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add tests for #9955.b as well
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zadjii-msft committed Apr 28, 2021
1 parent 33d29fa commit 0fefc5b
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Showing 4 changed files with 119 additions and 7 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/cascadia/TerminalControl/ControlInteractivity.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::implementation

// Update the Core's viewport position, and raise a
// ScrollPositionChanged event to update the scrollbar

// Use this point as our new scroll anchor.
_touchAnchor = newTouchPoint;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::implementation

// Update the Core's viewport position, and raise a
// ScrollPositionChanged event to update the scrollbar

if (isLeftButtonPressed)
Expand All @@ -485,12 +485,12 @@ namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::implementation
// - newValue: The new top of the viewport
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void ControlInteractivity::_updateScrollbar(const double newValue)
void ControlInteractivity::UpdateScrollbar(const double newValue)
// Set this as the new value of our internal scrollbar representation.
// We're doing this so we can accumulate fractional amounts of a row to
// scroll each time the mouse scrolls.
_internalScrollbarPosition = newValue;
_internalScrollbarPosition = std::clamp<double>(newValue, 0.0, _core->BufferHeight());

// If the new scrollbar position, rounded to an int, is at a different
// row, then actually update the scroll position in the core, and raise
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/cascadia/TerminalControl/ControlInteractivity.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -73,6 +73,9 @@ namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::implementation
const int32_t delta,
const til::point pixelPosition,
const ::Microsoft::Console::VirtualTerminal::TerminalInput::MouseButtonState state);

void UpdateScrollbar(const double newValue);

#pragma endregion

bool CopySelectionToClipboard(bool singleLine,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,7 +127,6 @@ namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::implementation
bool _canSendVTMouseInput(const ::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::ControlKeyStates modifiers);

void _sendPastedTextToConnection(std::wstring_view wstr);
void _updateScrollbar(const double newValue);
til::point _getTerminalPosition(const til::point& pixelPosition);

void _coreScrollPositionChanged(const IInspectable& /*sender*/, const Control::ScrollPositionChangedArgs& args);
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/cascadia/TerminalControl/TermControl.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1302,8 +1302,8 @@ namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::implementation

const auto newValue = static_cast<int>(args.NewValue());
const auto newValue = args.NewValue();

// User input takes priority over terminal events so cancel
// any pending scroll bar update if the user scrolls.
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110 changes: 110 additions & 0 deletions src/cascadia/UnitTests_Control/ControlInteractivityTests.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ namespace ControlUnitTests


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -228,11 +229,13 @@ namespace ControlUnitTests
Log::Comment(L"Scroll down 21 more times, to the bottom");
for (int i = 0; i < 21; ++i)
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"---scroll down #%d---", i));
til::point{ 0, 0 },
{ false, false, false });
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"internal scrollbar pos:%f", interactivity->_internalScrollbarPosition));
Log::Comment(L"Scrolling up more should do nothing");
expectedTop = 21;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -410,6 +413,113 @@ namespace ControlUnitTests
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expectedAnchor, core->_terminal->GetSelectionEnd());

void ControlInteractivityTests::TestScrollWithTrackpad()
WEX::TestExecution::DisableVerifyExceptions disableVerifyExceptions{};

auto [settings, conn] = _createSettingsAndConnection();
auto [core, interactivity] = _createCoreAndInteractivity(*settings, *conn);
_standardInit(core, interactivity);
// For the sake of this test, scroll one line at a time
interactivity->_rowsToScroll = 1;

// int expectedTop = 0;
// int expectedViewHeight = 20;
// int expectedBufferHeight = 20;

// auto scrollChangedHandler = [&](auto&&, const Control::ScrollPositionChangedArgs& args) mutable {
// VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expectedTop, args.ViewTop());
// VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expectedViewHeight, args.ViewHeight());
// VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expectedBufferHeight, args.BufferSize());
// };
// core->ScrollPositionChanged(scrollChangedHandler);
// interactivity->ScrollPositionChanged(scrollChangedHandler);

for (int i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
// Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"Writing line #%d", i));
// The \r\n in the 19th loop will cause the view to start moving
// if (i >= 19)
// {
// expectedTop++;
// expectedBufferHeight++;
// }

// We printed that 40 times, but the final \r\n bumped the view down one MORE row.
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(20, core->_terminal->GetViewport().Height());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(21, core->ScrollOffset());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(20, core->ViewHeight());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(41, core->BufferHeight());

Log::Comment(L"Scroll up a line");
const auto modifiers = ControlKeyStates();
// expectedBufferHeight = 41;
// expectedTop = 20;

