This project is CLOSED! Use nvoynov/marko if you still interesting in compliling markup from separated sources
What is Clerq?
The Clerq is a toolbox for manipulating the hierarchy of text data placed in separate markdown files. It implements three basic ideas:
- Text data repository in file system, based on markdown files with few extra conventions.
- Ruby gem that provides access to the text hierarchy from the repository.
- Basic CLI to manage the repository and compile the text data to documents based on erb-templates.
What for?
The Clerq is suitable for writing thick structured texts. The initial purpose for the system was the "requirements management in file system" and it supposed to help in writing stuff like Vision, RFP, URD, SRS, SAD, and deriving various requirements based artifacts. But now it seems much wider.
Install it yourself as:
$ gem install clerq
Inside Clerq there is a demo project that was created and is still used to develop Clerq itself and its script-extensions. You can see the project here (requirements sources and produced documents Clerq, Clerq SRS.docx)
I am sure this project will be useful when you get to know the product. So, I propose to open it now and look inside as you move forward. Do the following in your console:
$ clerq new promo
$ cd promo
$ clerq promo
$ atom .
$ thor list
The Clerq is entirely based on one single domain entity Node
that represents a node of tree hierarchy and provides id
, title
, body
, and metadata
attributes. It supposes the following simple workflow:
- you create files with text content,
- and manipulate the data by scripts.
The Clerq project lives in the following folders structure that will be created by clerq new <project>
- for output documents;bin/assets
- for assets;knb/
- knowledge base;lib/
- place for extra Ruby code;src/
- source data repository;tt/
- templates;<project>.thor
- see Scripting;clerq.yml
- project settings;
The Clerq reads nodes from a set of separate files and assembles it to a single hierarchy. There are a few conventions for a separate file that will become a part of hierarchy.
The first convention is the scheme how a markdown content becomes the Node
# [p2] Part two
{{parent: top}}
familiar markdown header that indicates a newnode
is an optional identifier that
;Part two
is an optionalnode.title
;{{parent: top}}
is an optional metadata section that becomesnode.meta
;- and finally
is an optionalnode.body
# Part two
{{id: p1, parent: top}}
Every new header (#
) at any level indicates a new node. When a file contains headers of different levels, the nodes will be created in a natural hierarchy based on header levels. So as the result of reading the content below, the Clerq will create the natural hierarchy with root node Top
that holds two child nodes First
and Second
# Top
## First
## Second
One more extra thing is links. You can place links to other nodes in the body section of the file content by using [[<id>]]
macro. It can be handled in templates.
To be able to build a hierarchy or to refer to other nodes, one needs each node to have its unique id. And you can pass it straight into markdown header # [node id] node title
or provide it through {{id: }}
ID can start with one dot, like [.suffix]
, and clerq will build the node id as node.parent_id +
When and ID is not provided, the Clerq will generate it automatically. Let's see the example of node:
# User requirements
## Requirement 1
## Requirement 2
# Function requirements
## [cm] Components
### [.fm] File manager
### Logger
According to rules mentioned above the example will be translated as followed:
# [01] User requirements
## [01.01] Requirement 1
## [01.02] Requirement 2
# [02] Function requirements
## [cm] Components
### [] File manager
### [cm.01] Logger
The excerpt, the text in brackets {{ }}
that follows by the header, contains node attributes. And the second convention mentioned in Writing section is the followed magic metadata attributes that specify parameters of a hierarchy:
id: <id>
specifies id through metadata; when in provided together with# [<id>]
, the last has priority;parent: <id>
indicates that the node belongs to a node with specifiedid
;order_index: <id1> <id2>
indicates that child nodes must be lined up in specified order.
You can place in metadata any simple string that suitable for providing additional information like status, originator, author, priority, etc. E.g.
# [r.1]
{{parent: r, status: draft}}
# [r.2]
{{parent: r
# [r.3]
parent: r}}
When you want to provide some assets or links to something outside the repository you can provide the link to the assets. Put the asset in the bin/assets
folder and specify the link.
# [ent] Entities
The following picture shows something

Clerq provides CLI that is based on Thor, so all standard thor features are supported. To print all Clerq commands type $ clerq help
in your console. To see the list of all the project-specific commands type thor help <project>
To create a new project run new
$ clerq new <project_name>
The simplest way of adding new items to the project is to add a new file to the src
directory. Of course, Clerq also provides the command node
that can create template-based files:
$ clerq node ID [TITLE] [-t TEMPLATE]
If you are using images or other assets, you should place it to bin/assets
directory and write markdown link like 
You also can prepare your own templates it tt
folder and provide template through -t/--template
option. The content of the template will be placed on the created file.
Because of lots of handwriting there can be some specific errors in repository. The most obvious are:
- non-unique identifiers;
- links to and id that does not exist:
- for
attribute; - in
; - in
- for
The system provides command clerq check
that will check the repository for these kinds of errors.
$ clerq check
Clerq provides the ability to combine all the text data from the project repository and create the final document. To create such document you can use clerq build
$ clerq build
It will create final document with default file name, title, and by default erb template. These default values are defined in clerq.yml
and you should change it according to your aim.
Default values of final document parameters are:
document: <project_name>
;title: <project_name>
You also can specify these settings through clerq build
-t/--template TEMPLATE
provides the ability to specify template;-o/--output FILE_NAME
provides the ability to specify output file name.
