speckenv because a speck is a synonym for a dot and because Speck is awesome.
Read the settings contained in ./.env
into os.environ
from speckenv import read_speckenv
Note that read_speckenv
uses os.environ.setdefault
to set new values,
which means that if a particular key exists more than once in the file the
first value is retained, not the last.
If the file is named differently or resides in a different path, pass the
full path as first argument to read_speckenv
Read individual values:
from speckenv import env
# Standard usage:
# Fallback if SETTING2 does not exist:
SETTING2 = env("SETTING2", default="bla")
# Fail hard if missing:
SETTING3 = env("SETTING3", required=True)
# Coerce the value before returning it (coercion is also applied to
# default values):
SETTING4 = env(
coerce=lambda value: date(*(int(part) for part in value.split("-"))),
The following values are evaluated as Python literals, therefore coercing values may be useful less often than you might think:
BOOL=True # And False, None etc. NUMBER=42 SWEET_HOME=["localhost", ""]
Additional whitespace around the equals sign is supported. Empty lines and
lines starting with a #
are ignored:
You shouldn't use comments in lines though. They sometimes work by accident but it's a bad idea.
If a value looks like a Python type but you want to load it as a string you
have to add quote characters ("
or '
) around the value or use coercion,
NUMBER_AS_STRING = env("NUMBER", coerce=str)
# Alternatively, read the value directly from os.environ:
It may be useful to use a mapping separate from os.environ
. This is
easily possible by overriding the default mapping argument:
from speckenv import env, read_speckenv
mapping = {}
read_speckenv("file_with_variables.env", mapping=mapping)
setting1 = env("SETTING1", mapping=mapping)
speckenv comes with a few utilities for configuring Django using environment
variables. These are all pure functions without any side effects and no
dependency on their environment. They are only bundled with speckenv
because they are useful and because it's convenient to do so.
Many other projects exist which already do this but speckenv_django
different in that it only covers interesting settings. Also, the implementation
doesn't add monkey patches to urllib.parse
speckenv doesn't depend on Django, if you don't want to use Django or the
module you're not paying anything besides a few KiB on the
Covers configuring a Redis, locmem or dummy cache backend with optional
authentication credentials. The Redis configuration only supports Django 4 or
better. redis://
and hiredis://
are equivalent since recent enough
versions of redis-py automatically select the hiredis parser if it is
from speckenv import env
from speckenv_django import django_cache_url
# CACHE_URL=hiredis://localhost:6379/1/?key_prefix=example_com"
CACHES = {"default": django_cache_url(env("CACHE_URL", default="locmem://"))}
# NOTE! locmem:// may be a bad default, but that's up to you really.
Covers configuring a PostgreSQL, PostGIS or sqlite database engine with authentication credentials.
from speckenv import env
from speckenv_django import django_database_url
# DATABASE_URL=postgres://localhost:5432/example_com
DATABASES = {"default": django_database_url(env("DATABASE_URL", required=True))}
Covers configuring an email backend. Known backends are smtp://
(same as smtp://
but with TLS and a default port of 587),
, console://
and dummy:
The utility also supports explicitly requesting SSL (?ssl=true
), TLS
), SMTP timeouts (?timeout=10
), setting a
address ([email protected]
) and
setting a SERVER_EMAIL
address ([email protected]
). Note
that since Django uses individual variables instead of a dictionary you have to
pass the return value to globals().update()
from speckenv import env
from speckenv_django import django_email_url
# DATABASE_URL=smtp://
globals().update(django_email_url(env("EMAIL_URL", default="console://")))
globals().update(django_email_url(env("EMAIL_URL", default="smtp://")))
speckenv ships a Python module which inserts Python modules named
, django_cache_url
and dj_email_url
(if they do not exist already) which contain basic functions
calling the functions mentioned above. This module is almost guaranteed to NOT
work in an arbitrary environment but it may be useful as a quick solution if
you do want to change the settings module as little as possible when upgrading
your code to Django 4.0 and are already using speckenv. To use it you should
insert the following line at the top of your settings module:
import speckenv_django_patch # noqa: isort:skip
import dj_database_url, django_cache_url, dj_email_url
DATABASES = dj_database_url.config()
CACHES = django_cache_url.config()
You should check the module's code to view defaults; they are adopted from the libraries which are being substituted, but when you're in doubt better check twice.