A dynamic Voronoi diagram generator for David Ackley's Movable Feast Machine. Data points can be added and removed, and the Voronoi diagram will self-regulate. A tutorial on how the algorithm works and how the code is written can be found here.
Clone the repository to a directory on your computer:
$ git clone https://github.com/levifussell/BestEffortVoronoi
Download the Movable Feast Machine simulator here and the ULAM language compiler here. Further details in my tutorial.
Compile the source code:
$ ULAM/bin/ulam -l Propagator.ulam Propagate.ulam Source.ulam
Run the source compiled .dll file:
$ MFM/bin/mfms -ep .gen/bin/libcue.so
Video of results.
A single source propagates like water.
Two sources compete via water pressure variables.
A removed source will be consumed by its neighbouring source(s).