A small, simple OhMyZsh plugin which creates a daily notes file in your homefolder ($HOME/zshnotes) and timestamps any entries, accessed by using "note" and "cnote" in the terminal
Start by adding a note :
$ note I need to get tomatoes
Then see your added note (with timestamp) :
$ cnote
############### DAILY NOTES FOR 07-22-20 ################
06:13:06 PM: I need to get tomatoes
You can always add another :
$ note I had a great conversation with my colleague today
It will have an accurate timestamp :
$ ##########################################################
############### DAILY NOTES FOR 07-22-20 ################
06:13:06 PM: I need to get tomatoes
06:15:20 PM: I had a great conversation with my colleague today
You can see yesterday's note as well :
$ ynote
############### DAILY NOTES FOR 07-21-20 ################
07:20:06 PM: get tomatoes tomorrow
06:15:20 PM: I need to talk to my colleague tomorrow.
Thats it!
To install, clone the repo into ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins
(ZSH plugins don't allow dashes, so make sure you clone it into a single-word folder):
git clone https://github.com/jameshgrn/zshnotes/ ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zshnotes
Then add it to your list of plugins in ~/.zshrc
(e.g plugins=(zshnotes)
I took much of this README from github user AlexisBRENON: check out their project here