Clerq provides the ability to query data that match query criteria. To query data you should use -q/--query QUERY_STRING
option where QUERY_STRING
is ruby code that will test if each node matches the QUERY_STRING
. For example, node.tile == 'Functional requirements'
or == 'us'
Sometimes it helpful to check repository structure by clerq toc
command. The command also supports -q/--query QUERY_STRING
The section assumes that you are familiar with Ruby or some other programming language.
Using the basic commands described in CLI section gives you just the ability to create final documents or other output. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, just the beginning, and you can do much more than that with Clerq.
A usual scenario will consist of two simple steps:
- Get data hierarchy from the repository.
- Do some processing of the hierarchy.
The Writing section provides the basic knowledge to understand Clerq, and now it is the right time to see the Node class. It implements the Composite pattern.
Clerq provides the following main service objects:
loads whole repository to Node class;CheckAssembly
checks the assembly for errors (ids and links);QueryNode
provides ability to query nodes from assembly;QueryTemplate
returns template by the template name;CreateNode
crates new node in the repository;RenderNode
returns text rendered by ERB.
The first part of each repository related task is to get repository assembly. It can be performed through NodeRepository#assemble
. Each of these methods returns Node that provides Enumerable interface.
Let's see an example. Assume that you are developing a "User requirements document" and the project policy requires that each user requirement must have the parameter called originator
. You can write the policy as followed:
require 'clerq'
include Clerq::Services
# supposed you have something like user requirements document
node = LoadAssembly.()
node = QueryNode.(node: node, query: "node.title == 'User requirements'")
miss = node.drop(1).select{|n| n[:originator].empty? }
unless miss.empty?
errmsg = "`Originator` is missed for the following nodes:\n"
errmsg <<', ')
raise Error, errmsg
Instead of adding extra scripts files somewhere in the project, you can write tasks in <project>.thor
(see Automating section for details.)
A hierarchy starts form root node and Clerq provides the root node with parameter title
specified in clerq.yml
file. The subject is a bit tricky actually and there are few extra considerations I try to explain below (and you can always see tests)
When your repository stills empty, the Clerq will provide you with the root node. From one point it resembles the NullObject.
When you have a few root nodes in your repository, those become direct childs of the root node. But when your repository contains single root node, the Clerq will return the single node as root node.
The following example does not provide root node and it causes adding root node from clerq.yml
# User requirements
# Functional requirements
But this one provides, and the root node will be Product SRS
# Product SRS
## User requirements
## Functional requirements
The QueryAssembly follows the similar logic
- When query result is empty, the Clerq will provide result with QueryNullNode (node.title ==
, node[:query] == QUERY_STRING) - When query result contains single node, it becomes a root query node.
- When query result contains more than one, those becomes a child of root query node.
The Clerq creates <project>.thor
where you can place your project-specific tasks. It is a standard Thor that brings you all script automation power through CLI and to dive deeper just spend a few minutes reading the poject wiki.
Let's move the code from Scripting section to the <project>.thor
require 'clerq'
include Clerq::Services
class MyDocument < Thor
namespace :mydoc
no_commands {
def stop_on_error!(errmsg)
raise Thor::Error, errmsg
desc 'check_originator', 'Check :originator'
def check_originator
node = LoadAssembly.()
node = QueryAssembly.(node: node, query: "node.title == 'User requirements'")
miss = node.drop(1).select{|n| n[:originator].empty? }
unless miss.empty?
errmsg = "`Originator` is missed for the following nodes:\n"
errmsg <<', ')
And then you can run the task by
$ thor mydoc:check_originator
This example is just very basic and your automation scripts could be much more complex.
Another quick example is the clerq.thor file that was created just to overcome handling curly bracket {{}}
in Jekyll and now I run thor clerq:src:docs
every time after changing this file.
The output of the clerq build
command can be precisely adjusted by modifying the corresponding "erb" template.
One can see the standard template in It produced output in Pandoc's Markdown format and supports the following macros in node body:
- replaces the macro with the list of child nodes;{{@@tree}}
- replaces the macro with the tree of child nodes;{{@@eval}}
- eval ruby code inside the brackets;{{@@skip}}
- skip all content inside the brackets.
In addition to the clerq build
command one can find an example of basic documents management tasks in the lib/clerq_doc.thor (it will be placed in new project lib
folder). You can find there two example of commands that you can start your own publishing automation.
thor clerq:doc:publish
will create<project>.docx
;thor clerq:doc:grab
will import provided document into the current project repository.
The one issue I certain in is when you are using different version of thor, your custom scripts won't work.
Use modern text editor that provides projects tree. like Atom, Sublime, etc.
Hold your projects in Git.
Use pandoc for generating output in different formats
Because Clerq has -q/--query QUERY_STRING
option you can be interested in developing several different artifacts in one project.
I was considering such an example to develop all software project documents in one clerq project but decided that it is more properly to develop one single artifact per project because usually, each artifact has its own develop-review-release cycle.
Also, I was considering to add some kind of a "top" project that is just a wrapper for individual projects inside (each of them is the clerq project, and the top project just provides a specific set of commands.) I was speculating about some kind of shared content and tracing nodes between different artifacts. But for the moment I have no full-fledged vision.
The project is bundled, so after checking out the repo, run bundle
to install dependencies. Then, run bundle exec rake test
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.