a application service manager for linux servers same docker but simplify.
in iran internet speed is a very slow and a large of resource get 403 error for development, so iranian developers cant use early docker on the vps on iran local. this package help to us for service managment easyly and faster on yout vps.
- OS: linux based system ( in future available for mac )
first you should get install.sh file from repository or etc resource and get execute access to this file.
- get file:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/omidima/omidocker/main/install.sh
- get executable access:
sudo chmod +x install.sh
- run script:
after run script run omidocker -h
command on terminal and should can see output same this:
usage: omidocker.py [-h] [-f FILE_PATH] build {status,start,stop}
now, enjoy it.
for usign this service creator tool, you should create a omidocker.[yml|yaml]
file with this schema:
service_name: <name of your service>
service_desc: <description of your service>
workdir: <root of your application source code>
command: <commands for install and rin your application>
runner: <commands that should before execute commands same: installing dependencies>
restart: <boolean>
service_name: every services in your system have a name for know system how od service and can managment your service.
command: like a CMD in dockerfile & commands in docker-compose for install script dependencies and execute script you sohuld fill this field.
- examples:
- run a command
... command: uvicorn main:app --host --port 8080 --workers 4 ...
- run more commands.
... command: | source .venv/bin/activate pip install uvicorn pip install fastapi uvicorn main:app --host --port 8080 --workers 4 ...
- run a command
- examples:
service_desc: description of your application service.
workdir: like workdir in docker Specifies your application source code path and where command field execute.
restart: <default: false> This field specifies whether the script should be restarted after stopping. If you set this field to "true" when the service is stopped, the service will be restarted automatically.
service_name: fastapi application
service_desc: cerateed a test fatapi service
workdir: /home/omidima/application
command: |
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install uvicorn
pip install fastapi
uvicorn main:app --host --port 8080 --workers 4
restart: true
Usage: omidocker [command] [options...] ...
positional arguments:
build build script from file path or .
managment services
status show status of a service
start start a service
stop stop a service
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE_PATH, --file FILE_PATH omidocker file path
- Create linux script
- fix zombies proccess bug
- before script command
- Create mac script
- Config build option
- Config start option
- Config stop option
- Config status option
- Create logger for services
- Create ls option for get services list
- other ...