This is an instantiation of the @arranger/server application for the Kids First portal, with an integration with Keycloak for authentication.
Arranger server is an application that wraps Elasticsearch and provides a GraphQL search API for consumption by the Kids First Portal UI.
- Execute:
npm run cbs
Note: You can execute this project in a docker container if you prefer: docker run -u node -it --rm --network host -v ${PWD}:/app --workdir /app node:20-alpine3.18 sh
Make sure that all the needed env vars point to where they should.
When adding a new env var, update the .env.example. Otherwise, an error will be thrown.
Installing dependencies:
npm install
- Execute:
npm run test
Before going further, make sure that docker
and docker-compose
are installed on your system.
# 1. clone the repository
git clone
# 2. enter the project's folder
cd kf-api-arranger
# 3. create an .env file (you may have to adjust the template to your needs)
touch .env
# 4 in a terminal, run docker-compose from project's docker-compose file.
docker-compose --profile <target profile> up # for admin service
# 5 to clean up afterwards once your are done developing.
docker-compose --profile <target profile> down
Note: you can activate multiple profiles at once: docker-compose --profile a --profile b ... up