MenuTypeHandlers\LinkType::class,
        // Uncomment this line if you are using z3d0x/filament-fabricator
        // 'page' => MenuTypeHandlers\PageType::class,
        'placeholder' => MenuTypeHandlers\PlaceholderType::class,

    // Livewire component
    'menu_cache' => 1, // Cache time in seconds, each menu has its own cache

Command to Create Custom Handlers

Creating new menu item types is quick and easy thanks to the included dedicated command:

# Syntax: php artisan make:menu-handler {name} {panel?}

# Example: A menu item for your blog categories
php artisan make:menu-handler BlogCategory

Replace {name} with the name of your new menu item type. The command will generate a new handler class that you can customize to suit your specific needs. If you’re using multiple panels, include the {panel} argument to specify the target panel.

Generated Handler Class

When you use the custom handler command, this is what the generated menu handler class will look like:

namespace App\Filament\SimpleMenu\Handlers;

use Filament\Forms\Components;
use Postare\SimpleMenuManager\Filament\Resources\MenuResource\MenuTypeHandlers\MenuTypeInterface;
use Postare\SimpleMenuManager\Filament\Resources\MenuResource\Traits\CommonFieldsTrait;

class BlogCategoryHandler implements MenuTypeInterface
    use CommonFieldsTrait;

    public function getName(): string
        // If necessary, you can modify the name of the menu type
        return "Blog Category";

    public static function getFields(): array
        // Add the necessary fields for your menu type in this array
        return [
            // Components\TextInput::make('url')
            //     ->label('URL')
            //     ->required()
            //     ->columnSpanFull(),

            // Common fields for all menu types

You can add all the fields you need using the familiar and standard FilamentPHP components, giving you full flexibility to tailor your menu items to your project’s requirements.

Visualizzazione del menu nel frontend

To ensure proper integration, add this line to the content section of your tailwind.config.js:

    content: [
        // ...

Adding the Livewire Component to Your Page

Don’t forget to specify the menu's slug when adding the Livewire component to your page:

<livewire:simple-menu-manager slug="main-menu" />

Below is the structure of the Livewire component:

<div @class([
    'hidden' => !$menu,
    <x-dynamic-component :component="'menus.' . $slug . $variant" :name="$menu->name" :items="$menu->items" />

As you can see, the implementation is straightforward. Thanks to <x-dynamic-component>, you have the freedom to create custom menu components tailored to your needs. You can also define different menu variants simply by appending them to the component's name.

Component Example

Create the following file structure to define your custom menu:

  • index.blade.php in resources/views/components/menus/main-menu
    'name' => null,
    'items' => [],

<div class="flex flex-col -mx-6 lg:mx-8 lg:flex-row lg:items-center">
    @foreach ($items as $item)
        <x-menus.main-menu.item :item="$item" />
  • item.blade.php in resources/views/components/menus/main-menu
    'item' => null,
    'active' => false,

    $itemClasses = 'leading-none px-3 py-2 mx-3 mt-2 text-gray-700 transition-colors duration-300 transform rounded-md hover:bg-gray-100 lg:mt-0 dark:text-gray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-700';

@if (isset($item['children']))
            {{ $item['label'] }}

        @foreach ($item['children'] as $child)
        <x-menus.main-menu.item :item="$child" class="px-4 py-4 mx-0 rounded-none" />
    @if (isset($item['url']))
    <a href="{{ $item['url'] }}"
        @if (isset($item['target'])) target="{{ $item['target'] }}" @endif
        @if(isset($item['rel'])) rel="{{ $item['rel'] }}" @endif
        {{ $attributes->class([$itemClasses, '' =>active_route($item['url'])]) }}">
        {{ $item['label'] }}
    <span {{ $attributes->class([$itemClasses, '' => $active]) }}>
        {{ $item['label'] }}
  • dropdown.blade.php in resources/views/components/menus
    'trigger' => null,

        open: true,
        toggle() {
            if ( {
                return this.close()


   = true
        close(focusAfter) {
            if (! return

   = false

            focusAfter && focusAfter.focus()
    x-on:focusin.window="! $refs.panel.contains($ && close()"
    <!-- Button -->
        class="relative flex items-center justify-center gap-2 px-3 py-2 text-gray-700 transition-colors duration-300 transform rounded-md whitespace-nowrap hover:bg-gray-100 lg:mt-0 dark:text-gray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-700"
        {{ $trigger }}

        @svg('heroicon-m-chevron-down', ['class' => 'size-4', 'x-bind:class' => '{ "rotate-180": open }'])

    <!-- Panel -->
        class="absolute left-0 z-10 flex flex-col mt-2 overflow-hidden origin-top-left bg-white border border-gray-200 rounded-lg shadow-sm outline-none min-w-48"
        {{ $slot }}

Variants Explained

The Simple Menu Manager supports menu variants, allowing you to reuse the same menu structure with different designs or behaviors.

How to Use Variants

Pass the variant parameter in the Livewire component:

<livewire:menu slug="main-menu" variant="footer" />

This tells the system to look for the corresponding Blade file:



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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


Intuitive and versatile Menu Manager for your frontends built with FilamentPHP




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