Alert dashboard for Prometheus Alertmanager.
Alertmanager UI is useful for browsing alerts and managing silences, but it's
lacking as a dashboard tool - unsee aims to fill this gap.
Starting with 0.7.0
release it can also aggregate alerts from multiple
Alertmanager instances, running either in HA mode or separate. Duplicated alerts
are deduplicated so only unique alerts are displayed. Each alert is tagged with
names of all Alertmanager instances it was found at and can be filtered based
on those tags.
To get notifications about new unsee releases you can subscribe to the RSS feed that GitHub provides - To get email notifications please use one of the free services providing RSS to email notifications, like Blogtrottr.
Alertmanager's API isn't stable yet and can change between releases,
in mock/Makefile for list of all Alertmanager
releases that are tested and supported by unsee.
Due to API differences between those releases some features will work
differently or be missing, it's recommended to use the latest supported
Alertmanager version.
The unsee process doesn't send any API request to the Alertmanager that could modify alerts or silence state, but it does provide a web interface that allows a user to send such requests directly to the Alertmanager API. If you wish to deploy unsee as a read-only tool please ensure that:
- the unsee process is able to connect to the Alertmanager API
- read-only users are able to connect to the unsee web interface
- read-only users are NOT able to connect to the Alertmanager API
unsee process metrics are accessible under /metrics
path by default.
If you set the WEB_PREFIX option a path relative to it will be
To clone git repo and build the binary yourself run:
git clone $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
To finally compile unsee
the binary run:
Note that building locally from sources requires Go, nodejs and npm. See Docker build options below for instructions on building from withing docker container.
is configured via environment variables or command line flags.
Environment variable ALERTMANAGER_URIS
or cli flag -alertmanager.uris
is the
only option required to run. See Environment variables
section below for the full list of supported environment variables. Examples:
ALERTMANAGER_URIS=default: unsee
unsee -alertmanager.uris default:
There is a make target which will compile and run unsee:
make run
By default it will listen on port 8080
and Alertmanager mock data will be
used, to override Alertmanager URI set ALERTMANAGER_URIS
and/or PORT
variables. Example:
make PORT=5000 ALERTMANAGER_URIS=default: run
Official docker images are built and hosted on
Images are built automatically for:
- release tags in git -
- master branch commits -
To start a release image run:
docker run -e ALERTMANAGER_URIS=default: cloudflare/unsee:vX.Y.Z
Latest release details can be found on GitHub.
To start docker image build from lastet master branch run:
docker run -e ALERTMANAGER_URIS=default: cloudflare/unsee:latest
Note that latest master branch might have bugs or breaking changes. Using release images is strongly recommended for any production use.
make docker-image
This will build a Docker image from sources.
make run-docker
Will run locally built Docker image. Same defaults and override variables
apply as with make run
. Example:
make PORT=5000 ALERTMANAGER_URIS=default: run-docker
Timeout for requests send to Alertmanager, accepts values in time.Duration format. Examples:
This option can also be set using -alertmanager.timeout
flag. Example:
$ unsee -alertmanager.timeout 2m
Default is 40s
Interval for refreshing alerts and silences, tells unsee how often pull new data from Alertmanager, accepts values in time.Duration format. Examples:
This option can also be set using -alertmanager.ttl
flag. Example:
$ unsee -alertmanager.ttl 5m
Default is 1m
Note that the maximum value for this option is 15m
The UI has a watchdog that tracks the timestamp of the last pull. If the UI
does not receive updates for more than 15 minutes it will print an error and
reload the page.
List of Alertmanager instances URI, unsee will use it to pull alert groups and silences from all defined instances and deduplicate all alerts. API endpoints in use:
- ${ALERTMANAGER_URI}/api/v1/alerts/groups
- ${ALERTMANAGER_URI}/api/v1/silences
Expected syntax:
${name1}:${uri} ${name2}:{uri}
Supported URI schemes:
- http://
- https://
- file://
scheme is only useful for testing purposes, it's used for make run
ALERTMANAGER_URIS="prod: staging:"
This option can also be set using -alertmanager.uris
flag. Example:
$ unsee -alertmanager.uris "prod: staging:"
This variable is required and there is no default value.
Enabling this option will hide all annotations in the UI, except for those
that are listed in the ANNOTATIONS_VISIBLE
This option can also be set using -annotations.default.hidden
flag. Example:
$ unsee -annotations.default.hidden
Default is false
, which means that all annotations are visible.
