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Releases: jorgecarleitao/arrow2


16 Jul 01:59
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.16.0...v0.17.0


09 Feb 05:26
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A new release is here! Thank you everyone that contributed to it! 🙇

Full Changelog

Breaking changes:

Fixed bugs:

  • invalid written parquet file of nested structures. (Mixing list with structs) #1325
  • Fix incorrect downcast in estimated_size_bytes #1351 (jleibs)
  • fix(parquet): nested struct /list writing #1347 (ritchie46)
  • Fixed csv infer_schema on empty fields #1342 (tripokey)


Documentation updates:

Testing updates:

New Contributors


18 Dec 17:46
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A new release is here, adding a number of new features and improvements to arrow2. Thank you to everyone that contributed to it!

This release adds support to a new format, the "record" JSON format, contributed by @AnIrishDuck, a new trait TryExtendFromSelf to efficiently concatenate an array into an existing mutable array, and multiple improvements by @sundy-li and @ritchie46 to performance. Finally, we have a new API OffsetsBuffer and Offsets proposed by @ritchie46 to allow creating variable sized-arrays without having to check for offsets.

This release also features a number of contributions from first contributors:

Thank you everyone for the great work this year, and happy festivities everyone!

Full Changelog

Breaking changes:

New features:

Fixed bugs:

  • Parquet writes all values of sliced arrays? #1323
  • Avro schema: Invalid record names #1269
  • Fixed writing nested/sliced arrays to parquet #1326 (ritchie46)
  • Fixed failing to accept dictionary full of nulls #1312 (ritchie46)
  • Added support for Extension types in ffi #1300 (jondo2010)
  • Fixed error in memory usage of sliced binary/list/utf8arrays #1293 (ritchie46)
  • Fixed descending ordering when specify nulls first #1286 (sandflee)
  • Added avro record names when converting arrow schema to avro #1279 (Samrose-Ahmed)


Documentation updates:


27 Sep 06:30
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A couple of backward-compatible bug fixes and improvements that everyone benefits from :)

Thank you @cjermain, @shaeqahmed and @ozgrakkurt! 🙇

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Fixed bugs:


Testing updates:


12 Sep 06:13
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Another release of arrow2 is here!

Besides API improvements to reading IPC and parquet, there are two main new features, the ability to memory map arrow files (check out and support for decimal 256.

The following had their first time contribution to their crate:

Thank you everyone for all the issues, PRs and ideas!

Full Changelog

Breaking changes:

New features:

Fixed bugs:


Documentation updates:

Testing updates:


04 Aug 05:53
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Full Changelog

Thanks @daniel-martinez-maqueda-sap!

Fixed bugs:


31 Jul 20:19
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A new version (0.13) is now available on! 🎉🎉🎉🎉

This is another large release of arrow2. Among the many, many changes (see below), it is worth noting:

  • Added copy-on-write API to perform operations in place, improving performance of expressions like (a + b) * 2 by a factor of 2-10x
  • Added support to read from Apache ORC format
  • Added support for projection and limit pushdown when reading from Arrow IPC format
  • Added support for f16

Thank you to the numerous contributors, both via PRs and issues, that resulted in this fantastic release 🙇

Breaking changes:

New features:

Fixed bugs:


Read more


05 Jun 12:09
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A new version of arrow2 is now available in 🎉🎉🎉

See below all great things that were released 🚀. But before that, thank you so much to everyone that contributed to this release: 🙇

@ahmedriza, @dexterduck, @GPSnoopy, @HaoYang670, @SimonSchneider, @TurnOfACard, @aptr322, @arxra, @b41sh, @cjermain, @dbr, @jorgecarleitao, @ritchie46

Breaking changes:

New features:

Fixed bugs:

  • Writing of ListArray does not preserve all values #1008
  • Write a two-dimensional list to parquet file failed #992
  • Writing to Parquet fails for extension types that contain lists #830
  • Fixed using lower limit than size of first parquet row group #1046 (arxra)
  • Fixed error in consuming sliced FixedSizedBinary from c data interface (FFI) #1026 (jorgecarleitao)
  • Fixed lexsort limit equal or greater than row_count #1021 (b41sh)
  • Fixed error in reading nested parquet structs #1015 (jorgecarleitao)
  • Fixed panic on debug print of invalid timezones #1013 (jorgecarleitao)
  • Treat empty timezone string as no-timezone #1009 (dbr)
  • Fixed encoding of NaN to json #990 (SimonSchneider)
  • Fixed error in writing ListArray to parquet #984 (jorgecarleitao)
  • Fixed decoding Binary Plain pages with dictionary pages #982 (aptr322)


Documentation updates:

Testing updates:


05 May 20:45
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Full Changelog

New features:

Fixed bugs:



27 Apr 21:12
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Arrow2 v0.11.0 is out!! 🎉🎉🎉

This release is mainly focus on improving upon the previous one on better parquet support. In particular, we have the main ingredients to read indexed parquet pages, which allow skipping deserializing individual pages, and since this version parquet files are written with page indexes. There is still some work to improve the frontend API to skip pages via statistics, which will be left for the next version.

This version also contains multiple bug fixes.

Thanks everyone that contributed to this release (individual PRs below)! 🙇


Full Changelog

Breaking changes:

New features:

Fixed bugs:

  • Parquet regression: exceptions.ArrowErrorException: NotYetImplemented("Can't read Dictionary(UInt32, LargeUtf8, false) from parquet") #955
  • Reading Parquet binary column panics during deserialization 'attempt to subtract with overflow` #944
  • Reading Parquet file written by pyarrow with lz4 compression fails with OutOfSpec("Thrift out of range") #940
  • Issues when trying to create a parquet file with FixedSizedListArray #691
  • Fixed bug in writing csv with buffer resizing #965 (ritchie46)
  • Fixed bug in reading binary parquet #945 (jorgecarleitao)
  • Fixed error in writing fixedSizeListArray to parquet #941 (jorgecarleitao)
  • Fixed support to read dict nested binary parquet #924 (jorgecarleitao)


Documentation updates:

Testing updates: