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Template Operator

This documentation and template serve as a reference for implementing a module operator for integration with Lifecycle Manager. It utilizes the kubebuilder framework with some modifications to implement Kubernetes APIs for Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs). Additionally, it hides Kubernetes boilerplate code to develop fast and efficient control loops in Go.


Understanding Module Development in Kyma

Before going in-depth, make sure you are familiar with:

This guide serves as a comprehensive step-by-step tutorial on properly creating a module from scratch using the operator that installs the Kubernetes YAML resources.

NOTE: While other approaches are encouraged, there are no dedicated guides available yet. These will follow with sufficient requests and the adoption of Kyma modularization.

Basic Principles

Every Kyma module using the operator follows five basic principles:

  • Is declared as available for use in a release channel through the ModuleTemplate custom resource (CR) in Control Plane
  • Is declared as the desired state within the Kyma CR in the runtime or Control Plane
  • Is installed or managed in the runtime by Lifecycle Manager through the Manifest CR in Control Plane
  • Owns at least one CRD that defines the contract towards a runtime administrator and configures its behavior
  • Operates on at most one runtime at any given time

Release Channels

Release channels let the customers try new modules and features early and decide when to apply the updates. For more information, see the release channels documentation in the modularization overview.

The following rules apply to the channel naming:

  1. Lowercase letters from a to z.
  2. The total length is between 3 and 32 characters.

If you are planning to migrate a pre-existing module within Kyma, read the transition plan for existing modules.

Comparison to Other Established Frameworks

Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM)

Compared to OLM, modular Kyma differs in a few aspects. While OLM is built heavily around a static dependency expression, the Kyma modules are expected to resolve dependencies dynamically. This means that in OLM, a module must declare CRDs and APIs it depends on. In Kyma, all modules can depend on each other without declaring it in advance. This makes it harder to understand compared to a strict dependency graph, but it comes with a few key advantages:

  • Concurrent optimization on the controller level: every controller in Kyma is installed simultaneously and is not blocked from installation until other operators are available. This makes it easy to create or configure resources that do not need to wait for the dependency. For example, ConfigMap can be created even before a Deployment that must wait for an API to be present. While this forces controllers to include a case where the dependency is absent, we encourage eventual consistency and do not enforce a strict lifecycle model on the modules.
  • Discoverability is handled not through a registry or server but through a declarative configuration. Every module is installed through ModuleTemplate, which is semantically the same as registering an operator in an OLM registry or CatalogSource. ModuleTemplate, however, is a normal CR and can be installed on Control Plane. This allows multiple Control Planes to offer differing modules simply at configuration time. Also, we do not use file-based catalogs to maintain our catalog but maintain every ModuleTemplate through Open Component Model, an open standard to describe software artifact delivery.

Regarding release channels for operators, Lifecycle Manager operates at the same level as OLM. However, with Kyma, we ensure the bundling of ModuleTemplate to a specific release channel. We are heavily inspired by the way that OLM handles release channels, but we do not use an intermediary Subscription that assigns the catalog to the channel. Instead, every module is already delivered in ModuleTemplate in a channel's ModuleTemplate.

There is a distinct difference in the ModuleTemplate parts. ModuleTemplate contains not only a specification of the operator to be installed through a dedicated layer. It also consists of a set of default values for a given channel when installed for the first time. When you install an operator from scratch using Kyma, the module is already initialized with a default set of values. However, when upgrading, Lifecycle Manager is not expected to update the values to new defaults. Instead, it is a way for module developers to prefill their operators with instructions based on a given environment (the channel). Note that these default values are static once installed, and are not updated unless a new module installation occurs, even when the content of ModuleTemplate changes. This is because a customer is expected to be able to change the settings of the module CR at any time without the Kyma ecosystem overriding it. Thus, the module CR can also be treated as a customer or runtime-facing API that allows us to offer typed configuration for multiple parts of Kyma.


With Crossplane, you are fundamentally allowing providers to interact with your Control Plane. The most similar aspect of the Crossplane lifecycle is that we also use opinionated OCI images to bundle our modules. We use ModuleTemplate to reference our layers containing the necessary metadata to deploy our controllers, just like Crossplane. However, we do not speculate on the permissions of controllers and enforce stricter versioning guarantees, only allowing semver to be used for modules and Digest for the sha digests for individual layers of modules.

Fundamentally different is also the way that Providers and Composite Resources work compared to the Kyma ecosystem. While Kyma allows any module to bring an individual CR into the cluster for configuration, a Provider in Crossplane is located in Control Plane and only directs installation targets. We handle this kind of data centrally through acquisition strategies for credentials and other centrally managed data in the Kyma CR. Thus, it is most fitting to consider the Kyma ecosystem as a heavily opinionated Composite Resource from Crossplane, with the Managed Resource being tracked with the Lifecycle Manager manifest.

