It's location-based social network developed by lvntayn, theoneremains and koniqwe using the Laravel PHP framework.
Live -
Demo Pages -
- git clone projectname
- cd projectname
- composer install
- php artisan key:generate to regenerate secure key
- create new database and edit .env file for DB settings
- php artisan migrate —seed
- edit .env file for APP configuration and Google API Configuration
- storage, bootstrap/cache and public/cache directories should be writable
- php artisan storage:link
- php artisan serve
- Laravel 5.4 (
- Bootstrap (
- Bootstrap Dialog (
- Bootstrap Datepicker (
- Fancybox (
- Font Awesome (
- gmaps (
- SerializeJSON (
- Select2 (
- Create a profile with a username, profile picture, cover picture, bio and personal information
- Share Posts, Images
- Find, follow your friends and send direct message to them
- Make comments on Posts, Images
- Like Posts, Images
- Follow new events with notifications
- Add hobbies
- Become a member of a hobby group automatically and interact with other people
- Hide your profile by sharing your location. Let only the people around you to have access to communicate with you
- Find people around you at the same location, having same hobby and become a member of an automatically created hobby group
There are 7 pages. which are Home Page for Login and Sign Up, TimeLine, Direct Messages and Profile you know.
- Nearby page is for seeing people around you.
- Groups are created automatically for people who share the same hobby. You can see group posts in groups page if you added that specific hobby.
- Following & Followers page shows the list of followers and people you are following.
- alexpechkarev/google-maps
- barryvdh/laravel-debugbar
- barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper
- nesbot/carbon
- PHP 5.6.4