is for sharing clojure aliases.
Download and put the aka
script on your path:
curl -Ss -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' https://raw.githubusercontent.com/matthias-margush/aka/master/aka >~/bin/aka
chmod +x ~/bin/aka
჻ aka
Usage: aka [command]
Available commands:
tap - Obtain alias definitions.
read - Read and print the definition of an alias.
describe - Print alias documentation.
Tapping an alias collection makes it available locally. An alias collection would typically be provided by a library you're using.
aka tap :pack https://raw.githubusercontent.com/matthias-margush/aka/master/examples/pack.edn
჻ aka tap :pack https://raw.githubusercontent.com/matthias-margush/aka/master/examples/pack.edn
Tapped :pack/aws-lambda
Tapped :pack/uberjar
Tapped :pack/onejar
Tapped :pack/skinny
჻ aka :pack/uberjar target/hello_world.jar
჻ ls target
Aliases can be added to a deps.edn
. Then the alias can be used with clj -A:alias
. (Note that as of now, this will rewrite the deps.edn
, discarding
჻ aka tap -o ~/.clojure/deps.edn :aka https://raw.githubusercontent.com/matthias-margush/aka/master/resources/aka.edn
Tapped :aka/tap
Tapped :aka/read
Tapped :aka/describe
჻ clj -A:aka/describe :aka/describe
Print alias documentation.
aka describe [alias]
clj -A:aka/describe [alias]
clj -A:aka/describe # Lists all available aliases
clj -A:aka/describe :prefix/ # Lists aliases with the namespace of :prefix
clj -A:aka/describe :prefix/foo # Full description of alias :prefix/foo