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fix(deps): update openapi-generator-version to v7.3.0 (#1247)
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This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| `7.2.0` -> `7.3.0` |
| `7.2.0` -> `7.3.0` |


### Release Notes




(release note below will be revised later)

##### What's Changed

- Prepare 7.3.0-SNAPSHOT by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- Stop using internal variable from okhttp3 by
[@&#8203;noordawod]( in
- \[Java RESTEasy client] updating test to use the Java RESTEasy echo
api client
by [@&#8203;miladhub]( in
- Update by [@&#8203;axshani]( in
- Fix Kotlin templates to be compatible with Kotlin K2 compiler by
[@&#8203;rouazana]( in
- \[JaxRS] fix pojo equals by
[@&#8203;fizzet]( in
- Better Java RESTEasy Echo API client tests by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- \[go]: Accept APIKey as string, byte array or stream using io.Reader
interface by [@&#8203;Ghufz]( in
- \[csharp]: Fixed the http signing issue for ECDSA key when API Key is
provided as string by [@&#8203;Ghufz]( in
- \[kotlin-client]\[jackson] Add support for unknown default enum value
by [@&#8203;ken-tunc]( in
- Fix decoding OpenAPIDateWithoutTime by
[@&#8203;DevMobileAS]( in
- fix rendering of stars in README by
[@&#8203;individual-it]( in
- Added Christopher Queen Consulting to list of companies using the
generator by [@&#8203;gitchrisqueen](
- Not throwing exception when ignore file exists by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- \[bugfix]\[jaxrs]: fix compile error for jaxrs samples by
[@&#8203;Aliaksie]( in
- \[cpp-qt-client] Add cpp-qt-client technical committee to CODEOWNERS
by [@&#8203;MartinDelille]( in
- \[cpp-qt-client] Update minimum cmake version to 3.5 by
[@&#8203;MartinDelille]( in
- Also escape '$' and '' in normal Kotlin strings, … by
[@&#8203;cureaid]( in
- python: simplify module imports by
[@&#8203;multani]( in
- BUG - PHP template - Configuration.mustache by
[@&#8203;AntoineMarques]( in
- \[C]\[Client] Fix enum function names not matching headers in the
model… by [@&#8203;bookerdj]( in
- \[resttemplate] rethrow original exception when retry limits exceeded
by [@&#8203;ilam-natarajan]( in
- Remove optional path parameter in C# generichost template by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- Use model class only if it is generated by
[@&#8203;martin-mfg]( in
- Add Alloy Automation as bronze sponsor by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- Add a link to new youtube tutorial by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- Add enum name mapping support to Ruby generators by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- \[Ruby]\[client] Handle enums (and other scalars) in oneOf and anyOf
schemas by [@&#8203;armandmgt]( in
- fix typo in javadoc in RestTemplate/ApiClient by
[@&#8203;sebastian-toepfer]( in
- python: adjust basic typing information by
[@&#8203;multani]( in
- \[C]\[Client] Update the API doc after PR
by [@&#8203;ityuhui]( in
- Update runalloy logo and links by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- Fix description in allOf with single item by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- \[Rust] \[Server] New generator bases on Axum by
[@&#8203;linxGnu]( in
- \[java]\[native] Fix ObjectMapper deprecation warnings by
[@&#8203;steven-sheehy]( in
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.2 to 1.15.4 in /website by
[@&#8203;dependabot]( in
- python: enable more mypy checks 1/n by
[@&#8203;multani]( in
- Fix spring generator dto annotations for xml support by
[@&#8203;tomyy]( in
- \[Rust] \[Axum] Remove redundant code in rust-axum generator by
[@&#8203;linxGnu]( in
- fix(go-server): ensure original filename can be deduced from tmp file
by [@&#8203;ErikBooijMB]( in
- Generated methode ApiClient.parameterToPairs failed to handle empty
by [@&#8203;conleos-hoppermann](
- fix: ExampleGenerator correctly generates allOf composed schemas by
[@&#8203;acouvreur]( in
- Add ability to append ServerHttpRequest for kotlin-spring generator by
[@&#8203;Rugal]( in
- Add tags on operation for template kotlin-spring by
[@&#8203;pkernevez]( in
- fix: ExampleGenerator correctly produces YYYY-MM-dd format for `date`
with examples by [@&#8203;acouvreur]( in
- \[CSharp] feat!: add useDateOnly flag by
[@&#8203;Anakael]( in
- Implement scala http4s server generator by
[@&#8203;mikkka]( in
- \[BUG]\[Kotlin] Add default values to optional parameters for
jvm-spring-webclient and jvm-spring-restclient by
[@&#8203;MatthiasGabriel]( in
- feat: using Qt with 3rd Party Signals and Slots. Replace signals,slots
