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Training Management Tool

Dev Workshop Project


  • using ES2016 (generators/async/await) then transpiled to ES5 cross-browser compatible code
  • development server with hot-reload for quick development loop
  • static dev-bundle for quick full-page reload
  • automatic build of optimized production package and deployment: npm run bd
  • unit test with simple test runner in TypeScript
  • typescript node support using ts-node
  • git hooks running linter before commit and tests before push
  • editorconfig and tslint as code linter


  • TypeScript - v1.8.10
  • React - v15.1.0
  • MobX - v2.3.1 / mobx-react
  • JSPM (0.17.X) / SystemJS / systemjs-hot-reloader


1. Clone repo
git clone
2. Install all dependencies
npm install
3. Run development server and start developing
npm start

NPM commands

  • npm start - run local development server with hot-reloader at localhost:8888
  • npm test - run tests
  • npm run lint - run code linter
  • npm run dev-bundle - build & inject dev-bundle with all dependencies to index.html for faster page reload
  • npm run dev-unbundle - remove injected dev-bundle
  • npm run build - build production deployment package (minified)
  • npm run build-debug - build debug deployment package (source maps)
  • npm run init-deploy - init deployment repository
  • npm run deploy - commit to deployment repository & push to remote
  • npm run bd - automatic build and deployment




  • PouchDB as persistence layer for stores
  • setup