Avatar testing support and improvements in audio reactivity
Installing to test Avatar projects
Import AudioLink into your avatar project
Drag AudioLinkAvatar prefab into scene with your avatar
Add your favorite music track to test with to your project
Drag your music track from the Project panel into the Hierarchy to create a new AudioSource GameObject
Drag the AudioSource object that was created in the Hierarchy into AudioLinkAvatar/audioSource parameter
Adjust the Gain/Bass/Treble settings on AudioLinkAvatar if necessary
Hit play!
Changes in 0.2.2
Added avatar testing support! Find installation instructions below and/or in the readme!
Added a look up table to improve spectrogram response on default settings (you still might need to play with gain setting per song)
Cleaned up code, safeguarded certain settings to prevent accidental misconfiguration
Next up
Auto gain!
ColorChord integration :)
Performance increases
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