and emit with Q_SIGNALS,Q_SLOTS and Q_EMIT by
[@&#8203;myml]( in
- \[kotlin-client]\[jvm-spring-\*] Fixed URL encoding by
[@&#8203;stefankoppier]( in
- \[BUG]\[java]\[resttemplate] Fix NPE when query param with value null
is exploded by [@&#8203;jorgerod]( in
- \[Rust] \[Axum] Deduplicate code from rust-axum generator by
[@&#8203;linxGnu]( in
- remove internal ISO8601Utils dependency by
[@&#8203;ChaosMarc]( in
- Fix flattenPath() in InlineModelResolver: use List instead of Map by
[@&#8203;vlsergey]( in
- \[Rust] \[Axum] Format ops-v3 sample by
[@&#8203;linxGnu]( in
- Add copyright note to rust axum server codegen by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- \[JAVA] - fix BUG 14233 code gen support multiple accept headers where
one is default json/application by
[@&#8203;Breus]( in
- \[Python] Handle nullable list items by
[@&#8203;changhc]( in
- fix: DefaultCodegen now generates an exemple for each status codes by
[@&#8203;acouvreur]( in
- Fix parameters_to_url_query doesn't properly convert lists to string
by [@&#8203;rshacham]( in
- \[Python] Handle nullable dictionary values by
[@&#8203;changhc]( in
- \[Java] remove jersey1 template files by
[@&#8203;martin-mfg]( in
- \[OAS 3.1] Fix null type check in normalizer by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- bug fix: breaking dependency of flask server gen by
[@&#8203;cherusk]( in
- Fix Go generation of `type: object` inside anyOf by
[@&#8203;ashb]( in
- \[Go-Server] Use ParseQuery For Parsing Query Parameters by
[@&#8203;gonzogomez]( in
- Add Carksberg Group to the user list by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- kotlin-server: Add support for Javalin by
[@&#8203;dennisameling]( in
- \[python]\[client] Clean up samples and CI by
[@&#8203;robertschweizer]( in
- feat: add `java-wiremock` generator by
[@&#8203;acouvreur]( in
- fix(typescript-axios): fix error if a parameter called 'index' exists
by [@&#8203;goatwu1993]( in
- Able to generate within parameter
by [@&#8203;Rugal]( in
- Added missing copied properties from CodegenOperation by
[@&#8203;sindremb]( in
- \[Rust] \[Axum] Fix clippy warning by
[@&#8203;linxGnu]( in
- Bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 by
[@&#8203;dependabot]( in
- R echo client tests by [@&#8203;wing328](
- Bugfix/7720 typescript fetch support is response optional by
[@&#8203;sindremb]( in
- \[dart-dio] includeIfNull: truefalse bugfix by
[@&#8203;vasilich6107]( in
- \[Perl] Update \_test.mustache templates to use done_testing by
[@&#8203;bmodotdev]( in
- Add any type support in Perl client generator by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- Support x-internal in models and operations by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- Add auto-generated cpanfile in Perl client by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- Remove isAnyTypeSchema in default codegen by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- \[jaxrs-spec] Addinfo contact url to the generated OpenAPIDefinition
by [@&#8203;verhagen]( in
- feat(perl): Update agent to use version constant by
[@&#8203;bmodotdev]( in
- \[kotlin-client]\[jvm-spring-\*] Fix runtime error in endpoints of
type Unit by [@&#8203;stefankoppier](
- Remove outdated files in perl petstore cilents by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- Test perl petstore client in CircleCI by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- \[Bash] Allow non-JSON request body payloads by
[@&#8203;mHejlesen]( in
- Update perl tests by [@&#8203;wing328](
- Fix typo in user-visible error message by
- Pass ObjectMapper to JacksonConverterFactory by
[@&#8203;yonatankarp]( in
- Fix map and free form object detection issue in 3.1 spec by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- support binary response for R api client by
[@&#8203;mattpollock]( in
- fix an issue the parameters_to_url_query method would throw an error
if the input was of type List\[int]
[BUG#15788]( by
[@&#8203;masudanaokinino]( in
- Include support to Mojolicious relaxed placeholders parsing path
parameters by [@&#8203;atl3tico]( in
- Fix allOf with a single item in inline model resolver by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- Add tests for query parameters (array of integer/string) by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- Fix missing import in ruby faraday test by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- Improvements on scala http4s server generator by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- \[Rust]\[client] Fix issue
- generated type not being converted to string by
[@&#8203;j-szulc]( in
- When config option interfaceOnly is true, the class RestApplication
will be generated as well by
[@&#8203;verhagen]( in
- Add SSS Twitter to bronze sponsor by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- feat(typescript-angular): add support for Angular V17 by
[@&#8203;alethyst]( in
- Bump gradle/gradle-build-action from 2 to 3 by
[@&#8203;dependabot]( in
- Bump eskatos/gradle-command-action from 2 to 3 by
[@&#8203;dependabot]( in
- \[cpp-ue4] Fix generated code not compiling when using unique array
items by [@&#8203;roseatromero]( in
- Add JavaDoc to api and apiInterface templates for the JavaJaxRS spec
generator by [@&#8203;ripdajacker]( in
- \[BUG] \[Java] Remove deprecation and serial warnings in and by
[@&#8203;ripdajacker]( in
- add lombok model support on spring by
[@&#8203;dabdirb]( in
- \[jaxrs]\[cxf-cdi] make sure the imports are present for enum, if
using jackson by [@&#8203;selliera]( in
- \[JavaSpring] Add Javadoc to enum (x-enum-descriptions) by
[@&#8203;tobi-laa]( in
- \[java] fix Use jackson-jakarta-rs-json-provider when useJakartaEe is
true by [@&#8203;dmbakker]( in
- fix: ensure models that have variables that contain a complexType of
`time.Time` import the `time` module by
[@&#8203;madpah]( in
- use map/array model class only if it is generated by
[@&#8203;martin-mfg]( in
- Fix null schema check for array of string in 3.1 spec by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- Add rule to remove x-internal in openapi normalizer by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- corrected handling of "isPrimitiveType" for FormParameters by
[@&#8203;aronkankel]( in
- revert swagger-parser upgrade by
[@&#8203;ctreatma]( in
- \[python-fastapi] Ensure path param is ... instead of None by
[@&#8203;tjikkun]( in
- \[scala-sttp]: fix for missing EnumNameSerializer for inner enum
definitions by [@&#8203;hopi]( in
- Update model_generic.mustache, tuple notation breaks when there is
only one element in the tuple by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- Fix require var logging, don't matchGenerated if allOf skipped by
[@&#8203;robstoll]( in
- Add operationId name mapping option by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- Accept Promises for the apiKey configuration in the typescript-fetch
generator. by [@&#8203;jyasskin]( in
- Allow using bearer auth in typescript-nestjs by
[@&#8203;simhnna]( in
- fix typescript-nestjs services when using api_key authentication by
[@&#8203;simhnna]( in
- \[typescript-axios] Add any to index type when
additionalPropertiesIsAnyType is true
by [@&#8203;wouter-rednose]( in
- Add Svix as bronze sponsor by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- Fix Python codegen in specific additionalProperties case. by
[@&#8203;jaklaassen-affirm]( in
- Add sample spec to catch external file reference issues in
swagger-parser by [@&#8203;ctreatma]( in
- \[jax-rs]\[jersey3] Fix missing SecurityRequirement by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- \[PHP] update dependencies for php-dt generated code by
[@&#8203;Articus]( in
- fix: update dead link to TypeScript docs by
[@&#8203;LucianBuzzo]( in
- \[BUG]\[Javascript] - validateJSON not working on value 0 by
[@&#8203;ChuckMoe]( in
- \[Go] fix unused bytes import for anyOf and oneOf models by
[@&#8203;ctreatma]( in
- \[Java] Fix default values of array-type parameters in a referenced
file by [@&#8203;kota65535]( in
- \[PowerShell] Support multiple types in Accept header by
[@&#8203;condorcorde]( in
- \[JAVA]\[bugfix] Fix
- Include minimum and maximum values in arrays… by
[@&#8203;MarBode]( in
- Fix parent schema look up using schema name by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- \[cpp-qt-client] Fix CMakeLists.txt.mustache and CMakeLists.txt for
Qt5 (fix
by [@&#8203;MartinDelille]( in
- \[Python] deserialize enum json response (fix
by [@&#8203;joeka]( in
- Fix TS Axios echo client github workflow by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in
- \[java] fix for json arrays by
[@&#8203;vasiliisorokin]( in
- \[JAVA]\[bugfix] Add dependency for jakarta-validation-api and
hibernate-validator to pom.xml for Java Resttemplate client by
[@&#8203;nathcouret]( in
- \[Go] Fix panic from marshalling Nil NullableTime by
[@&#8203;ashb]( in
- include API information in RestConfiguration Template by
[@&#8203;azplanlos]( in
- \[go-gin-server] add a new function to the router to pass the gin
context by [@&#8203;mfatihercik]( in
- \[cpp-qt-client] Extend the reserved keywords for Qt projects with the
following words: by
[@&#8203;martonmiklos]( in
- prepare 7.3.0-release by
[@&#8203;wing328]( in