Compared to Crossplane, we also encourage the creation of our CRDs in place of the concept of the Managed Resource, and in the case of configuration, we can synchronize not only a desired state for all modules from Control Plane but also from the runtime. Similarly, we make the runtime module catalog discoverable from inside the runtime with a dedicated synchronization mechanism.

Lastly, compared to Crossplane, we have fewer choices regarding revision management and dependency resolution. While in Crossplane, it is possible to define custom package, revision, and dependency policies, in Kyma, managed use cases usually require unified revision handling, and we do not target a generic solution for revision management of different module ecosystems.



WARNING: For all use cases in the guide, you need a cluster for end-to-end testing outside your envtest integration test suite. It's HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you follow this guide for a smooth development process. This is a good alternative if you do not want to use the entire Control Plane infrastructure and still want to test your operators properly.

Use one of the following options to install kubebuilder:


brew install kubebuilder

Fetch Sources Directly

curl -L -o kubebuilder$(go env GOOS)/$(go env GOARCH)
chmod +x kubebuilder && mv kubebuilder /usr/local/bin/

Generate the kubebuilder Operator

  1. Initialize the kubebuilder project. Make sure the domain is set to Execute the following command in the test-operator folder.

    kubebuilder init --domain --repo --project-name=test-operator --plugins=go/v4-alpha
  2. Create the API group version and kind for the intended CR(s). Make sure group is set to operator.

    kubebuilder create api --group operator --version v1alpha1 --kind Sample --resource --controller --make
  3. Run make manifests to generate respective CRDs.

  4. Set up a basic kubebuilder operator with appropriate scaffolding.

Optional: Adjust the Default Config Resources

If the module operator is deployed under the same namespace with other operators, differentiate your resources by adding common labels.

  1. Add commonLabels to default kustomization.yaml. See reference implementation.

  2. Include all resources (for example, manager.yaml) that contain label selectors by using commonLabels.

Further reading: Kustomize Built-In commonLabels

API Definition Steps

  1. Refer to State requirements and similarly include them in your Status sub-resource.

This Status sub-resource must contain all valid State (.status.state) values to be compliant with the Kyma ecosystem.

package v1alpha1
// Status defines the observed state of Module CR.
type Status struct {
    // State signifies current state of Module CR.
    // Value can be one of ("Ready", "Processing", "Error", "Deleting").
    // +kubebuilder:validation:Required
    // +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=Processing;Deleting;Ready;Error
    State State `json:"state"`

Include the State values in your Status sub-resource, either through inline reference or direct inclusion. These values have literal meaning behind them, so use them properly.

  1. Optionally, you can add additional fields to your Status sub-resource. For instance, Conditions are added to Sample CR in the API definition. This also includes the required State values, using an inline reference. See the following Sample CR reference implementation.

    package v1alpha1
    // Sample is the Schema for the samples API
    type Sample struct {
        metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
        metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
        Spec   SampleSpec   `json:"spec,omitempty"`
        Status SampleStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
    type SampleStatus struct {
        Status `json:",inline"`
        // Conditions contain a set of conditionals to determine the State of Status.
        // If all Conditions are met, State is expected to be in StateReady.
        Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty"`
        // add other fields to status subresource here
  2. Run make generate manifests to generate boilerplate code and manifests.

Controller Implementation Steps

WARNING: This sample implementation is only for reference. You can copy parts of it but do not add this repository as a dependency to your project.

  1. Implement State handling to represent the corresponding state of the reconciled resource by following the kubebuilder guidelines on how to implement controllers.

  2. Refer to the Sample CR controller implementation for setting the appropriate State and Conditions values to your Status sub-resource.

The Sample CR is reconciled to install or uninstall a list of rendered resources from a YAML file on the file system.

r.setStatusForObjectInstance(ctx, objectInstance, status.
WithInstallConditionStatus(metav1.ConditionTrue, objectInstance.GetGeneration()))
  1. The reference controller implementations listed above use Server-Side Apply instead of conventional methods to process resources on the target cluster. You can leverage parts of this logic to implement your own controller logic. Check out functions inside these controllers for state management and other implementation details.

Local Testing

  • Connect to your cluster and ensure kubectl is pointing to the desired cluster.
  • Install CRDs with make install WARNING: This installs a CRD on your cluster, so create your cluster before running the install command. See Prerequisites for details on the cluster setup.
  • Local setup: install your module CR on a cluster and execute make run to start your operator locally.

