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Metanorma processor for CSA documents

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This gem processes Metanorma documents following a template for generating CSA documents.

The gem currently inherits from the gem, and aligns closely to it. Refer to the ISO gem documentation for guidance, including

The following outputs are generated.

  • Metanorma XML

  • HTML output (from Metanorma XML)

  • PDF output (from Metanorma XML)


The preferred way to invoke this gem is via the metanorma command:

$ metanorma --type csa a.adoc                   # output just HTML
$ metanorma --type csa a.adoc --extensions html # output just HTML
$ metanorma --type csa a.adoc --extensions xml  # output CSAND XML

The gem translates the document into CSAND XML format, and then validates its output against the CSAND XML document model; errors are reported to console against the XML, and are intended for users to check that they have provided all necessary components of the document.

The gem then converts the XML to HTML, and outputs that files with the appropriate .html suffix.


If you are using a Mac, the repository has instructions on setting up your machine to run Metanorma scripts such as this one. You need only run the following in a Terminal console:

$ bash <(curl -s
$ gem install metanorma-csa



Metanorma-CSA was formerly published as asciidoctor-csand.