An unofficial bleak powered cross platform python library for controlling Wonder Workshop's Dash robot.
Adapted from original source code Copyright 2016 Ilya Sukhanov & updated code Copyright 2018 Russ Buchanan
Key differences:
- Changed backend from pygatt to bleak
- Compatible with Python 3.11
- Cross Platform
- Asynchronous
I wanted to use my kids dash robot from my Mac or my Windows machine without reinventing the wheel.
Using Bleak we should be Windows / Mac / Linux agnostic. Please let me know if any issues. Tested on M1 & Windows
git clone
cd bleak-dash
pip install -e .
python tests/
import asyncio
from dash.robot import DashRobot, discover_and_connect
async def main():
robot = await discover_and_connect()
if robot:
print(f"Connected to {robot.address}")
# Example command to move Dash
await robot.move(100, 100) # Move forward 100mm at 100mm/s
await robot.disconnect()
if __name__ == "__main__":