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Releases: nikic/FastRoute


04 Mar 23:55
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2.0.0-beta1 Pre-release

This is a pre-release of FastRoute containing all recent improvements.
It's meant for enabling downstream testing, specially the detection of unexpected BC-breaks.

In the meantime we'll be updating the documentation and dealing with any undesired breakage.

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FastRoute 1.3.0

13 Feb 20:46
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  • Improve type usage in doc comments.
  • Switch coding style to PSR-2.
  • Mark shape keys in FastRoute.hhi as optional. This adds support for HHVM >= 3.23 and removes support for HHVM < 3.23.

FastRoute 1.2.0

05 Feb 23:43
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  • Added support for route groups.
  • Made some RouteCollector properties protected instead of private.

FastRoute 1.1.0

27 Dec 13:03
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  • If the cacheDisabled option is enabled, the cache file is no longer written. Previously it was not read, but still written. (#114)


  • Added convenience methods get(), post(), put(), delete(), patch() and head() to the RouteCollector. (#109)

FastRoute 1.0.1

17 Jun 15:41
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Placeholder names may now start with an underscore (_) character.

FastRoute 1.0.0

30 Apr 19:37
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This is a re-release of version 0.8.0 without code changes. Given the number of dependent projects there should be a formally stable release :)

FastRoute 0.8.0

25 Mar 23:53
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  • Fixed fallback from HEAD to GET if dynamic HEAD routes are defined.
  • First check all HEAD routes before attempting a GET fallback.
  • Add support for hyphens in placeholder names.
  • (Experimental.) Add support for fallback routes that match any method. These are specified using a * method and matched after all other routes.

FastRoute 0.7.0

20 Dec 20:56
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  • Add HHI file for Hack typechecking support. The HHI file requires HHVM 3.9 or newer.
  • Fix support for empty routes.
  • Improve error message if optional part is not at the end of a route.

FastRoute 0.6.0

24 Jun 15:08
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Added support for trailing optional segments, for example the route

$r->addRoute('GET', '/foo[/{bar}[/{baz}]]', 'handler');

is equivalent to the three routes

$r->addRoute('GET', '/foo', 'handler');
$r->addRoute('GET', '/foo/{bar}', 'handler');
$r->addRoute('GET', '/foo/{bar}/{baz}', 'handler');

As a result of this additional the output format for RouteParser was changed to add another array level, which may need to be accounted for if you use a custom parser.

FastRoute 0.5.0

22 May 16:57
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  • Fixed fallback of static routes to dynamic routes with different allowed HTTP methods. (#50)
  • Added routeCollector option to dispatcher functions. (#40)
  • The simpleDispatcher() and cachedDispatcher() functions will now only be defined if they do not yet exist, resolving some autoloading issues. (#39)
  • Capturing groups inside placeholder regular expressions will now be detected and explicitly forbidden. (#34)

This release changes the structure of the cached data (if cachedDispatcher is used), so the cache file should be removed after the update.