My own site was using the Smigle as I really like the concept of simplicity, lite weight with no javascript and tracking. However there were aspects that I didn't like. I found myself making far more CSS hacks than I would like. Therefore took the decision to create a new version of the theme with the changes included.
On the face of it, there isn't many changes from Smigle, however the changes I've made are as follows:
- Removed the need for a user profile image.
- Removed the site tag line, I'm not cool enough for one of those.
- Removed the time to read post.
- Removed the word count of posts.
- Stripped down the post meta data listings.
- Updated the taxonomies pages to just be lists with a count, no additional styles.
- Updated the footer to include a reference back to Smigle and smol.
- Various spacing changes and CSS tweaks to address the removal of elements.
This theme still retains the concept of the previous two themes of which it's based:
- No JavaScript
- No Google spyware or tracking of any kind
- No other external dependencies, embedded fonts or comment sections
From the root of your site:
git submodule add themes/smigle-lite
To try out the theme prior to changing your site to use the theme, you can start up the example site within the theme.
git clone
cd example-site
hugo server --source . --themesDir ../../ --theme smigle-lite
Open your web browser to http://localhost:1313 to view the demo of the theme.
From the root of your site:
git submodule foreach git pull origin main
hugo new site mysite -f yaml
cd mysite
git init
git submodule add themes/smigle-lite
# update config.yaml theme variable to be theme: smigle-lite
hugo server
The example-site has a configuration that shows the following:
- menu:main :- Example on how to set the menu items at the top of the site.
- params:latest :- how to enable the latest posts at the bottom of post content, and the number of posts to show. params:abbrDateFmt :- This is the format for short date formats this is used within the /posts to show all posts by year.
- params:dateFmt :- The format of the data shown in the post meta sections.
- params:social :- List of links to be displayed in the footer of the site. This is a key value pair, with the name, and url to navigate to.
- params:license :- configures if a license is presented in the footer for the site contents. If no license do not include this configuration item. If there is a license then two sub items have to be added for the name and url.
Have you found a bug or got an idea for a new feature? Feel free to use the issue tracker to let me know. Or make directly a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Ian S. McBride : The author and maintainer of the Hugo Smigle Theme of which this theme is based upon.
- colorchestra : Maintainer of smol of which Smigle was derived.
- Hugo the static site generator that makes this all possible.