JSON v1.1 - JSON Evolved for Humans - Easy-to-Write, Easy-to-Read
Comments • Unquoted strings • Multi-line strings • Folded strings • Trailing commas • Optional commas • <..-..>
shortcuts • Optional =
is the new :
• Auto-wrapped objects • and more
What's JSON with Extensions? Why? Why?
JSON with Extensions (JSONX) - also known as JSON: 1.1, JSON v1.1, JSON11, JSON XI, or JSON II - is a new JSON format evolved for humans, that is, the goal of the JSON extensions is making writing and reading JSON easier for you (dear human). JSON is no longer used as a machine-to-machine data interchange format only, thus, let's make it more human-friendly.
JSON v1.1 Format Specification in English
JSON v1.1 includes all JSON extensions from HanSON (JSON for Humans):
- quotes for strings are optional if they follow JavaScript identifier rules.
- you can alternatively use backticks, as in ES6's template string literal, as quotes for strings. A backtick-quoted string may span several lines and you are not required to escape regular quote characters, only backticks. Backslashes still need to be escaped, and all other backslash-escape sequences work like in regular JSON.
- for single-line strings, single quotes (
) are supported in addition to double quotes (""
) - you can use JavaScript comments, both single line (
) and multi-line comments (/* */
), in all places where JSON allows whitespace. - Commas after the last list element or object property will be ignored.
Plus all JSON extensions from SON (Simple Object Notation):
- comments starts with
sign and ends with newline (\n
) - comma after an object key-value pair is optional
- comma after an array item is optional
Plus some more extra JSON extensions:
- unquoted strings following the JavaScript identifier rules can use the dash (
) too e.g. allows common keys such ascore-js
and others
# use shell-like comments
listName: "Sesame Street Monsters" # note: comments after key-value pairs are optional
content: [
name: "Cookie Monster"
// note: the template quotes and unescaped regular quotes in the next string
background: `Cookie Monster used to be a
monster that ate everything, especially cookies.
These days he is forced to eat "healthy" food.`
}, {
// You can single-quote strings too:
name: 'Herry Monster',
background: `Herry Monster is a furry blue monster with a purple nose.
He's mostly retired today.`
}, /* don't worry, the trailing comma will be ignored */
same ye old' "vanilla" JSON:
"listName": "Sesame Street Monsters",
"content": [
{ "name": "Cookie Monster",
"background": "Cookie Monster used to be a\n ... to eat \"healthy\" food."
{ "name": "Herry Monster",
"background": "Herry Monster is a furry blue monster with a purple nose.\n ... today."
Code Libraries, Web Feeds, Tables & Schemas, Map Features, & More
package.json • feed.json • datapackage.json • geojson
"Classic" Colon (:) Variant
name : jquery
title : jQuery
description : 'JavaScript library for DOM operations'
version : 3.2.2-pre
main : dist/jquery.js
homepage : 'https://jquery.com'
author : {
name : 'JS Foundation and other contributors'
url : 'https://github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/master/AUTHORS.txt'
repository : {
type : git
url : 'https://github.com/jquery/jquery.git'
keywords : [ jquery javascript browser library ]
bugs : {
url : 'https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues'
license : MIT
dependencies : {}
devDependencies : {
babel-preset-es2015 : 6.24.1
commitplease : 2.7.10
core-js : 2.4.1
cross-spawn : 5.1.0
eslint-config-jquery : 1.0.1
grunt : 1.0.1
grunt-babel : 6.0.0
grunt-cli : 1.2.0
scripts : {
build : 'npm install && grunt'
start : 'grunt watch'
test : 'grunt && grunt test:slow'
precommit : 'grunt lint:newer'
commitmsg : 'node node_modules/commitplease'
commitplease : {
nohook : true
"Alternate" Equals (=) Variant with Auto-Wrap
name = jquery
title = jQuery
description = 'JavaScript library for DOM operations'
version = 3.2.2-pre
main = dist/jquery.js
homepage = https://jquery.com
author = {
name = 'JS Foundation and other contributors'
url = https://github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/master/AUTHORS.txt
repository = {
type = git
url = https://github.com/jquery/jquery.git
keywords = [ jquery javascript browser library ]
bugs = {
url = https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues
license = MIT
dependencies = {}
devDependencies = {
babel-preset-es2015 = 6.24.1
commitplease = 2.7.10
core-js = 2.4.1
cross-spawn = 5.1.0
eslint-config-jquery = 1.0.1
grunt = 1.0.1
grunt-babel = 6.0.0
grunt-cli = 1.2.0
scripts = {
build = 'npm install && grunt'
start = 'grunt watch'
test = 'grunt && grunt test:slow'
precommit = 'grunt lint:newer'
commitmsg = 'node node_modules/commitplease'
commitplease = {
nohook = true
(Original Source: jquery/jquery/package.json)
Simple - "Classic" Colon (:) Variant
version : 'https://jsonfeed.org/version/1'
title : 'My Example Feed'
home_page_url : 'https://example.org/'
feed_url : 'https://example.org/feed.json'
items : [
id : '2'
content_text : 'This is a second item.'