// Deltas that I saw while scrolling with the surface laptop trackpad
// were on the range [-22, 7], though I'm sure they could be greater in
// magnitude.
// WHEEL_DELTA is 120, so we'll use 24 for now as the delta, just so the tests don't take forever.

const int delta = WHEEL_DELTA / 5;
const til::point mousePos{ 0, 0 };
TerminalInput::MouseButtonState state{ false, false, false };

interactivity->MouseWheel(modifiers, delta, mousePos, state); // 1/5
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(21, core->ScrollOffset());

Log::Comment(L"Scroll up 4 more times. Once we're at 3/5 scrolls, "
L"we'll round the internal scrollbar position to scrolling to the next row.");
interactivity->MouseWheel(modifiers, delta, mousePos, state); // 2/5
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(21, core->ScrollOffset());
interactivity->MouseWheel(modifiers, delta, mousePos, state); // 3/5
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(20, core->ScrollOffset());
interactivity->MouseWheel(modifiers, delta, mousePos, state); // 4/5
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(20, core->ScrollOffset());
interactivity->MouseWheel(modifiers, delta, mousePos, state); // 5/5
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(20, core->ScrollOffset());

Log::Comment(L"Jump to line 5, so we can scroll down from there.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(5, core->ScrollOffset());
Log::Comment(L"Scroll down 5 times, at which point we should accumulate a whole row of delta.");
interactivity->MouseWheel(modifiers, -delta, mousePos, state); // 1/5
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(5, core->ScrollOffset());
interactivity->MouseWheel(modifiers, -delta, mousePos, state); // 2/5
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(5, core->ScrollOffset());
interactivity->MouseWheel(modifiers, -delta, mousePos, state); // 3/5
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(6, core->ScrollOffset());
interactivity->MouseWheel(modifiers, -delta, mousePos, state); // 4/5
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(6, core->ScrollOffset());
interactivity->MouseWheel(modifiers, -delta, mousePos, state); // 5/5
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(6, core->ScrollOffset());

Log::Comment(L"Jump to the bottom.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(21, core->ScrollOffset());
Log::Comment(L"Scroll a bit, then emit a line of text. We should reset our internal scroll position.");
interactivity->MouseWheel(modifiers, delta, mousePos, state); // 1/5
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(21, core->ScrollOffset());
interactivity->MouseWheel(modifiers, delta, mousePos, state); // 2/5
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(21, core->ScrollOffset());

VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(22, core->ScrollOffset());
interactivity->MouseWheel(modifiers, delta, mousePos, state); // 1/5
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(22, core->ScrollOffset());
interactivity->MouseWheel(modifiers, delta, mousePos, state); // 2/5
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(22, core->ScrollOffset());
interactivity->MouseWheel(modifiers, delta, mousePos, state); // 3/5
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(21, core->ScrollOffset());
interactivity->MouseWheel(modifiers, delta, mousePos, state); // 4/5
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(21, core->ScrollOffset());
interactivity->MouseWheel(modifiers, delta, mousePos, state); // 5/5
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(21, core->ScrollOffset());

void ControlInteractivityTests::TestQuickDragOnSelect()
// This is a test for GH#9955.c
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  • temrinal
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my @expect_files=qw('".github/actions/spelling/expect/alphabet.txt
my @stale=qw('"aef aspnet boostorg BSODs Cac COINIT dahall DEFCON developercommunity fde fea fmtlib hotkeys HPCON isocpp llvm mintty msvcrtd Nc NVDA pinam QOL remoting UNINIT Unk unte vcrt what3words xamarin "');
my $re=join "|", @stale;
my $suffix=".".time();
my $previous="";
sub maybe_unlink { unlink($_[0]) if $_[0]; }
while (<>) {
  if ($ARGV ne $old_argv) { maybe_unlink($previous); $previous="$ARGV$suffix"; rename($ARGV, $previous); open(ARGV_OUT, ">$ARGV"); select(ARGV_OUT); $old_argv = $ARGV; }
  next if /^(?:$re)(?:(?:\r|\n)*$| .*)/; print;
}; maybe_unlink($previous);'
perl -e '
my $new_expect_file=".github/actions/spelling/expect/0fefc5b9eacf44ebfb7cbecd69f665e927c45d15.txt";
use File::Path qw(make_path);
make_path ".github/actions/spelling/expect";
open FILE, q{<}, $new_expect_file; chomp(my @words = <FILE>); close FILE;
my @add=qw('"cac coinit draging hpcon infor LLVM MSVCRTD nc Remoting temrinal uninit unk "');
my %items; @items{@words} = @words x (1); @items{@add} = @add x (1);
@words = sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys %items;
open FILE, q{>}, $new_expect_file; for my $word (@words) { print FILE "$word\n" if $word =~ /\w/; };
close FILE;'
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