WARNING: Note that while make run fully runs your controller against the cluster, it is not feasible to compare it to a productive operator. This is mainly because it runs with a client configured with privileges derived from your KUBECONFIG environment variable. For in-cluster configuration, see Guide on RBAC Management.

Bundling and Installation

Grafana Dashboard for Simplified Controller Observability

You can extend the operator further by using automated dashboard generation for Grafana.

Use the following command to generate two Grafana dashboard files with the controller-related metrics in the /grafana folder:

kubebuilder edit --plugins

To import Grafana dashboard, read the official Grafana guide. This feature is supported by the kubebuilder Grafana plugin.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Ensure you have appropriate authorizations assigned to your controller binary before running it inside a cluster (not locally with make run). The Sample CR controller implementation includes RBAC generation (via kubebuilder) for all resources across all API groups. Adjust it according to the chart manifest resources and reconciliation types.

Towards the earlier stages of your operator development, RBACs can accommodate all resource types and adjust them later according to your requirements.

package controllers
// TODO: dynamically create RBACs! Remove line below.

REMEMBER: Run make manifests after this adjustment for it to take effect.

Prepare and Build Module Operator Image

WARNING: This step requires the working OCI registry. See Prerequisites.

  1. Include the static module data in your Dockerfile:
    COPY module-data/ module-data/
    COPY --from=builder /workspace/manager .
    USER 65532:65532
    ENTRYPOINT ["/manager"]

The sample module data in this repository includes a YAML manifest in the module-data/yaml directories. Reference the YAML manifest directory with the spec.resourceFilePath attribute of the Sample CR. The example CRs in the config/samples directory already reference the mentioned directories. Feel free to organize the static data differently. The included module-data directory serves just as an example. You may also decide not to include any static data at all. In that case, you must provide the controller with the YAML data at runtime using other techniques, such as Kubernetes volume mounting.

  1. If necessary, build and push your module operator binary by adjusting IMG and running the inbuilt kubebuilder commands. Assuming your operator image has the following base settings:
  • is hosted at op-kcp-registry.localhost:8888/unsigned/operator-images
  • controller image name is sample-operator
  • controller image has version 0.0.1

you can run the following command:

make docker-build docker-push IMG="op-kcp-registry.localhost:8888/unsigned/operator-images/sample-operator:0.0.1"

This builds the controller image and then pushes it as the image defined in IMG based on the kubebuilder targets.

Build and Push Your Module to the Registry

WARNING: This step requires the working OCI Registry, cluster, and Kyma CLI. See Prerequisites.

  1. Generate the CRDs and resources for the module from the default kustomization into a manifest file using the following command:
    make build-manifests

You can use this file as a manifest for the module configuration in the next step.

Furthermore, make sure the settings from Prepare and Build Module Operator Image for single-cluster mode, and the following module settings are applied:

  • is hosted at op-kcp-registry.localhost:8888/unsigned
  • for a k3d registry, the insecure flag (http instead of https for registry communication) is enabled
  • Kyma CLI in $PATH under kyma is used
  • the default sample under config/samples/operator.kyma-project.io_v1alpha1_sample.yaml has been adjusted to be a valid CR

WARNING: The settings above reflect your default configuration for a module. To change them, adjust them manually to a different configuration. You can also define multiple files in config/samples, but you must specify the correct file during the bundling.

  • .gitignore has been adjusted and the following ignores have been added

    # generated dummy charts
    # template generated by kyma create module
  1. To configure the module, adjust the file module-config.yaml, located at the root of the repository.

    The following fields are available for the configuration of the module:

    • name: (Required) The name of the module.
    • version: (Required) The version of the module.
    • channel: (Required) The channel that must be used in ModuleTemplate. Must be a valid Kyma state.
    • manifest: (Required) The relative path to the manifest file (generated in the first step).
    • defaultCR: (Optional) The relative path to a YAML file containing the default CR for the module.
    • resourceName: (Optional) The name for ModuleTemplate that is created.
    • namespace: (Optional) The namespace where ModuleTemplate is deployed.
    • security: (Optional) The name of the security scanners configuration file.
    • internal: (Optional) Determines whether ModuleTemplate must have the internal flag or not. The type is bool.
    • beta: (Optional) Determines whether ModuleTemplate must have the beta flag or not. The type is bool.
    • labels: (Optional) Additional labels for ModuleTemplate.
    • annotations: (Optional) Additional annotations for ModuleTemplate.
    • customStateCheck: (Optional) [DEPRECATED] Specifies custom state checks for the module.

    CAUTION: This field was deprecated at the end of July 2024 and will be deleted in the next Lifecycle Manager API versions.