url : 'https://example.org/second-item'
id : '1'
content_html : '<p>Hello, world!</p>'
url : 'https://example.org/initial-post'
Simple - "Alternate" Equals (=) Variant with (<..-..>) Shortcuts and Auto-Wrap
version = https://jsonfeed.org/version/1
title = 'My Example Feed'
home_page_url = https://example.org/
feed_url = https://example.org/feed.json
items =
< id = '2'
content_text = 'This is a second item.'
url = https://example.org/second-item
id = '1'
content_html = '<p>Hello, world!</p>'
url = https://example.org/initial-post
Podcast - "Classic" Colon (:) Variant
version : 'https://jsonfeed.org/version/1'
user_comment : 'This is a podcast feed. You can add this feed to your podcast client using the following URL: http://therecord.co/feed.json'
title : 'The Record'
home_page_url : 'http://therecord.co/'
feed_url : 'http://therecord.co/feed.json'
items : [
id : 'http://therecord.co/chris-parrish'
title : 'Special #1 - Chris Parrish'
url : 'http://therecord.co/chris-parrish'
content_text : `Chris has worked at Adobe and as a founder of Rogue Sheep,
which won an Apple Design Award for Postage. Chris's new company is Aged & Distilled
with Guy English - which shipped Napkin, a Mac app for visual collaboration.
Chris is also the co-host of The Record. He lives on Bainbridge Island,
a quick ferry ride from Seattle.`
content_html : `Chris has worked at <a href="http://adobe.com/">Adobe</a> and as a founder of Rogue Sheep,
which won an Apple Design Award for Postage. Chris's new company is Aged & Distilled
with Guy English - which shipped <a href="http://aged-and-distilled.com/napkin/">Napkin</a>,
a Mac app for visual collaboration. Chris is also the co-host of The Record.
He lives on <a href="http://www.ci.bainbridge-isl.wa.us/">Bainbridge Island</a>,
a quick ferry ride from Seattle.`
summary : 'Brent interviews Chris Parrish, co-host of The Record and one-half of Aged & Distilled.'
date_published : '2014-05-09T14:04:00-07:00',
attachments : [
url : 'http://therecord.co/downloads/The-Record-sp1e1-ChrisParrish.m4a'
mime_type : audio/x-m4a
size_in_bytes : 89_970_236
duration_in_seconds : 6_629
Podcast - "Alternate" Equals (=) Variant with (<..-..>) Shortcuts and Auto-Wrap
version = https://jsonfeed.org/version/1
user_comment = 'This is a podcast feed. You can add this feed to your podcast client using the following URL: http://therecord.co/feed.json'
title = 'The Record'
home_page_url = http://therecord.co/
feed_url = http://therecord.co/feed.json
items =
< id = http://therecord.co/chris-parrish
title = 'Special #1 - Chris Parrish'
url = http://therecord.co/chris-parrish
content_text = `Chris has worked at Adobe and as a founder of Rogue Sheep,
which won an Apple Design Award for Postage. Chris's new company is Aged & Distilled
with Guy English - which shipped Napkin, a Mac app for visual collaboration.
Chris is also the co-host of The Record. He lives on Bainbridge Island,
a quick ferry ride from Seattle.`
content_html = `Chris has worked at <a href="http://adobe.com/">Adobe</a> and as a founder of Rogue Sheep,
which won an Apple Design Award for Postage. Chris's new company is Aged & Distilled
with Guy English - which shipped <a href="http://aged-and-distilled.com/napkin/">Napkin</a>,
a Mac app for visual collaboration. Chris is also the co-host of The Record.
He lives on <a href="http://www.ci.bainbridge-isl.wa.us/">Bainbridge Island</a>,
a quick ferry ride from Seattle.`
summary = 'Brent interviews Chris Parrish, co-host of The Record and one-half of Aged & Distilled.'
