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This repository was archived by the owner on Jul 19, 2023. It is now read-only.
/ onekey-auth Public archive

TypeScript API authentication library for ONEKEY


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Package Manager

The project uses pnpm for package management.

npm install -g pnpm


Add the following to your package.json as dependency:

  "dependencies": {
    "onekey-auth": "^1.0.0"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@types/jws": "^3.2.3"

You'll need global typescipt, otherwise the auth lib can not be compiled.

npm install -g typescript

The @types/jws dev dependency is reguired becuase the lib will be compiled after the install. Once the lib is publised on npm, this can be removed.


import {
} from 'onekey-auth';

const createAuthManager = async (): Promise<AuthManager> => {
  const config = await defaultIotAuthConfig(
    'your auth server url',
    'your client id',

  return new AuthManager(config);

const doLogin = async (): Promise<void> => {
  const authManager = await createAuthManager();
  const user = await authManager.login('email', 'password');
  const tenantUser = await authManager.chooseTenant('tenant id');

Sample user after login:

  email: 'analyst@localhost',
  tenants: [
      name: 'Sharing is Caring Corp.',
      id: '384fdbda-5039-4d77-b335-2a432449c328'
      name: 'Tenant One GmbH',
      id: 'fdcfa239-8725-4f4b-89aa-e5b0bcc43bf1'

Sample tenant user:

  token: {
    raw: 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5pb3QtaW5zcGVjdG9yLmNvbS8iLCJzdWIiOiJhbmFseXN0QGxvY2FsaG9zdCIsImF1ZCI6IndhbGttYW4iLCJpYXQiOjE2MTM3MzM3NzgsImV4cCI6MTcxMzczMzc3Nywibm9uY2UiOiJrdWxkb2ttYXJ2YWxhbWl0aG9neWxlZ3llbiIsImh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmlvdC1pbnNwZWN0b3IuY29tL3RlbmFudF9pZCI6IjM4NGZkYmRhLTUwMzktNGQ3Ny1iMzM1LTJhNDMyNDQ5YzMyOCJ9.wcZLEqteAT0kH64oPK1MO8SsaxKqKmBvUIISKOcBlBu-r4e1EnmPxXW-FmK2bZesaM6W5lSfx66_qENsbvOhvX5FLGiOkPbQ8AkmDx-AiLRp0DcwP-ACNQ6nz-tvKCJBKI9Ilc9c1FN201r-34q8Pu24Yi5BKZaduUh-SqeMSmX3CscKHpwEIjGUhsG9Nc4D55h4N9-NOU_bZheGsx8lRV60HsSe9AfZmtSrehbV_LSH6ehSCH8QUYR-VBKglD6WjExZv3o9dn1Lug2w6k3BCLTfeR1CQOITdT93wBBue_W9QptiAdWdGQPYDOY0G8SBN71ZAO0-qjKWdkmYdNaJ4w',
    payload: {
      iss: '',
      sub: 'analyst@localhost',
      aud: 'walkman',
      iat: 1613733778,
      exp: 1713733777,
      nonce: 'random nonce value',
      '': '384fdbda-5039-4d77-b335-2a432449c328'
  userGroups: [ { name: 'User group 1', id: '1' } ],
  productGroups: [ { name: 'Product Group 1', id: '1' } ],
  roles: [ 'admin' ]


Install the dependencies

pnpm install

Run the tests

pnpm test