A minimal crypto crypto converter library for NodeJS that works out of the box.
This package can be installed using npm
npm install crypto-converter-lt
or, yarn
yarn add crypto-converter-lt
Import crypto-converter-lt
const CC = require('crypto-converter-lt')
Then instantiate with either the empty constructor
let cryptoConverter = new CC()
Or, with a json object
let cryptoConverter = new CC({from:"BTC", to:"ETH", amount:100})
The convert method will return the conversion based on the last conversion rate and can be used as a promise.
cryptoConverter.convert().then((response) => {
console.log(response) //or do something else
can also take the amount as a parameter.
cryptoConverter.convert(100).then((response) => {
console.log(response) //or do something else
To find the rates use the rates
cryptoConverter.rates().then((response) => {
console.log(response) //or do something else
Rates can be cached for cryptocurrency pairs. To implement rate caching, instantiate an object of CryptoConverter only once in your project, in a CyptoConverter file, and setup rates caching then import the instance of CryptoConverter from the CyptoConverter file in your project across the rest of your project. Use chaining to convert cryptocurrencies when caching is implemented. Below is an example of a CyptoConverter file.
Note: Rates are not actually deleted after the ratesCacheDuration. The rate remains in the rates cache of the CyptoConverter object until a request is made for the same cryptocurrency pair after the rates cache duration has been exceeded at which point, the old rate is overwritten.
const CC = require('crypto-converter-lt')
let cryptoConverter = new CC()
let ratesCacheOptions = {
isRatesCaching: true, // Set this boolean to true to implement rate caching
ratesCacheDuration: 3600 // Set this to a positive number to set the number of seconds you want the rates to be cached. Defaults to 3600 seconds (1 hour)
cryptoConverter = cryptoConverter.setupRatesCache(ratesCacheOptions)
module.exports = cryptoConverter
Chaining is also supported.
cryptoConverter.from("LTC").to("ETH").amount(125).convert().then((response) => {
console.log(response) //or do something else
If any issues are found, they can be reported here.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.