Resgrid BigBoard an Ionic 2 progressive web application based dashboard that displays data from the Resgrid system.
Resgrid is a software as a service (SaaS) logistics, management and communications platform for first responders, volunteer fire departments, career fire, EMS, Search and Rescue (SAR), public safety, HAZMAT, CERT, disaster response, etc.
Sign up for your free Resgrid Account Today!
The following prerequisites are required.
- Node.js (6.9.5)
- NPM (>= 3.10.10)
- Cordova (6.5.0)
- Ionic (2.2.1)
- Bower (1.5.2)
- bower-installer (1.2.0)
- Gulp (3.9.0)
In addition, if you want to run on a emulator or physical device, you'll need your environment setup for iOS or Android development.
To begin, install the required global components:
$ npm install -g typescript cordova gulp ionic
Then clone the repository and install the node packages:
$ git clone
$ cd BigBoard
$ npm install
Now you can use the various gulp tasks to obtain Cordova plugins and install third party libraries via Bower.
You can also just run gulp
without any arguments which will run the below targets.
$ gulp libs # Install 3rd Party JS libraries as defined in bower.json
$ gulp plugins # Install Cordova plugins as defined in package.json
The solution is setup to with Live Reload for Cordova Serve, to use Live Reloading during development:
Open 1 command line window
$ ionic serve # Starts the cordova file web server
Open another command line window
$ gulp dev # Starts the file watcher and hooks into live reload
- [Ionic Framework](
- [Cordova](
- [Angular2-Grid](
- Shawn Jackson (Twitter: @DesignLimbo Blog:
- Jason Jarrett (Twitter: @staxmanade Blog:
Apache 2.0