A Clojure library for JDBC access.
- Simple (as in separation of concerns)
- Extensible connection mechanism (via a protocol)
- Extensible SQL source (via a protocol)
- SQL params setter is orthogonal to SQL and operation
- Retrieving data from query result is orthogonal to SQL query and operation
- Extensible transaction strategy (via a protocol)
- Performance and Control
- Aspects can be overridden independent of each other
- Support for type hints in SQL
- Rich transaction support
- Transaction propagation (borrowed from EJB, Spring)
- Fine-grained control over commit and rollback
- Transaction isolation
- Declarative transaction
Clojars coordinates: [asphalt "0.6.7"]
(requires Java 7 or higher, Clojure 1.6 or higher)
(require '[asphalt.core :as a]) ; for most common operations
(require '[asphalt.transaction :as t]) ; for transactions
You need a valid JDBC connection source (instance of asphalt.type.IConnectionSource
protocol) to work with Asphalt.
The following are supported by default:
- A map containing connection parameters (any of the following key sets)
(fn that accepts a map and returns a JDBC connection):classname
(JDBC driver classname),:connection-uri
(JDBC URL string):subprotocol
(sub-protocol portion of JDBC URL string),:subname
(rest of the JDBC URL string):datasource
instance) with following optional attributes:username
(database user name):password
(database password)
(JNDI name) with optional attributes:context
(environment map)
- A JDBC URL string
- JDBC datasource (
instance) - JDBC connection (
For development you may define a map based connection source:
(def conn-source {:subprotocol "mysql"
:subname "//localhost/testdb"
:username "testdb_user"
:password "secret"})
Typically one would create a connection-pooled datasource as connection source for production use:
This section covers the minimal examples only. Advanced features are covered in subsequent sections.
;; insert row, returning auto-generated keys
(a/genkey conn-source
"INSERT INTO emp (name, salary, dept) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"
["Joe Coder" 100000 "Accounts"])
;; update rows, returning the number of rows updated
;; used for `INSERT`, `UPDATE`, `DELETE` statements, or DDL statements such as `ALTER TABLE`, `CREATE INDEX` etc.
(a/update conn-source "UPDATE emp SET salary = ? WHERE dept = ?" [110000 "Accounts"])
;; query zero (nil) or more rows (vector of rows)
(a/query a/fetch-rows
"SELECT name, salary, dept FROM emp" [])
;; query zero (nil) or one row (exception is thrown if result-set has more than one row)
(a/query a/fetch-optional-row
"SELECT name, salary, dept FROM emp" [])
;; query one row, and work with column values via de-structuring
(let [[name salary dept] (a/query a/fetch-single-row ...)]
;; work with the column values
Ordinary SQL with ?
place-holders may be boring and tedious to work with. Asphalt uses SQL-templates to fix that.
(a/defsql sql-insert "INSERT INTO emp (name, salary, dept) VALUES ($name, $salary, $dept)")
(a/defsql sql-update "UPDATE emp SET salary = $new-salary WHERE dept = $dept")
With SQL-templates, you can pass param maps with keys as param names:
(a/genkey conn-source sql-insert
{:name "Joe Coder" :salary 100000 :dept "Accounts"})
(a/update conn-source sql-update {:new-salary 110000 :dept "Accounts"})
SQL-templates defined with defsql
are invokable as functions:
;; defsql infers connection worker as either update or query
(sql-update conn-source {:new-salary 110000 :dept "Accounts"})
;; for genkey we need to specify the :conn-worker option as such
(a/defsql sql-insert "INSERT INTO emp (name, salary, dept) VALUES ($name, $salary, $dept)"
{:conn-worker a/genkey})
(sql-insert conn-source {:name "Joe Coder" :salary 100000 :dept "Accounts"})
;; same as above, but using positional params
(sql-insert conn-source ["Joe Coder" 100000 "Accounts"])
The examples we saw above read and write values as objects, which means we depend on the JDBC driver for the conversion. SQL-templates let you optionally specify the types of params and also the result columns in a query:
(a/defsql sql-insert
"INSERT INTO emp (name, salary, dept) VALUES (^string $name, ^int $salary, ^string $dept)")
(a/defsql sql-select "SELECT ^string name, ^int salary, ^string dept FROM emp")
;; multi-value param
(a/defsql sql-update "UPDATE emp SET salary = ^int $new-salary WHERE dept IN (^strings $depts)")
The operations on the type-hinted SQL-templates remain the same as non type-hinted SQL templates, but internally the appropriate types are used when communicating with the JDBC driver.