    An example configuration:

    version: v1.0.0
    channel: regular
    manifest: template-operator.yaml
  2. Run the following command to create the module configured in module-config.yaml and push your module operator image to the specified registry:

    kyma alpha create module --insecure --registry op-kcp-registry.localhost:8888/unsigned --module-config-file module-config.yaml 

WARNING: For external registries (for example, Google Container/Artifact Registry) never use insecure. Instead, specify credentials. You can find more details in the CLI help documentation.

  1. Verify that the module creation succeeded and observe the generated template.yaml file. It will contain the ModuleTemplate CR and descriptor of the component under spec.descriptor.component.

      componentReferences: []
      - name:
        value: enabled
        version: v1
      provider: internal
      - baseUrl: http://op-kcp-registry.localhost:8888/unsigned
        componentNameMapping: urlPath
        type: ociRegistry
      - access:
          digest: sha256:d008309948bd08312016731a9c528438e904a71c05a110743f5a151f0c3c4a9e
          type: localOciBlob
        name: raw-manifest
        relation: local
        type: yaml
        version: v1.0.0
      - access:
          commit: 4f2ae6474ea7ababf9be246abe74b40f1baf1121
          type: gitHub
        - name:
          value: refs/heads/feature/#90-update-build-instructions
          version: v1
        - name:
          value: golang-mod
          version: v1
        - name:
          value: "false"
          version: v1
        - name:
          value: '**/test/**,**/*_test.go'
          version: v1
        name: module-sources
        type: git
        version: v1.0.0
      version: v1.0.0

The CLI created various layers that are referenced in the blobs directory. For more information on the layer structure, check the module creation with kyma alpha mod create --help.

Using Your Module in the Lifecycle Manager Ecosystem

Deploying Kyma Infrastructure Operators with kyma alpha deploy

WARNING: This step requires the working OCI registry and cluster. See Prerequisites.

Now that everything is prepared in a cluster of your choice, you can reference the module within any Kyma CR in your Control Plane cluster.

Deploy the Lifecycle Manager to the Control Plane cluster with:

kyma alpha deploy

Deploying ModuleTemplate into the Control Plane

Run the command for creating ModuleTemplate in your cluster. After this the module will be available for consumption based on the module name configured with the label in ModuleTemplate.

WARNING: Depending on your setup against either a k3d cluster or registry, you must run the script /scripts/ before pushing ModuleTemplate to have the proper registry setup. This is necessary for k3d clusters due to port-mapping issues in the cluster that the operators cannot reuse. Take a look at the relevant issue for more details.

kubectl apply -f template.yaml

You can use the following command to enable the module you created:

kyma alpha enable module <module-identifier> -c <channel>

This adds your module to .spec.modules with a name originally based on the "": "sample" label generated in template.yaml:

  - name: sample

If required, you can adjust this Kyma CR based on your testing scenario. For example, if you are running a dual-cluster setup, you might want to enable the synchronization of the Kyma CR into the runtime cluster for a full E2E setup. When creating this Kyma CR in your Control Plane cluster, installation of the specified modules should start immediately.

Debugging the Operator Ecosystem

The operator ecosystem around Kyma is complex, and it might become troublesome to debug issues in case your module is not installed correctly. For this reason, here are some best practices on how to debug modules developed using this guide.

  1. Verify the Kyma installation state is Ready by verifying all conditions.
     JSONPATH='{range .items[*]}{}:{range @.status.conditions[*]}{@.type}={@.reason}:{@.status};{end}{end}' \
     && kubectl get kyma -o jsonpath="$JSONPATH" -n kcp-system
  2. Verify the Manifest installation state is ready by verifying all conditions.
     JSONPATH='{range .items[*]}{}:{range @.status.conditions[*]}{@.type}={@.status};{end}{end}' \
     && kubectl get manifest -o jsonpath="$JSONPATH"-n kcp-system
  3. Depending on your issue, observe the deployment logs from either Lifecycle Manager or Module Manager. Make sure that no errors have occurred.

Usually, the issue is related to either RBAC configuration (for troubleshooting minimum privileges for the controllers, see our dedicated RBAC section), misconfigured image, module registry or ModuleTemplate. As a last resort, make sure that you are running within a single-cluster or a dual-cluster setup, watch out for any steps with a WARNING specified and retry with a freshly provisioned cluster. For cluster provisioning, make sure to follow the recommendations for clusters mentioned in our Prerequisites for this guide.

Lastly, if you are still unsure, open an issue with a description and steps to reproduce. We will be happy to help you with a solution.

Registering your Module Within the Control Plane

For global usage of your module, the generated template.yaml from Build and Push your Module to the Registry must be registered in our Control Plane. This relates to Phase 2 of the module transition plane. Please be patient until we provide you with a stable guide on integrating your template.yaml properly with an automated test flow into the central Control Plane offering.


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