An unofficial (and unsanctioned) python library for controlling Wonder Workshop's Dash robot.
Adapted from original source code Copyright 2016 Ilya Sukhanov
Key differences:
- Adapted to support Python 3.x
- Removed references to GenericRobot
- Added function to get Dash by device name
- Dockerfile
- Sensors are not yet supported
- Dot is not supported
The motivation for this work was primarily to provide a platform to explore Python coding with my kids. The opportunity to experiment with Bluetooth LE was also a factor.
Docker container and source code work when deployed under Ubuntu 18.04. Not tested on other platforms.
Running docker container on host network will launch CPython interpreter:
docker run -it --net=host --name=dash havnfun/python-dash-robot
Import library:
>>> from dash import robot
Create an instance of the robot and play:
>>> dash = robot.get_dash()
Found Dash at: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Connecting to: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Connecting to: <pygatt.backends.gatttool.device.GATTToolBLEDevice object at ... >
>>> dash.say('hi')
(Note that additional warnings are displayed when running in Docker.)