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User Experience Journey

You can follow the steps below to experience the basic functions.

Note that during your operation, other accounts may be operating concurrently.

Ensure that your operation steps are not affected by other accounts.

If you encounter any issues, please submit an issue.

  • Register an account, assuming the username is username, and register successfully to log in to the system

    • New registered accounts have the administrator role by default.
  • Click on the left sidebar System - Permissions, enter the permission management page, and click on the Sync UI and Reload API buttons in the top right corner of the table

    • Clicking Sync UI will synchronize the frontend permissions to the database
    • Clicking Reload API will load all backend API permissions into the database
  • Click on the left sidebar System - Roles, enter the role management page.

  • Click the Add button, add a role, assuming the role name is role, and select all permissions except:

    • Button - Add User
    • Menu - System - Audits
    • System - User - Update user status
  • Click on the left sidebar System - Users, enter the user management page, and search for your own user by username

  • Click on the right-hand side ··· - Edit, in the edit box, select only the newly created role role, and save the changes

    • At this point, your user username has the role role and all the permissions of role, except for the three permissions that were not selected
  • Click on the top right corner of the page, select Refresh to refresh your user data and permission data. After the data is refreshed, the following changes will occur:

    • The + Add button is no longer displayed, because role does not have the Button - Add User permission
    • The left sidebar no longer displays the System - Audit menu, because role does not have the Menu - System - Audit permission
    • When you click on the status switch button for users other than admin, you will be redirected to an error page, because role does not have the System - User - Update User Status API permission
  • Finally, you can assign all the permissions to the role role in the System - Roles page. After refreshing the user data, you can view the effect.

Running the Project

To run the project, you need to first clone the source code and navigate to the project's root directory.

git clone [email protected]:jinganix/admin-starter.git
cd admin-starter


Running with docker-compose

If you have docker and docker-compose installed, you can start the backend service using the following command:

./gradlew build
docker-compose up --build

Running with Gradle

You need to install JDK with the corresponding version specified in .tool-versions. Start a MySQL database and Redis.

Modify the application-local.yml file to configure the backend services of the project.

The following command can be used to start the backend services on a Linux or macOS system:

./gradlew service:admin-starter:bootRun

The following command can be used to start the backend services on a Windows system:

./gradlew.bat service:admin-starter:bootRun


You need to install node.js with the version specified in .tool-versions.

Running the Commands

git clone [email protected]:jinganix/admin-starter.git
cd admin-starter/frontend/admin
npm install
npm start


If you are interested in reporting/fixing issues and contributing directly to the code base, please see for more information on what we're looking for and how to get started.