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🧑🏼‍🍳🍲 OpenTelemetry Collector Cookbook

This repository has a personal collection of OpenTelemetry Collector recipes curated by @jpkrohling.

📔 Recipes

Each directory in this repository is a recipe and has an appropriate readme file with instructions.

This repository grew organically based on tests that I needed to perform in order to verify a bug report, create an example configuration for a Grafana Labs customer, or prepare for a presentation. As such, quite a few recipes lack good descriptions and running instructions. Those recipes are found under "ratatouille".

🥢 Tools used

  • Custom Collector images from my collection of distributions. Anywhere a custom image is being used, you can use contrib if you prefer.
  • telemetrygen is used a lot in this repository to send telemetry data to our Collector instance
  • otelcol-contrib is used as well, both in binary format for local examples, and as container image in examples using Kubernetes
  • k3d is used in the Kubernetes recipes, in order to create a local Kubernetes cluster
  • OpenTelemetry Operator is used in most Kubernetes recipes. See the setup instructions below
  • kubens from the kubectx project

🍴 OpenTelemetry Operator

To get a working instance of the OpenTelemetry Operator, follow the official instructions from the project, but here's a quick summary of what's needed for our purposes:

k3d cluster create

kubectl apply -f
kubectl wait --for=condition=Available deployments/cert-manager -n cert-manager

kubectl apply -f
kubectl wait --for=condition=Available deployments/opentelemetry-operator-controller-manager -n opentelemetry-operator-system

🪳 Bugs

Did you find a bug? Is a recipe confusing, or not working at all? Please open an issue. Make sure to include:

  • the recipe name
  • the command you used to run the recipe
  • the version of the Collector you are using
  • what you expected to see
  • what you saw instead


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