I am an academic soul, monetizing sucks and I worry how are we going to pay for the consequences.
- 🛠️ Working on:
- EMO BON metagenomics pilots within FAIR-EASE project
- Improving scientific computing in Algarve (Portugal), Python club
- 🎄 Contributing to:
- Elixir apps to support foster care in Portugal and raise awareness about groundwater scarcity
- 🌱 Learning:
- Bioinformatics, genomics
- Open and FAIR data tools
- Elixir
- Build community, create social impact
- 🗝️ Retired projects:
- 💬 Ask me about ultrafast coherent spectroscopy
- ⚡ Fun fact: I'm a physicist, climber, and humbled by depression.
- 🌈 Pronouns: he/him
- Python
- Visual: matplotlib, seaborn, plotly, panel
- DS: pandas, numpy, scipy, sklearn, pytorch
- Apps: Flask, Dash, napari, ImSwitch, PyQt
- Frontend: elixir, svelte, tailwind, Vue.js
- Git, MySQL
- Latex