A go module for interacting with Hacker News.
A ticked checkbox indicates the feature currently exists in master
An item refers to either a story, comment, ask, job, poll or poll part
- Get a single item
- Get multiple items
- Get largest item id
- Get top 500 new, top and best stories (or a number >= 0, <= 500)
- Get top 200 ask, show and job stories (or a number >= 0, <= 200)
- Get changed items and profiles
- Get a user
- Get a user's submissions
- Get a user's comments
- Get a user's hidden items
- Get a user's upvoted items
- Get a user's favorited items
- Login a user
- Upvote an item
- Unvote a comment
- Downvote a comment
- Create a story
- Create a poll
- Create a comment
- Flag an item
- Hide an item
- Favorite an item
- Edit an item
- Delete an item
- Search
- Full text
- By tag
- By created at date
- By points
- By number of comments
- By page number
- Sorted by relevance, then points, then number of comments
- Sorted by most recent
First get hkn
$ go get github.com/lukakerr/hkn
Import into your project:
import "github.com/lukakerr/hkn"
// or
import (
Examples of all methods on the client can be found in example/main.go.
First create a client:
client := hkn.NewClient()
Various methods can then be then called on the client:
Get a single item by id
// Returns (Item, error)
item, err := client.GetItem(8869)
Get multiple items by ids
// Returns ([]Item, error)
items, err := client.GetItems([]int{8869, 8908, 8881, 10403, 9125})
Get max item id
// Returns (int, error)
id, err := client.GetMaxItemID()
Get the latest item and profile updates
// Returns (Updates, error)
updates, err := client.GetUpdates()
Get top stories given a number
// Returns ([]int, error)
stories, err := client.GetTopStories(20)
Get new stories given a number
// Returns ([]int, error)
stories, err := client.GetNewStories(20)
Get best stories given a number
// Returns ([]int, error)
stories, err := client.GetBestStories(20)
Get latest ask stories given a number
// Returns ([]int, error)
stories, err := client.GetLatestAskStories(20)
Get latest show stories given a number
// Returns ([]int, error)
stories, err := client.GetLatestShowStories(20)
Get latest job stories given a number
// Returns ([]int, error)
stories, err := client.GetLatestJobStories(20)
Get a user by id
// Returns (User, error)
user, err := client.GetUser("jl")
Login a user with a username and password
// The cookie returned is used for actions that require a user to be logged in
// Returns (*http.Cookie, error)
cookie, err := client.Login("username", "password")
Upvote an item
A cookie is required to upvote, get this from logging in
// Returns (bool, error)
upvoted, err := client.Upvote(8869, cookie)
Unvote a comment
A cookie is required to unvote, get this from logging in
// Returns (bool, error)
unvoted, err := client.Unvote(8869, cookie)
Create a comment
A cookie is required to create a comment, get this from logging in
// Returns (bool, error)
content := "Really cool."
commented, err := client.Comment(8869, content, cookie)
Create a story with a title and URL
A cookie is required to create a story, get this from logging in
// Returns (bool, error)
title := "A title."
URL := "https://a.url.com"
created, err := client.CreateStoryWithURL(title, URL, cookie)
Create a story with a title and text
A cookie is required to create a story, get this from logging in
// Returns (bool, error)
title := "A title."
text := "Some text."
created, err := client.CreateStoryWithText(title, text, cookie)
To run the example locally:
$ go run example/main.go
$ go test