This daemon creates on the fly epub3 from a content on and its comments.
Install Go and don't forget to set $GOPATH
# aptitude install libonig-dev libxml2-dev pkg-config
$ go get -u
$ [-addr addr] [-l logs] [-H host]
And, to display the help:
$ -h
Build and run Docker image:
$ docker build -t .
$ docker run --publish 9000:9000
Accepted requests are:
GET /status
(expected answer is HTTP 200 with "OK" body)- get the corresponding content + comments on host site, converted into EPUB
GET /news/<slug>.epub
(news)GET /users/<user>/journaux/<slug>.epub
(diary)GET /forums/<forum>/posts/<slug>.epub
(post / forum entry)GET /sondages/<slug>.epub
(poll)GET /suivi/<slug>.epub
(tracker entry)GET /wiki/<slug>.epub
(wiki page)
- otherwise HTTP 404
- require https for host
- not statically built (so libxml2, libonig2 and probably ca-certificates needed for deployment)
- answers HTTP 404 when something is wrong (unable to fetch, bad HTTP verb, bad content type, etc.)
- base64 inline images are not supported (log "Error: Get data:image/svg+xml;base64,...%0A: unsupported protocol scheme "data")
Testsuite requires docker-compose.
cd tests/
docker-compose up --build
Extra checks (linter for Dockefile and vulnerability/secret scan):
for image in Dockerfile tests/Dockerfile tests/cert-web/Dockerfile
docker run --rm --interactive hadolint/hadolint < "$image"
docker run --rm --volume $(pwd)/$image:/app/Dockerfile --workdir /app replicated/dockerfilelint Dockerfile
# (already embedded in Dockerfile due to prerequisites)
# docker run --rm --tty --volume $(pwd):/app --workdir /app golangci/golangci-lint:v1.64.3 golangci-lint run -v
docker run --rm --volume $(pwd):/app --workdir /app aquasec/trivy repo --skip-files cert-web/private/web.key .
The code is licensed as GNU AGPLv3. See the LICENSE file for the full license.
♡2013 by Bruno Michel. Copying is an act of love. Please copy and share.
2024 by Benoît Sibaud and Adrien Dorsaz.