The pySROS libraries provide a model-driven management interface for Python developers to integrate with supported Nokia routers running the Service Router Operating System (SR OS).
The libraries provide an Application Programming Interface (API) for developers to create applications that can interact with Nokia SR OS devices, whether those applications are executed from a development machine or directly on the router.
When a developer uses only libraries and constructs supported on SR OS, a single application may be executed from a development machine or ported directly to an SR OS node where the application is executed.
In order to use the pySROS library the following pre-requisites must be met:
- One or more SR OS node
- Running in model-driven mode
- Running SR OS 21.7.R1 or greater (to execute applications on the SR OS device)
- With NETCONF enabled and accessible by an authorized user (to execute applications remotely)
- A Python 3 interpreter of version 3.10 or newer when using the pySROS library to execute applications remotely
Copyright 2021-2025 Nokia.
The license is located here.
Issues, suggestions, and enhancements are welcome. Please use the Nokia support process. Issues raised in GitHub may be considered for inclusion into the project by Nokia. Pull requests are not accepted.
Multiple installation methods are available:
Note: It is recommended to use Python virtual environments where appropriate.
The preferred method of installation of the pySROS libraries is to install
directly from the Python Package index (PyPi) using the pip
The pySROS project is located on
The libraries can be downloaded and installed by using the following:
pip install pysros
To upgrade to the latest release use:
pip install --upgrade pysros
The pySROS libraries are available for download from the portal for registered customers.
The obtained file can be unzipped and subsequently installed using:
python3 install
The pySROS libraries are available for download from GitHub.
The obtained file can be installed using:
git clone
python3 install
Guidance documentation is available in the SR OS System Management Guide.
API documentation is provided in this repository and may be compiled from source using:
cd docs
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
make html
The built documentation will be available in the docs/build/html directory.
Alternative formats may be selected after the make
command instead of the html
attribute. Some of
these include:
- singlehtml
- man
- text