Releases: nkons/r2rml-parser
R2RML Parser v0.8-alpha
- Properties jena.showXmlDeclaration, jena.encodeURLs, and default.forceURI
- Support for custom datatypes (not only xsd)
- An example database (iswc) and associated output
- Support for DSpace 5
- A mapping from DSpace to the Europeana Data Model
- Bugfixing
See the wiki for an up-to-date software description and [getting started]( started).
Please note that this is experimental/unstable software and should not be used in production.
R2RML Parser v0.7-alpha
New Feature
- Properties file can now be passed as a command-line argument
- Object templates can now be of different language, even if they belong to the same predicate-object map
- The input model is now included in the result also in cases when the output is in an rdf file.
- It is not anymore obligatory for the output file to contain a dot
- Updated license from by-nc-3.0 to by-nc-4.0
See the wiki for an up-to-date software description and [getting started]( started).
Please note that this is experimental/unstable software and should not be used in production.
R2RML Parser v0.6-alpha
- Oracle support (in addition to Mysql and Postgresql)
- Several bugfixes and improvements
- Abolished, db.port, properties in favor of a unified db.url with the database connection string.
- Updated dependencies
See the wiki for an up-to-date software description and [getting started]( started).
Please note that this is experimental/unstable software and should not be used in production.
R2RML Parser 0.5-alpha
- Dropped Jena SDB support in favor of Jena TDB
- Bugfixing (wrong query generation in refObjectMap)
- Update dependency libraries
See the wiki for an up-to-date software description and [getting started]( started).
Please note that this is experimental/unstable software and should not be used in production.
R2RML Parser v0.4-alpha
- Experimental incremental RDF generation
- R2RML Parser can now handle files larger than 100mb
- Fixed classpath/dependency issues
- Performance improvements
- Bugfixing
See the wiki for an up-to-date software description and [getting started]( started).
Please note that this is experimental/unstable software and should not be used in production.
R2RML Parser v0.3-alpha
- Experimental incremental RDF generation
- Logging in status.log
- Improved linux/openjava support
- Refactoring
See the wiki for an up-to-date software description and [getting started]( started).
Please note that this is experimental/unstable software and should not be used in production.
R2RML Parser v0.2-alpha
- R2RML implementation now supports constructs rr:joinCondition, rr:parent, and rr:child
- Improved MYSQL support
- Bugfixing
See the wiki for an up-to-date software description and [getting started]( started).
Please note that this is experimental/unstable software and should not be used in production.
R2RML Parser v0.1-alpha
Current R2RML implementation:
- Covers most of the R2RML constructs
- Supports PostgreSQL and MySQL
- Allows exporting the results in an RDF file, with a user-defined syntax (rdf/xml, n-triple, turtle, ttl, n3), or a database (using Jena SDB backend)
- Allows merging the output model with a user-defined input model
- Logs the timestamp and the counting of the triples that were generated by each logical table
- Scales up to millions of triples
- Allows arbitrary SQL queries as logical views, using the rr:sqlQuery construct
See the wiki for an up-to-date software description and [getting started]( started).
Please note that this is experimental/unstable software and should not be used in production.