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This repository was archived by the owner on Jan 22, 2022. It is now read-only.


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The library relies on the official web application It uses Puppetter under the hood to automatically fill the fields and generate an attestation. Multiple profiles can be added simplifying the automation after that.


## Local installation for usage as lib
npm i attest-fr-covid
## Global installation for usage in cli
npm i -g attest-fr-covid

Valid reasons :

  • work
  • buy
  • health
  • family
  • handicap
  • sport
  • legal
  • mission
  • child

Code usage

const getAttestationPdf = require('attest-fr-covid');

async function main() {
    const buffer = await getAttestationPdf(
            firstName: 'Robert',
            lastName: 'Praïvhatheu',
            birthday: new Date('1984-12-10'),
            placeOfBirth: 'Brest',
            address: '54 rue de la victoire',
            city: 'Caen',
            postalCode: '14118'
        new Date(),
        ['sport', 'child']
    // do something with this buffer

CLI Usage

## Add a profile
attest-fr-covid profile add -p eve -f Evelyn -l Droppers -bd 1984-10-31 -bp Paris -a '13 rue de la chance' -pc 35004 -t Rennes
## Delete profile
attest-fr-covid profile delete -p eve
## List profiles
attest-fr-covid profile ls
attest-fr-covid profile ls --json
attest-fr-covid profile ls --json --pretty
attest-fr-covid profile ls -o profiles.json # Can be used as a backup solution
## Generate an attestation
attest-fr-covid generate -p bob -d 2020-11-23T12:30 -r child family -o test.pdf # Multiple reasons can be separated by a space
attest-fr-covid generate -p alice -d 2020-11-23T16:15 -r health > test.pdf
## Version
attest-fr-covid -V
attest-fr-covid --version
## Help
attest-fr-covid help
attest-fr-covid profile help
attest-fr-covid profile help ls
attest-fr-covid profile help delete
attest-fr-covid profile help add
attest-fr-covid generate help