##### New Contributors

- [@&#8203;axshani]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;rouazana]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;fizzet]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;ken-tunc]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;DevMobileAS]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;gitchrisqueen]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;cureaid]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;AntoineMarques]( made
their first contribution in
- [@&#8203;bookerdj]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;ilam-natarajan]( made
their first contribution in
- [@&#8203;sebastian-toepfer](
made their first contribution in
- [@&#8203;linxGnu]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;steven-sheehy]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;tomyy]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;conleos-hoppermann](
made their first contribution in
- [@&#8203;acouvreur]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;Rugal]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;pkernevez]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;mikkka]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;myml]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;Breus]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;rshacham]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;cherusk]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;ashb]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;goatwu1993]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;sindremb]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;vasilich6107]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;bmodotdev]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;verhagen]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;mHejlesen]( made their first
contribution in
made their first contribution in
- [@&#8203;mattpollock]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;masudanaokinino]( made
their first contribution in
- [@&#8203;atl3tico]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;j-szulc]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;alethyst]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;roseatromero]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;ripdajacker]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;tobi-laa]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;dmbakker]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;madpah]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;aronkankel]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;tjikkun]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;hopi]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;robstoll]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;jyasskin]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;simhnna]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;wouter-rednose]( made
their first contribution in
- [@&#8203;jaklaassen-affirm](
made their first contribution in
- [@&#8203;LucianBuzzo]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;ChuckMoe]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;condorcorde]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;MarBode]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;joeka]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;vasiliisorokin]( made
their first contribution in
- [@&#8203;nathcouret]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;azplanlos]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;mfatihercik]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;martonmiklos]( made their
first contribution in

**Full Changelog**:



### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Enabled.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these
updates again.


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box


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Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
  • Loading branch information
renovate[bot] authored Feb 8, 2024
1 parent e4047d9 commit 8e7be26
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion generator/pom.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
Expand Down

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