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ISO publication identifiers ("ISO PubID")

Gem Version


This gem implements a mechanism to parse and utilize ISO publication identifiers.

Use cases to support

  1. generate the corresponding URN format (according to RFC 5141)

  2. generate updated PubID

  3. generate language specific PubID

  4. generate dated vs undated PubIDs


Identifier creation

Basic usage of the pubid-iso gem starts with the Identifier#create method.

require "pubid-iso"

pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.create(publisher: "ISO", number: 123)

=> "ISO 1234"

With co-publisher

pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.create(publisher: "ISO", copublisher: "IEC", number: 123)

=> "ISO/IEC 1234"

With document type

pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.create(publisher: "ISO", type: "TR", number: 123)

=> "ISO/TR 1234"

With stage

pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.create(publisher: "ISO", stage: :WD, number: 123)

=> "ISO/WD 1234"

"PreCD" stage

For "PreCD" stage we’re using a special stage called "29" that is not in the International Harmonized Codes.

pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.create(publisher: "ISO", stage: :PreCD, number: 123)

=> "ISO/PreCD 123"

=> ["29.00", "29.20", "29.60", "29.92", "29.98", "29.99"]

With part number

pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.create(publisher: "ISO", number: 123, part: 1)

=> "ISO 1234-1"


An iteration is a version within a stage. A stage must be provided to set an iteration.

If an iteration exists but a stage is not set, an error will be raised.

pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.create(publisher: "ISO", number: 123, part: 1, stage: "DIS", iteration: 1)

=> "ISO/DIS 1234-1.1"

Supplement identifiers

A supplement identifier represents a supplement on top of a base document.

A supplement can be of the following types:

  • Amendment :amd

  • Addendum :add (superseded by Amendment)

  • Technical Corrigendum :cor

  • Supplement :supp

The general construction of a supplement identifier requires a base identifier.

See documentation on PubId::Iso::Supplement#initialize and Pubid::Core::Supplement#initialize to see all available options.


> base = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.create(publisher: "ISO", number: 123, part: 1, year: 2019)
> pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.create(type: :amd, number: 1, year: "2021", stage: "WD", base: base)
> pubid.to_s
=> "ISO 1234-1:2019/WD Amd 1:2021"


> base = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.create(publisher: "ISO", number: 123, part: 1, year: 2019)
> pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.create(type: :cor, number: "1", year: "2021", stage: :WD, base: base)
> pubid.to_s
=> "ISO 1234-1:2019/WD Cor 1:2021"

Using format options

> base = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.create(
  number: "8601",
  part: "1",
  year: 2019,
  edition: 1,
  language: "en"
> pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.create(type: :amd, number: "1", year: "2021", stage: "DAM", base: base)
> pubid.to_s(format: :ref_num_short)
=> "ISO 8601-1:2019/DAM 1:2021(E)"
> pubid.to_s(format: :ref_dated)
=> "ISO 8601-1:2019/DAM 1:2021"
> pubid.to_s(format: :ref_undated)
=> "ISO 8601-1:2019/DAM 1"

Using language specific rendering

> pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.parse("ISO/FDIS 26000:2010(ru)")
> pubid.to_s(format: :ref_num_long, lang: :russian)
=> "ИСО/ОПМС 26000:2010(ru)"
> pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.parse("ISO/IEC Guide 71:2001(fr)")
> pubid.to_s(format: :ref_num_long, lang: :french)
=> "Guide ISO/CEI 71:2001(fr)"

Rendering URN identifier

> base = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.create(
  number: "8601",
  part: "1",
  year: 2019,
  edition: 1,
> pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.create(type: :amd, number: "1", year: "2021", stage: "DAM", base: base)
> pubid.urn
=> "urn:iso:std:iso:8601:-1:ed-1:stage-draft:amd:2021:v1"

Typed stage abbreviation

> pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.parse("ISO/FDIS 26000:2010")
> pubid.typed_stage_abbrev
=> "FDIS"
> pubid.typed_stage_name
=> "Final Draft International Standard"

> pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.parse("ISO/FDTR 26000:2010")
> pubid.typed_stage_abbrev
=> "FDTR"
> pubid.typed_stage_name
=> "Final Draft Technical Report"

> pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.parse("ISO/WD TR 26000:2010")
> pubid.typed_stage_abbrev
=> "WD TR"
> pubid.typed_stage_name
=> "Working Draft Technical Report"

Identifier’s class and type

Identifier#parse resolves a parsed identifier to the correct class and type.

Pubid::Iso::Identifier.parse("ISO/TC 184/SC 4 N1000").class
# => Pubid::Iso::Identifier::TechnicalCommittee
Pubid::Iso::Identifier.parse("ISO/TC 184/SC 4 N1000").type
# => {:key=>:tc, :title=>"Technical Committee"}
Pubid::Iso::Identifier.parse("ISO 10001").class
# => Pubid::Iso::Identifier::InternationalStandard
Pubid::Iso::Identifier.parse("ISO 10001").type
# => {:key=>:is, :title=>"International Standard"}

Root identifier

Identifier#root points to the root identifier.