Starting with version 0.6.6
, dynamic non-parameter variable substitution is supported. See the snippet below:
;; notice the ^sql type hint
(a/defsql insert-into
"INSERT INTO ^sql $table (id, dept) VALUES ($id, $dept)")
;; value is passed like normal parameters
(insert-into conn-source {:table "emp_697"
:id "F69-2239-AX"
:dept "Accounts"})
;; the above SQL is treated as: INSERT INTO emp_697 (id, dept) VALUES ($id, $dept)
The following types are supported as type hints:
Type | Comments | Multi-value | Result on NULL |
sql |
Non-param substitution | none | not applicable |
nil |
Dynamic/slow discovery | none | nil |
array |
arrays |
nil |
ascii-stream |
ascii-streams |
nil |
big-decimal |
big-decimals |
nil |
binary-stream |
binary-streams |
nil |
blob |
blobs |
nil |
bool |
Duplicate of boolean |
bools |
false |
boolean |
booleans |
false |
byte |
bytes |
0 |
byte-array |
byte-arrays |
nil |
character-stream |
character-stream |
nil |
clob |
clobs |
nil |
date |
dates |
nil |
double |
doubles |
0.0 |
float |
floats |
0.0 |
int |
ints |
0 |
integer |
Duplicate of int |
integers |
0 |
long |
longs |
0 |
ncharacter-stream |
ncharacter-streams |
nil |
nclob |
nclobs |
nil |
nstring |
nstrings |
nil |
object |
Catch-all type | objects |
nil |
ref |
refs |
nil |
row-id |
row-ids |
nil |
string |
strings |
nil |
sql-xml |
sql-xmls |
nil |
time |
times |
nil |
timestamp |
timestamps |
nil |
url |
urls |
nil |
Note on type hints in result columns:
- Primitive type hints for result columns coerce
value as primitive default values as shown in the table. - You may specify
(shortcut) as type hint to imply default or no type hint, e.g.SELECT ^^ name, ^^ age, ^string join_date FROM emp WHERE id = ^int $id
Note on multi-value types:
- Only applicable for SQL params, not for query result types
- Corresponding param must be a vector of values
- Every multi-value param expands into comma-separated
- Type hints are optional at each param level.
- When type-hinting result columns in a query either type-hint every column, or do not type-hint any column at all.
- Wildcards (e.g.
) in return columns are tricky to use with return column type hints. You should hint every return column type as inSELECT * ^int ^string ^int ^date
if the return columns are of that type. - Queries that use
are also tricky to use with return column type hints. You should hint only one set of return columns, not in everyUNION
Simple example:
(t/with-transaction [txn conn-source] {}
(a/update txn sql-insert ["Joe Coder" 100000 "accounts"])
(a/update txn sql-update {:new-salary new-salary :id id}))
By default, if the code doesn't throw any exception the transaction would be committed and on all exceptions the transaction would be rolled back.
(a/with-transaction [txn data-source] {:isolation :read-committed
:propagation t/tp-mandatory}
(let [[id salary dept] (a/query a/fetch-single-row txn sql-select-with-id [])
new-salary (compute-new-salary salary dept)]
(a/update txn sql-update {:new-salary new-salary :id id})))
Supported isolation levels:
Supported transaction propagation types:
Given a fn that accepts a connection source as its first argument, it is possible to wrap it with transaction options such that the fn is invoked in a transaction.
(defn foo
[conn-source emp-id]
(def bar (t/wrap-transaction-options foo {:isolation :read-committed
:propagation t/tp-requires-new}))
;; call foo in a transaction as per the transaction options
(bar conn-source emp-id)
Running tests: lein do clean, test
or lein with-profile c18,dev,dbcp test
Running performance benchmarks: lein with-profile c18,dev,dbcp,perf test
Copyright © 2015-2018 Shantanu Kumar ([email protected], [email protected])
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.