Java utilities and JUnit integration for LocalStack.
- Java
- Maven
- Docker
- LocalStack
In order to use LocalStack with Java, this project provides a simple JUnit runner and a JUnit 5
extension. Take a look at the example JUnit tests in src/test/java
By default, the JUnit Test Runner starts LocalStack in a Docker container, for the duration of the test.
The container can be configured by using the @LocalstackDockerProperties
import cloud.localstack.LocalstackTestRunner;
import cloud.localstack.ServiceName;
import cloud.localstack.TestUtils;
import cloud.localstack.docker.annotation.LocalstackDockerProperties;
@LocalstackDockerProperties(services = { ServiceName.S3, "sqs", "kinesis" })
public class MyCloudAppTest {
public void testLocalS3API() {
AmazonS3 s3 = TestUtils.getClientS3()
List<Bucket> buckets = s3.listBuckets();
Or with JUnit 5:
public class MyCloudAppTest {
The LocalStack JUnit test runner is published as an artifact in Maven Central.
Simply add the following dependency to your pom.xml
You can configure the Docker behaviour using the @LocalstackDockerProperties
annotation with the following parameters:
property | usage | type | default value |
pullNewImage |
Determines if a new image is pulled from the docker repo before the tests are run. | boolean | false |
services |
Determines which services should be run when the localstack starts. | String[] | All |
imageName |
Use a specific image name (organisation/repo) for docker container | String | localstack/localstack |
imageTag |
Use a specific image tag for docker container | String | latest |
portEdge |
Port number for the edge service, the main entry point for all API invocations | String | 4566 |
portElasticSearch |
Port number for the elasticsearch service | String | 4571 |
hostNameResolver |
Used for determining the host name of the machine running the docker containers so that the containers can be addressed. | IHostNameResolver | localhost |
environmentVariableProvider |
Used for injecting environment variables into the container. | IEnvironmentVariableProvider | Empty Map |
bindMountProvider |
Used bind mounting files and directories into the container, useful to run init scripts before using the container. | IBindMountProvider | Empty Map |
initializationToken |
Give a regex that will be searched in the logstream of the container, start is complete only when the token is found. Use with bindMountProvider to execute init scripts. | String | Empty String |
useSingleDockerContainer |
Whether a singleton container should be used by all test classes. | boolean | false |
For more details, please refer to the README of the main LocalStack repo:
NOTE: These utilities assume docker is installed in one of the default locations (
C:\program files\docker\docker\resources\bin\docker.exe
,C:\program files\docker\docker\resources\docker.exe
). If your docker executable is in a different location, then use theDOCKER_LOCATION
environment variable to specify it.
Due to recent changes in LocalStack (exposing all services via a single edge port, 4566
), the following configuration parameters are now deprecated in the latest version:
property | usage | type | default value |
randomizePorts |
Determines if the container should expose the default local stack ports (4567-4583) or if it should expose randomized ports. | boolean | false |
Note: When specifying the port in the services
property, you cannot use randomizePorts = true
To build the latest version of the code via Maven:
make build
To publish a release of the library, the "Maven Release" Github Action can be manually triggered in the repository, which will take the latest code on master
branch and publish it to Maven Central.
- v0.2.23: Fix S3 endpoints to be compatible with LocalStack v2
- v0.2.22: Fix sqs event mapping for new event format, some test fixes
- v0.2.21: Bump version of AWS SDK v1; add AWS SDK v2 sync clients to TestUtils; add docker executable path under homebrew
- v0.2.20: Fix extracting container logs for LocalStack startup check
- v0.2.19: Bump version of log4j to 2.17.0 to fix further vulnerabilities related to recent CVE
- v0.2.18: Fix for isRunning method after stopping the container; filter synthetic bridge methods during method detection for java Lambda full handler syntax; pass ADDITIONAL_MVN_ARGS to mvn javadoc command; bump version of log4j to 2.15.0 to fix CVE-2021-44228
- v0.2.17: Fix issue with using :: to specify lambda handler which implements the RequestHandler interface, revert removal of EC2HostNameResolver annotation
- v0.2.16: Add support for :: notation for Java Lambda handler specification, fix failing QLDB tests, fix failing tests with Jexter rules/extensions
- v0.2.15: Fix Kinesis CBOR tests; fix project setup and classpath for SDK v1/v2 utils; fix awaiting results in tests using async clients; refactor classpath setup for v1/v2 SDKs; fall back to using edge port if port mapping cannot be determined from container
- v0.2.14: Add ability to get handler class name through
environment variable like on real AWS and Lambci environment - v0.2.11: Enable specification of "platform" when configuring container
- v0.2.10: Add Lambda async utils for AWS SDK v2; add support for specifying bind mounts and init scripts via
; add PowerMock integration for easy patching of AWS SDK to use local endpoints; add support for configuring the Docker image name via@LocalstackDockerProperties
; add tests for templated emails - v0.2.8: Allow overwriting the port binding via environment variables
- v0.2.7: Extend
to include port binding - v0.2.6: Add new path to possible docker exe locations in Windows; add various additional tests for v1 and v2 SDKs (Kinesis, SQS, SSM & SecretsManager, ...)
- v0.2.5: Refactor code to accommodate edge port config for all services; add CloudWatch Logs endpoint configuration
- v0.2.2: Addition of CloudWatch Logs endpoint configuration; adjust tests to use central edge service endpoint
- v0.2.1: Move Java sources into separate project; mark non-Docker Java
as deprecated; update paths for Python code lookup in Docker container - v0.2.0: Last version still maintained in LocalStack main repo
You can use the PowerMock Library to call the builders default method and still get LocalStack version of the AWS clients.
@LocalstackDockerProperties(services = { "ses" })
@PrepareForTest({ AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClientBuilder.class, AmazonSimpleEmailServiceAsyncClientBuilder.class })
@PowerMockIgnore({"javax.crypto.*", "org.hamcrest.*", "*", "*", "javax.xml.*", "org.xml.*", "*", "*", "org.w3c.*"})
public class SESMessagingTest {
public void mockSES() {
AmazonSimpleEmailService mockSes = TestUtils.getClientSES();
public void testSendEmail() throws Exception {
AmazonSimpleEmailService client = amazonSimpleEmailServiceClientBuilder.defaultClient();
This utility makes easier to use PowerMock with Localstack.
public class PowerMockLocalStackExampleTest extends PowerMockLocalStack{
private static final String TOPIC = "topic";
public void mock() {
public void testSendMessage() throws JMSException {
final AmazonSNS clientSNS = AmazonSNSClientBuilder.defaultClient();
I thank you Keith Humphreys, for showing us how to empower LocalStack with PowerMock to write tests even easier.
This code is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE.txt).