The root identifier is defined as:

  • for supplement identifiers, the root identifier is the base identifier;

  • for other identifiers, the root identifier is the identifier itself.

> pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.parse("ISO/WD TR 26000:2010")
> pubid.root.to_s
=> "ISO/WD TR 26000:2010"
> pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.parse("ISO 10231:2003/Amd 1:2015")
> pubid.root.to_s
=> "ISO 10231:2003"
> pubid = Pubid::Iso::Identifier.parse("ISO/IEC 13818-1:2015/Amd 3:2016/Cor 1:2017")
> pubid.root.to_s
=> "ISO/IEC 13818-1:2015"

See documentation (Pubid::Iso::Identifier and Pubid::Core::Identifier) for all available attributes and options.

Elements of the PubID

Document identifier


The ISO document identifier is assembled out of these metadata elements:


publisher of the document

document stage

stage of development of document, according to the Harmonized Stage Codes

document number

numeric identifier of document

update number

serial number of update (for amendments and technical corrigenda)

document type

type of ISO deliverable

copyright year

year of publication of document


language of document


This is the abbreviation of the publishing organization, typically ISO.

If the document is published under co-publishing agreements, it can contain the abbreviations of other publishing SDOs, delimited by / after ISO.

An International Workshop Agreement document has publisher abbreviation of IWA.


Document type and stage

ISO document stages in document identifiers are mapped as follows.

International Standard
00.00 to 00.99


10.00 to 10.98


10.99 to 20.00


20.20 to 20.99


30.00 to 30.99


40.00 to 40.99


50.00 to 50.99





empty designation

Technical Specification, Technical Report
00.00 to 00.99


10.00 to 10.98

“NP {TR,TS}”

10.98 to 20.00


20.20 to 20.99

“WD {TR,TS}”

30.00 to 30.99

“CD {TR,TS}”

40.00 to 40.99

TS/TRs do not have DIS stage because they are not international standards.

50.00 to 50.99

TS/TRs do not have FDIS stage because they are not international standards.





00.00 to 00.99

“{base-document-id}/PWI Amd {num}”

10.00 to 10.98

“{base-document-id}/NP Amd {num}”

10.99 to 20.00

“{base-document-id}/AWI Amd {num}”

20.20 to 20.99

“{base-document-id}/WD Amd {num}”

30.00 to 30.99

“{base-document-id}/CD Amd {num}”

40.00 to 40.99

“{base-document-id}/DAmd {num}”

50.00 to 50.99

“{base-document-id}/FDAmd {num}”


“{base-document-id}/PRF Amd {num}”


“{base-document-id}/Amd {num}”

Technical Corrigendum
00.00 to 00.99

“{base-document-id}/PWI Cor {num}”

10.00 to 10.98

“{base-document-id}/NP Cor {num}”

10.99 to 20.00

“{base-document-id}/AWI Cor {num}”

20.20 to 20.99

“{base-document-id}/WD Cor {num}”

30.00 to 30.99

“{base-document-id}/CD Cor {num}”

40.00 to 40.99

“{base-document-id}/DIS Cor {num}”

50.00 to 50.99

“{base-document-id}/FDCor {num}”


“{base-document-id}/PRF Cor {num}”


“{base-document-id}/Cor {num}”

When the Publisher element contains a “slash” (“/”), the separation in front of the document stage will be converted into an empty space.

ISO/NP 33333 but ISO/IEC NP 33333. ISO/NP TR 33333 but ISO/IEC NP TR 33333.

According to ISO Directives Part 1 (11ed), SE.2:

Working drafts (WD), committee drafts (CD), draft International Standards (DIS), final draft International Standards (FDIS) and International Standards`", "`Successive DIS on the same subject will carry the same number but will be distinguished by a numerical suffix (.2, .3, etc.).

ISO/CD TR 10064-2.2 ISO/IEC CD 23264-2.4 ISO/DIS 80369-3.2

In an ISO PubID, the stage iteration number is applied to the standard number, patterned as:

  • {document stage} {document number} (if iteration is 1); or

  • {document stage} {document number}.{iteration number} (if iteration is larger than 1).

Once the document is published (stage 60 substage 60), no status abbreviation is given.

Full PubID patterns

The patterns are as follows:

International Standard

{publisher} (/{document type and stage})? ({document number}) (- {part number})? (: {copyright year}) ({ISO 639 language code})?

ISO/IEEE/FDIS 33333-2, ISO/IEEE 33333-2:2030(E)

Technical Report, Technical Specification

{publisher} (/{document type and stage}) ({document number}) (- {part number})? (: {copyright year}) ({ISO 639 language code})?

ISO/IEC/FDIS TS 33333-2, ISO/TR 33333-2:2030(E), ISO/IEC TR 33333-2:2030(E)

Amendments, Technical Corrigendum

{source document ID}/{document type and stage} {update number} (: {copyright year}) ({ISO 639 language code})?

ISO 33333-2:2030/DIS Cor 2:2031, ISO 33333-2:2030/Cor 2:2032, ISO/IEC 33333-2:2030/Cor 2:2032