List of annotation names that should be hidden in the UI. Hidden annotations can still be accessed if needed by clicking on a zoom button that will appear if there are any hidden annotations.
ANNOTATIONS_HIDDEN="summary owner"
This option can also be set using -annotations.hidden
flag. Example:
$ unsee -annotations.hidden "summary owner"
This variable is optional and default is not set (all annotations are visible),
List of annotation names that should be visible in the UI. This option is only
is set.
all annotations are hidden by default unless
they are present in the ANNOTATIONS_VISIBLE
is not enabled this option is no-op.
This option can also be set using -annotations.visible
flag. Example:
$ unsee -annotations.visible "summary owner"
This variable is optional and default is not set.
is enabled then all annotations are hidden by default.
is not enabled then all annotations are visible by
Will enable gin debug mode. This will configure to print out more debugging information on startup and enable debug endpoints.
This option can also be set using -debug
flag. Example:
$ unsee -debug
Default is false
List of label names that will all have the same color applied (different than the default label color). This allows to quickly spot a specific label that can have high range of values, but it's important when reading the dashboard. For example coloring the instance label allows to quickly learn which instance is affected by given alert. Accepts space separated list of label names. Examples:
COLOR_LABELS_STATIC="instance cluster"
This option can also be set using -color.labels.static
flag. Example:
$ unsee -color.labels.static "instance cluster"
This variable is optional and default is not set (no label will have static color).
List of label names that should have unique colors generated in the UI. Colors can help visually identify alerts with shared labels, for example coloring hostname label will allow to quickly spot all alerts for the same host. Accepts space separated list of label names. Examples:
COLOR_LABELS_UNIQUE="cluster environment rack"
This option can also be set using -color.labels.unique
flag. Example:
$ unsee -color.labels.unique "cluster environment rack"
This variable is optional and default is not set (no label will have unique color).
Default alert filter to apply when user loads unsee UI without any filter specified. Accepts comma separated list of filter expressions (visit /help page in unsee for details on filters). Examples:
This option can also be set using -filter.default
flag. Example:
$ unsee -filter.default "cluster=prod,instance=~prod"
Default is not set (no filter will be applied).
This allows to define regex rules that will be applied to silence comments. Regex rules will be used to discover JIRA issue IDs in the comment text and inject links to those issues, instead of rendering as plain text. Rule syntax:
$(regex)@$(jira url)
Accepts space separated list of rules. Examples:
The above will match DEVOPS-123 text in the silence comment string and convert
it to
This option can also be set using -jira.regex
flag. Example:
$ unsee -jira.regex "DEVOPS-[0-9]+@"
This variable is optional and default is not set (no rule will be applied).
List of label names to show on the UI, all other labels will be stripped. This allows to hide all labels except selected few that are useful on the alert dashboard. Accepts space separated list of label names. Examples:
KEEP_LABELS="host severity"
This option can also be set using -keep.labels
flag. Example:
$ unsee -keep.labels "host severity"
This variable is optional and default is not set (all labels will be shown).
HTTP port to listen on. Example:
This option can also be set using -port
flag. Example:
$ unsee -port 8000
Default is 8080
DSN for Sentry integration in Go. See Sentry documentation for details. Example:
This option can also be set using -sentry.dsn
flag. Example:
$ unsee -sentry.dsn "https://<key>:<secret><project>"
This variable is optional and default is not set (Sentry support is disabled for Go errors).
DSN for Sentry integration in javascript. See Sentry documentation for details. Example:
This option can also be set using -sentry.public.dsn
flag. Example:
$ unsee -sentry.public.dsn "https://<key><project>"
This variable is optional and default is not set (Sentry support is disabled for javascript errors).
List of label names that should not be shown on the UI. This allows to hide some labels that are not needed on the alert dashboard. Accepts space separated list of label names. Examples:
STRIP_LABELS="prometheus_instance alert_type"
This option can also be set using -strip.labels
flag. Example:
$ unsee -strip.labels "prometheus_instance alert_type"
This variable is optional and default is not set (all labels will be shown).
URL root for unsee, you can use to if you wish to serve it from location other than /. Examples:
This will configure unsee to serve requests from http://localhost/unsee/ instead http://localhost/.
This option can also be set using -web.prefix
flag. Example:
$ unsee -web.prefix /unsee/
Default is /
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
Apache License 2.0, please see LICENSE.