date_published = 2014-05-09T14:04:00-07:00
attachments =
< url = http://therecord.co/downloads/The-Record-sp1e1-ChrisParrish.m4a
mime_type = audio/x-m4a
size_in_bytes = 89_970_236
duration_in_seconds = 6_629
Tabular Data Package - Frictionless Data
"Classic" Colon (:) Variant
name : s-and-p-500-companies
title : 'S&P 500 Companies with Financial Information'
license : PDDL-1.0
resources : [
name: constituents
path: data/constituents.csv
format: csv
mediatype: text/csv
schema: {
fields: [
{ name: 'Symbol' type: string description: '' }
{ name: 'Name' type: string description: '' }
{ name: 'Sector' type: string description: '' }
name: constituents-financials
path: data/constituents-financials.csv
format: csv
mediatype: text/csv
schema: {
fields: [
{ name: 'Symbol' type: string description: '' }
{ name: 'Name' type: string description: '' }
{ name: 'Sector' type: string description: '' }
{ name: 'Price' type: number description: '' }
{ name: 'Dividend Yield' type: number description: '' }
{ name: 'Price/Earnings' type: number description: '' }
{ name: 'Earnings/Share' type: number description: '' }
{ name: 'Book Value' type: number description: '' }
{ name: '52 week low' type: number description: '' }
{ name: '52 week high' type: number description: '' }
{ name: 'Market Cap' type: number description: '' }
{ name: 'EBITDA' type: number description: '' }
{ name: 'Price/Sales' type: number description: '' }
{ name: 'Price/Book' type: number description: '' }
{ name: 'SEC Filings' type: string format: url description: '' }
"Alternate" Equals (=) Variant with (<..+..>) Shortcuts and Auto-Wrap
name = s-and-p-500-companies
title = 'S&P 500 Companies with Financial Information'
license = PDDL-1.0
resources =
< name = constituents
path = data/constituents.csv
format = csv
mediatype = text/csv
schema = {
fields = < name = 'Symbol' type = string description = ''
+ name = 'Name' type = string description = ''
+ name = 'Sector' type = string description = ''
name = constituents-financials
path = data/constituents-financials.csv
format = csv
mediatype = text/csv
schema = {
fields = < name = 'Symbol' type = string description = ''
+ name = 'Name' type = string description = ''
+ name = 'Sector' type = string description = ''
+ name = 'Price' type = number description = ''
+ name = 'Dividend Yield' type = number description = ''
+ name = 'Price/Earnings' type = number description = ''
+ name = 'Earnings/Share' type = number description = ''
+ name = 'Book Value' type = number description = ''
+ name = '52 week low' type = number description = ''
+ name = '52 week high' type = number description = ''
+ name = 'Market Cap' type = number description = ''
+ name = 'EBITDA' type = number description = ''
+ name = 'Price/Sales' type = number description = ''
+ name = 'Price/Book' type = number description = ''
+ name = 'SEC Filings' type = string format = url description = ''
(Original Source: datasets/s-and-p-500-companies/datapackage.json)
"Classic" Colon (:) Variant
type: FeatureCollection
features: [
type: Feature
geometry: { type: Point coordinates: [ 16.4780312 48.1397436 ] }
properties: {
title : 'Brauerei Schwechat (Brau Union)'
description : '2320 Schwechat // Mautner Markhof-Straße 11'
city : 'Schwechat'
state : 'Niederösterreich'
web : www.schwechater.at
type : 'berwery (l)'
marker-color : '#ff0000'
marker-size : large
type: Feature
geometry: { type: Point coordinates: [ 16.3725042 48.2083537 ] }
properties: {
title : '1516 Brewing Company'
description : '1010 Wien // Krugerstraße 18/Schwarzenbergstraße 2'
city : 'Wien'
state : 'Wien'
web : www.1516brewingcompany.com
type : 'brewpub'
marker-color : '#ffa500'
marker-size : small
"Alternate" Equals (=) Variant with (<..-..>) Shortcuts and Auto-Wrap
type = FeatureCollection
features =
< type = Feature
geometry = { type = Point coordinates = [ 16.4780312 48.1397436 ] }
properties = {
title = 'Brauerei Schwechat (Brau Union)'
description = '2320 Schwechat // Mautner Markhof-Straße 11'
city = 'Schwechat'
state = 'Niederösterreich'
web = www.schwechater.at
type = 'berwery (l)'
marker-color = '#ff0000'
marker-size = large
type = Feature
geometry = { type = Point coordinates = [ 16.3725042 48.2083537 ] }
properties = {
title = '1516 Brewing Company'
description = '1010 Wien // Krugerstraße 18/Schwarzenbergstraße 2'
city = 'Wien'
state = 'Wien'
web = www.1516brewingcompany.com
type = 'brewpub'
marker-color = '#ffa500'
marker-size = small
(Original Source: beerbook/maps/at/at.geojson)
library (github: json-next/json-next) - Use JSONX.convert
or JSONXI.convert
or JSON11.convert
to convert to plain "vanilla" ye old' JSON. Use JSONX.parse
or JSONXI.parse
to convert to hash, array, etc. Note: JSONX.parse
is the same as JSON.parse( JSONX.convert( text ))
"Official" Test Suite (github: jsonx @ json-next/json-next-tests) - includes tests for package.json, feed.json, datapackage.json, geojson, and more
JSON5 is a close relative.
What's missing?
-comments- optional commas for object key-value pairs
- optional commas for array items
- mulit-line strings with backticks (ES6-like)
What's different?
- allows dash (
) in javascript identifiers e.g.core-js
and others - allows underscores (
) in numbers e.g.1_000_000
(instead of10000000
HJSON is a close relative.
What's different?
- HJSON uses
triple double quoted strings for multi-line strings; JSON v11 uses backticks for multi-line strings (like ES6) - HJSON unquoted strings allow spaces and more (until the end of line); JSON v11 only allows identifiers for unquoted strings
Note: JSONX with Extension will add """
and '''
as (alternative) multi-line strings -- FUTURE ADDITION
HanSON is a subset. JSON v11 includes all HanSON extensions ;-)
SON is a subset. JSON v11 includes all SON extensions ;-)
See the Awesome JSON (What's Next?) collection / page.
The JSON with Extensions format is dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.
Questions? Comments?
Post them to the wwwmake forum. Thanks!