C++ implementation of Shamir Secret Scheme over GF(256)
git clone https://github.com/onbitSyn/shamir_secret_share.git
cd shamir_secret_share/
ls -la
open your favourite editor vscode or atom vscode
code .
atom .
now create a new c++ file
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include "./src/GF(256).h"
#include "./src/shamir.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace GF256;
using namespace shamir;
int main() {
init(); //to initialise the library
scheme scheme1(6,4);// a scheme is formed with 6 members out of which 4 will be used to reconstruct secret message
shares* scheme1_shares = scheme1.createShares("Keep it Secret"); //6 shares are formed for secret "Keep it Secret".
string secret = scheme1.getSecret(scheme1_shares); //secret is reconstructed from the shares
cout << secret << endl;
return 0;
for more information see the example to compile code
g++ example.cpp ./src/shamir.o ./src/GF\(256\).o -o example
Consider a example in which a father wants to secretly divide his Will among 4 children and wants when 3 or more than 3 children wants to read it, then only it can be accessible. Now, father uses shamir's algorithm to secretly divide the will into 4 pieces. Shamir algorithm make a random polynomial :-
share of children 1 :- {1,p(1)}
share of children 2 :- {2,p(2)}
share of children 3 :- {3,p(3)}
share of children 4 :- {4,p(4)}
Shamir's Secret Share Algorithm only works for the finite field, and this library performs all operations in GF(256).Each byte of the secret is encoded as separate byte. For reconstruction of the secret, Lagrange interpolation is used.
Copyright © 2020 Anubhav Vats Distributed under the Apache License 2.0