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Easy two-way state and no complexity growth in cross levels. Zero-Dependency & Intuitive API & Fully Typed.

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  • 正向事件,即由事件源组件传递到事件接受组件,以on开头,例如onChangeSearch
  • 逆向事件,即由事件接受组件传递到事件源组件,以$on开头,例如$onChangeSearch
  • 为了简化,你可以借助帮助类型TwoWayChannel进行定义。
  • 提供useChannelState, useChannelRef状态钩子,避免凌乱的事件调用。
  • 提供valtio等状态库进行状态同步方法(欢迎提交其他状态库PR)。

In order to simplify the reverse transmission of data and the transmission of data across layers, a channel event model is established. In this model, the direction of data transmission is not explicitly concerned, but the data flow is established with the data source and data receptor as the core.

  • Forward events, that is, events transmitted from the event source component to the event receiving component, start with on, such as onChangeSearch.
  • Reverse events, that is, events transmitted from the event receiving component to the event source component, start with $on, such as $onChangeSearch.
  • For simplicity, you can define with the help of the help type TwoWayChannel.
  • Provide hooks such as useChannelState to avoid messy event calls.
  • Provide utilities to synchronize with state management such as valtio(PRs for others are welcome).


See more in examples' demo OR clone the repo and pnpm install && pnpm run dev

// for type checks / intellisense
type CounterChannel = TwoWayChannel<{
  onChangeCount: (value: number) => void
  onChangeValue: (value: number) => void
  onChangeValueProp: (value: number) => void
  // + $onChangeCount: (value: number) => void
  // + $onChangeValue: (value: number) => void
}, 'onChangeCount' | 'onChangeValue'>

export function Starter() {
  // create channel (ref-optimized)
  const channel = useChannel<CounterChannel>('Starter') // name is unused yet.

  const { value, setValue } = useChannelSourceStateSync(channel, 'value', 0)
  // actually: channel.listen('$onChangeValue') & channel.send('onChangeValue')

  const { valueProp, setValueProp } = useChannelSourceState(channel, 'valueProp', 0)
  // actually: channel.send('onChangeValueProp')

  const { count, setCount } = useChannelExternalStateSync(channel, 'count', 0)
  // actually: channel.listen('onChangeCount') & channel.send('$onChangeCount')

  const { count: privateCount, setCount: setCountPrivately } = useChannelExternalState(channel, 'count')
  // actually: channel.listen('onChangeCount')

  return (
      <Counter channel={channel} /> // Pass channel, for be connected

export function Counter({ channel: rcvChannel }: { channel: Channel<CounterChannel> }) {
  // connect external channel, return type is already mixed.
  const channel = useChannel('Counter').connect(rcvChannel)

  const { count, setCount } = useChannelSourceStateSync(channel, 'count')
  // actually: channel.listen('$onChangeCount') & channel.send('onChangeCount')

  const { value, setValue } = useChannelExternalStateSync(channel, 'value')
  // actually: channel.listen('onChangeValue') & channel.send('$onChangeValue')

  const { value: privateValue, setValue: setValuePrivately } = useChannelExternalState(channel, 'value')
  // actually: channel.listen('onChangeValue')

  const { valueProp, setValueProp } = useChannelExternalState(channel, 'valueProp')
  // actually: channel.listen('onChangeValueProp')


See details in core.ts

  • type TwoWayChannel<T>
type MyChannel = TwoWayChannel<{
 onChangeValue: (value: string) => void
 // + $onChangeValue: (value: string) => void
  • type TwoWayChannel<T, K>
type MyChannel = TwoWayChannel<{
 onChangeValue: (value: string) => void
 onChangeValue2: (value: string) => void
 // + $onChangeValue: (value: string) => void
}, 'onChangeValue'>
  • type PropsWithChannel<T, P>

  • useChannel<MyChannel>(ChannelName?:string): Channel

  • channel.connect(channel:Channel): Channel

Tip: It's uncommon to use event listener/emitter directly, State Hooks/Ref Hooks instead.

  • channel.listen<K extends keyof MyChannel>(eventName:K, (...value: Parameters<MyChannel[K]>) => void)

  • channel.send<K extends keyof MyChannel>(eventName:K, ...value: Parameters<MyChannel[K]>)


Note: Only first parameter in listener is used in state.

  • useChannelSourceState(channel:Channel, name:string, initialValue?)

  • useChannelSourceStateSync(channel:Channel, name:string, initialValue?)

  • useChannelExternalState(channel:Channel, name:string, initialValue?)

  • useChannelExternalStateSync(channel:Channel, name:string, initialValue?)

  • type ChannelStateType

  • useChannelState(type:ChannelStateType channel:Channel, name:string, initialValue?), Prefer to use above distinct hooks.


Note: Only first parameter in listener is used in ref.

  • useChannelRef(type:ChannelStateType channel:Channel, name:string, initialValue?)
// followings are equivalent:
useChannelRef(channel, 'value')
useChannelRef(channel, 'value', { dispatch: false })
useChannelRef(channel, 'value', { dispatch: false, source: false })

See example

import { useChannelValtio } from 'use-channel/valtio'
// followings are equivalent:
useChannelValtio(channel, store, ['count'])
useChannelValtio(channel, store, [['count', 'count']]) // channel#count -> store.count
useChannelValtio(channel, store, [['count', 'count', { subscribe: true, listen: true }]])