A demo application to illustrate how Inertia.js works with Laravel and the Inertia.js Preact Adapter.
This is a modified port of the original Laravel/Vue Ping CRM and the Laravel/React Ping CRM.
The demo is using Laravel Vite conventions for a consistent and organized architecture.
- Main entrypoint is
- SSR entrypoint is
- Components will be placed in the folder
- Layouts will be placed in the folder
- Pages will be placed in the folder
A live demo of the app is available at https://pingcrm-preact.jrson.de/.
The Ping CRM demo is hosted in Germany, and the database is reset every hour. Please be respectful when editing data.
Clone the repo locally:
git clone https://github.com/jrson83/pingcrm-preact.git pingcrm-preact
cd pingcrm-preact
Install PHP dependencies:
composer install
Install NPM dependencies:
npm install
Setup configuration:
cp .env.example .env
Generate application key:
php artisan key:generate
Create an SQLite database. You can also use another database (MySQL, Postgres), simply update your configuration accordingly.
touch database/database.sqlite
Run database migrations:
php artisan migrate
Run database seeder:
php artisan db:seed
Run the dev server (the output will give the address):
php artisan serve
Build assets first time & preview SSR:
npm run preview
You're ready to go! Visit Ping CRM in your browser, and login with:
- Username: [email protected]
- Password: secret
The tests are not working at the moment. To run the Ping CRM tests, run:
- Original work by Jonathan Reinink (@reinink) and contributors
- Port to Ruby on Rails by Georg Ledermann (@ledermann)
- Port to React by Lado Lomidze (@landish)