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is a cryptographic library written in Go that implements a variety of cryptographic functions based on Ed25519, including BIP32 hierarchical deterministic wallets, BIP39 mnemonic generation, BIP44 multi-account wallet structures, and ECDH key exchange protocols based on Curve25519.
- BIP32, BIP39, BIP44: Supports hierarchical deterministic wallets and mnemonic generation.
- ECDH Key Exchange: Secure key exchange implemented using Curve25519.
- Keystore Management: Provides functionalities to securely export and import Keystores.
Install using the go get
go get github.com/lyonnee/key25519
kp1 := key25519.NewKeyPair()
kp2 := key25519.NewKeyPair()
kp1EcdhPubKey, _ := kp1.ExportEcdhPubKey()
kp2EcdhPubKey, _ := kp2.ExportEcdhPubKey()
sk1, _ := kp1.Ecdh(kp2EcdhPubKey)
sk2, _ := kp2.Ecdh(kp1EcdhPubKey)
// The shared secret should be the same for both parties
mnemonic, _ := bip39.GenerateMnemonic(bip39.LEN_12, bip39.ENGLISH)
seed := bip39.NewSeed(mnemonic, "")
masterKey := bip32.NewMasterKey(seed)
path := "m/44'/501'/0'/0'"
indexs, _ := bip44.ParsePath(path)
var newKey = masterKey
for _, v := range indexs {
newKey = bip32.CKDPriv(newKey, v)
edPrivKey := ed25519.NewKeyFromSeed(newKey.PrivKey)
pubk, _ := key25519.NewPubKeyFromEd25519PubKey(edPrivKey.Public().(ed25519.PublicKey))
fmt.Println(format.EncodeBase58(edPrivKey)) // Private key
fmt.Println(format.EncodeBase58(pubk.Bytes())) // Public key
kp := key25519.NewKeyPair()
originMsg := []byte("i am lyon")
signedMsg := kp.PrivateKey().SignMsg(originMsg)
filename := "./" + format.EncodeBase58(kp.PublicKey().Bytes()) + ".keystore"
password := "kaixin"
err := kp.ExportKeystore(filename, password)
// ...
kp2, _ := key25519.NewKeyPairFromKeystore(filename, password)
res := key25519.VerifyMsg(kp2.PublicKey(), originMsg, signedMsg)
// Verification of the signature
We welcome issues and pull requests to improve key25519
is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.